The CA High-Speed Rail Project is one of the biggest money laundering scams in history. The money just keeps disappearing and there is nothing to show for it. You can't just keep saying we don't track the money for these projects.
It looks like the legal fund money is going straight to the lawyer's account.
It's not over. The judge says he has to face a charge of criminal negligent homicide.
Assemblyman Jake Blemencranz is a Republican, who is running for re-election in New York. Give him a follow on X.
HAHA! Funniest thing I've heard all day.
"Your morale core is magnificent."
On what planet? Presenting evidence with edited videos? C'mon, Whoop. She's drinking too much of the koolaid OR she's on the payroll.
This apparently happened in 2022 in Oregon and it looks like they euthanized the squirrel there, too.
This link worked for me:
Pronouns are done. If you use pronouns on your LinkedIn profile, recruiters say they bypass those candidates as "problem" placements.
Remember when Kamala used to introduce herself with her pronouns of she/her?
You're correct. This is Dr. Meryl Nass breaking down the globalist agenda.
Details here under Election Official Contact Details
Calling her answers "word salad" is offensive to salads everywhere!
The stepmother took the videos. She was fully blamed and she is serving 25 years but there are text messages between her and the child's father. The father tells her not to give him dinner. The child begged for food and died of starvation. He also had black eyes and bones protruding. CPS, the police, and everyone around this child failed him. It's a tragedy.
That was my thought. This is the lead headline on The Daily Mail today - "Doug's Dark Past" - is it to distract from Walz's poor performance at the debate? It seems to be a bit of the left eating its own.
Obama Would Have to Hunt for Dog Meat in Jakarta -
Brian May Chides Eric Clapton’s Anti-Vax Stance as Delta Spreads "Anti-vax people, I’m sorry, I think they’re fruitcakes," said the Queen guitarist
He addresses that and says he was told in order to keep his Hollywood career, he had to stop saying negative things about Kamala. Then, Biden added Kamala to the ticket, they won, and he lost his contracts in Hollywood. What a shock, they lied:
More about his story:
August 29, 2021 - Ex-GREAT WHITE Singer JACK RUSSELL Urges Everyone To Get Vaccinated: 'It's No Big Deal'
The media doesn't even know who was shot!
During an appearance on FNC’s “Your World,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) called on Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle to publicly appear before the Senate Homeland Security Committee in the wake of the attempted assassination of former President Joe Biden.
She's an idiot. The PCR does not work for everything, according to the guy who created the PCR test. Dr. Kary Mullis said the PCR test would be misused and its use would be filled with fraud. Conveniently, Mullis died unexpectedly in 2019.
What a mess.
James trying to confirm this drone footage of suspect alive prior to shooting:
I think it's a glitch. It's happening to everyone.
Serious security gaps when locals have to point out a man bear crawling with a rifle on a roof. Secret Service should have been posted on the roof of all buildings around the location. Police should have been more proactive.
I saw President Reagan speak decades ago before an upcoming election and they had sharp shooters on the building, Secret Service everywhere, State and Local Police everywhere, metal detectors, and it was locked down like Fort Knox.
Name every single one that approved, led, or participated in these animal torture sessions. Charges need to be filed. Lock them away. There is no excuse for any of this level of EVIL.