Yes, she seemed very genuine and upset about their current situation. It was a live video on tiktok so unfortunately there is no way to rewatch it. But if you go to Ty's tiktok his moms account is on there and there are videos about what has been going on.
There seems to be a lot of corrupt stuff going on with this case involving dads new attorney and the newly appointed judge. I watched an interview that mom did earlier today where she went into full detail about everything going on and all that they have tried to do up to this point.
Also, I just wanted to mention the the end of Semitah was on Sunday. Judging from the past, the end of Shemitah always seems to bring some sort of huge disaster. Julie Green also talks about this is one of her most recent videos.
Yeah, that's what I thought at first as well. But I remember being under Obama. My husband and I had just started our family and it always felt like we were up shot creek with out a paddle. But, I always knew that everything was going to be ok. I always knew that God would provide for us. This feeling is something totally different though.
I hope so! I just feel like a lot of us will end up being collateral damage on their way down. We still have a ways to go before those bastards fall.
RSBN hasn't really covered any of it. They stood on one of the bridges and filmed the convoy heading to the beltway on Sunday. And then they filmed one of the meetings that the leaders had with MTG and Cruz on tuesday. That is about it. Haven't seen OANN around at all.
I am not part of the convoy. I have to much livestock to take care of and was unable to attend. Thank you for showing your support to all of them ❤
Also has a channel on rumble under Jeff Mac. Op listed the other ones that I follow as well.
This definitely history. So many people coming together for the love of their country and its a beautiful sight. Thanks for the post op. Been watching the stream all day.
While watching the live stream last night one of the truckers got up and spoke and he said that before him and his wife left their home he hung a lantern in their window. That light from the lantern he said represents freedom. I have a light in my window for freedom and for those of you who care should do the same. We should all be doing our part even if we were unable to join.
Let Freedom Ring!!! God Bless America!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I will probably get downvoted for this, and at this point I don't care. 🤷♀️
But it seems that nobody on this site really cares about our convoy. Thousands of our men, women and even children are leaving the comfort of their homes and traveling to the capitol to demand our freedoms back.
All that people care about on here is Russia, Ukraine, covid, and of course the Canadian convoy. None of those things are going to matter if we don't start trying to save our own country. Prerty sad that the Canadian convoy received more attention here than our very own convoy.
To the people always making fun of the "sheep" for looking where the media tells them to look, you all are doing exactly the same damn thing.
Agreed. I was just curious of anybody had some hard facts that I could show to my husband. I tried to search but even then it's hard to get the truth.
Nope! I have also not been paying much attention to the war. My attention has been on the convoy.
I know that, however my husband and his dad are non-stop news watchers. Makes me crazy!
Oklahoma State Police counted 7,000 before they had even reached Big Cabin. More than likely it will go over 10,000 once they reach their destination in Indiana. It has been reported by Oreo Express that 6 more convoys are converging in Indiana which is why they are staying at their stop tonight for two nights.
Here is the ful video. 8 minutes long and pretty fecking awesome!!!
Very good points! I'm sure normies are jumping for joy right now about covid being gone but at the same time shitting their pants because "Russia bad" and ww3.
My bad, I missed that. None the less, the boots still remind me of Juan.
I know that Juan O Savin is very unpopular around here. I even have my doubts in regards to some of the things that he says. However I seen those boots and the first thing that I thought of was him...
I am with you fren! Being awake is a blessing and a curse. The loneliness is overbearing at times. Lean on God for comfort, and remember to take care of yourself. Write your feelings/thoughts down. I know it sounds cheesy but this is something that helps me. As hard as it is, sometimes you have to step away from the noise to get your bearings straight. People don't like to step out of their comfort zones and the things that we know are way out of most everybody's comfort zone. We were chosen for this by the most high God. He knows your pain.
The timing of the Ukraine situation was pretty crazy huh? I mentioned this to my husband last night and he told me this was not to distract from the freedom convoys, and that coincidences do happen.
Stupid headlines get me everytime and I always have to check to see if it's Babylon bee. 🤣
I have always had this feeling that Putin is good. He wants nothing to do with the NWO. And he is proving right now that he will stop it at all costs. Pray 🙏🏼
The female reporter that got hit with the baton actually interviewed him shortly after her incident and he was ok.
The biggest way to cut the hold that Satan is trying like hell to gain over us is to have no fear. Fear brings our energy levels down which makes for an easier target. Much love and light to all!!!