Now the world knows how to down an American drone simply and cheaply. No missiles needed.
I don't think the MIT PHD design engineer ever thought hosing down the drone with jet fuel was a viable attack strategy.
I noticed the jet didn't just settle down in front of the drone and just throw up a cloud of fuel in front of it. Too much risk of creating a fuel air bomb using the drone as an ignition source. Very smart. Also, if it did what they planned it to do, overspeed the turboprop engine, the drone would end up in the back seat of the fighter. Very smart again.
There was a time they said they lost video for 30 seconds or something. The turbine engine probably over sped due to a massive increase in fuel in the combustion chamber and circuit breakers started tripping and safety shut offs kicked in. So, either the turbine would start throwing ceramic metal blades through the engine casing or... it would severely over torque the propeller, bending and throwing blades there.
No fighter pilot in their right mind would risk their aircraft or themselves rubbing against a high speed turboprop with the aircraft belly. I think the unlikely scenario of dousing the drone with fuel caused an overspeed condition that destroyed the propeller.
They did this over water. More and larger parts to recover vs scattered across a few miles of dirt and be about the size of a pinky fingernail. I also wonder if the same engineer that designed the drone designed the self destruct, if it has one. Why would you need to waterproof the detonator, its an aircraft not a submarine. So, critical components are probably intact.
The Russian officer that came up with this attack strategy is going to get a medal. This was not amateurish or unprofessional pilot behavior. I think someone carefully thought this all out and implemented it to snag a drone.
In case you don't understand the use it or lose it method of government funding, you might want to look that up.
I was on a ship in to 90's. Our captain told us to order everything we could and sent the mechanical division on a shopping spree to Sears. They bought every tool they could think of. His justification was, "use it or lose it". Thats how government funding works. Sad but true. It will NEVER decrease.
It was said adding iodine to salt after WWII raised the national IQ level by about 15 points. It handles radiation poisoning from the isotope of iodine by preventing it from building up in your thyroid. (good iodine vs radioactive iodine) That's a metabolism thing. Also, where do you think your stomach acid, hydro CHLORIC acid comes from? An acid bush? Spicy food?
A lot of stomach and digestive issues come from doctors recommending patients reduce their salt intake. Salt can raise blood pressure but it is not the cause of high blood pressure.
You don't NEED a crust or bark on your steak, you NEED iodine and sodium chloride. Level it out over the day and your blood pressure won't spike if you are of the high blood pressure persuasion.
So, all those times I had a common cold I could have died? Why didn't my doctor recommend <insert pharma product here> so I could live? Wait am I dead already? Do we even know anymore, because I can get 9 minutes of CPR and be on TV 10 days later clapping my hands and what not as long as my face is covered...
You are watching a movie.
So, more wide ranging chaos and uncertainty. Got it. Cue fearful sheeple to create another panic thing for some odd reason. The unvaccinated will explode and destroy the ice caps!!!
Ooh, double points for covid and climate scare.
And then the exploding ice caps will cause "died suddenly" leading to more death and destruction.
The madness ends when you say it does, people. Its just silly at this point.
Well, even the caps on top of nuclear valves are welded on a Trident submarine. Zero leakage is the criteria. It costs a lot ($2.2 BN in my day) but it is well worth it. This is fake news.
TLDR, there are no "bolts" in a Trident S8G core reactor.
Maybe it was a steam trap.
If you take the test and it's positive, then what?
Rush to the hospital?
Call your doctor?
What does it even mean anymore?
Are you going to die? Probably not.
Do you feel sick? Stay home and stop spreading a disease. If not, go to work, slacker. Asymptomatic = not sick.
If you actually had covid it would manifest as a lack of common sense. Stop being so stupid, people.
My wife has been noticing the hype in weather reporting. Things that were just normal weather events are now all catastrophes waiting to happen. Its almost like they want you afraid of absolutely everything.
Just calm down, use some common sense (like its 10 degrees here, which is not normal, so don't spend a lot of time outside. or bundle up if you do.)
I delivered newspapers as a kid during a Chicago blizzard in the 70's. Just threw an extra pair of pants and socks on and had to ditch my bike for a sled, due to the snow drifts. A non-event in my eyes.
Notice the weather maps show 80 degree areas of the country as "red", nowadays. Red used to indicate danger. Now its "the norm"? When did 80 degrees in the summer warrant any kind of red warning? (several people have already posted pictures between then and now in the US and UK, so check those out.) Sensationalism at its best.
Not to downplay a hurricane or anything referenced here. I was in Hurricane Sally, a piddly Cat 2 but my 22 year old truck is the worse for wear as far as paint. My wife and I went outside when the winds stopped to survey damage and were going to walk around the neighborhood to see what happened, then the winds picked up. We were just in the eye at that point. Another 5 hrs later it finally went over and died down. No laughing matter, there folks.
Tornadoes are a very bad thing. Whip through with 180+ MPH winds in minutes and wreak havoc and destruction in a nice small line instantly,. A hurricane pounds you for hours and then changes wind directions, like mother nature just screwing you over every which way. Slow, very painful torture. Was in Hurricane Katrina when it went over Miami on its way to New Orleans. Scared me and my wife to death. I had never heard the wind moan across a window all night long before. Sandbags on the hotel doors to keep the water out... it didn't. A newly erected bridge segment was installed over the toll road there, got lifted up from the winds and slammed down on the road just like that. WOW!
But these areas are used to this kind of weather, always have been, and recover in days. Work crews go out and handle it all in stride. Help them where you can because when your neighbor's electricity is restored, so is yours. Just do the right thing and help them out. Common sense.
Only Hurricane Sally was recent. Most happened over 30 years ago. None of this is new or unusual. Florida managed to pull of an election days after Ian. Shake it off, rub some dirt on it, get over it and live your life.
So, I will shut up now and not get in to the 7.2 Earthquake, 50 miles from epicenter, underwater, on a submarine. Is God trying to tell me something?
Can't she use just a tiny amount of that for some invisiline stuff? Just saying.
Damn woman, just fix them teeth!
And all these gold tooth jokers out there, you HAVE heard about the new porcelain, right?
Just ask anyone in Hollywood, for crying out loud.
Can't anyone download wikipedia to like their own computer? Can't they then edit it as they will, regardless of MSM interference or "fact checkers"? And them publish it online as their own "wikipedia - for real"? Just wondering if anyone has a global platform that can do that kind of thing? Hey, wait a minute... Someone tweet Elon about this! (I don't have a twitter account)
Looks a little orange-ish, got that hair swoop going for him. I think its a clone. Have you been fantasizing about Trump when, you know, are doing things?
Congratulations on a wonderful new human being ushered into this world, friend!
Just wait til he starts talking. Make note of the pronunciation of "Chyna"! Sure top kek, there.
I think you underestimate the effects. Probably more like 1,400. Got to keep that population under control. Don't want any panic or anything. Sure a lot have doctors may have died. It won't effect you in any way... unless you get sick and maybe need a doctor or something.
I would recommend you all download the sea captain's medical manual. You're probably going to need it.
Since when did you guys in the history of forever think that people do not traffic in your personal information? Are your really this stupid? I don't mean to offend those of you that know how this all works but "free" is not what you think it means.
I used to listen to a radio host that said if the service is free, you are the currency.
Think Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon (even though they charge you for Prime - so they sell your info AND charge you for it). Its so disheartening.
Thanks for catching that. Ha!