huggamoogle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess I should have prefaced this with saying that using my phone for work is completely voluntary. I’m fortunate enough to work from home and if I’m all caught up on my work, I can go do other things and walk away from my computer. By having my email on my phone, it gives me the freedom to walk away from my computer for a while but still not miss something important.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was my red pill moment. I’ve always been a skeptical person but the Boston marathon bombing opened my eyes to false flags and our government’s willingness to kill it’s own people to further their socialist/NWO agenda.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +2 / -1

I can’t take credit. I read Flynn’s post and noticed the misspelling. It stuck out to me but I hadn’t sorted it out yet. Then I came across this Telegram post within a few minutes: https://t.me/qthestormrider777/1117

huggamoogle 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel pretty confident that the plane on the tarmac with people trying to hang onto it was totally fake. Which makes me question some of the other video and images coming out. Plus the fact that Trump had the current taliban leader released from prison and then Pompeo met with that same guy last year. Seems like a white hat movie to me.

huggamoogle 5 points ago +5 / -0

I grew up non denominational because I think the denominations are silly and unnecessary. I’ve never understood the Catholic faith placing the pope on such a high pedestal, he’s not Jesus. A good friend of mine leads worship at a Methodist Church so we visited recently and I was bothered that the preacher mentioned the Wesleyan beliefs more than he did the Bible.

I’m sorry you’re going through this but in my opinion, I think leaving the Catholic Church could be the best thing for you. Find a church that doesn’t place any single person above another. We are all sinners at Christ’s feet. Also a focus on scripture and not someone else’s opinion (I’m looking at you Joel Osteen...).

huggamoogle 4 points ago +4 / -0

For real though, we all knew it was a false flag immediately. They can’t fool us anymore.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like your optimism, you’re gonna do great. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this shit though.

huggamoogle 4 points ago +4 / -0

Power through, I know it’s hard. Document every conversation you have with her include her dismissing your concerns about migraines and your already established medical exemption. Take all this to court if they fire you. That is wrongful termination. But don’t quit if you can (unless you find another better job, that’s how I got out of mask wearing at work).

huggamoogle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m west of San Antonio and got the Amber and blue alert tonight. The amber alert is for a teenager abducted in NC but his phone pinged in Dallas today. The Blue alert is a for a LEO near Wichita Falls who was shot during a traffic stop earlier this evening and the suspect got away. Luckily the officer was hit in his bullet proof vest and is expected to be just fine.

huggamoogle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was he a new customer of that bank? Most banks have ten day holds for new customers to confirm they aren’t bringing fraudulent funds into the account.

huggamoogle 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was a bank teller for many years and we have always had rules when it comes to cashing large checks. Anything over $10k, we always asked they make an appointment in advance so we could order more cash from our main vault to have on hand. Most banks don’t keep as much cash on hand as people think for security reasons. We could only cash checks under two circumstances. The first one being that the check is from our bank so we can verify the funds are available. The second circumstance being that the person presenting the check has an account with us and they have enough money in their account to cover the check in case it bounces. Normally the only exception we made to those two rules was if it was a payroll check that a bank customer brought in regularly and we felt confident it wouldn’t bounce. I don’t know what the “check cashing network” is and I’m pretty sure that teller doesn’t either. She was probably just too lazy or dumb to explain why she couldn’t cash the check. I’m all for the Q movement but I don’t think this experience at the bank means anything.

huggamoogle 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never thought this was a conspiracy theory, I thought it was obvious and proven true multiple times, people just didn't want to admit it. A few years back, Project Veritas published the undercover video with a planned parenthood director making under the table deals to sell babies that had been aborted at her clinic. This was in California when heels up was the AG there. She prosecuted Project Veritas for the videos instead of PP for their unethical practices (that's putting it mildly). I've despised her ever since. I guess this is the difference between being asleep and awake.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did. I had employees straight up ignore me when I tried to buy paint because they were given the okay from the manager to dismiss people who were not wearing masks. It was a location my husband used to work at and he asked an old coworker why I got such awful service. I ended up going to a local hardware store. Paid a little more but it was worth it. Lowe’s is a shitty company.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup, my husband used to work for Lowe’s also and he has said the same thing on multiple occasions.

huggamoogle 3 points ago +3 / -0

I married a blue eyed redhead and gave birth to two more so I’m doing my part. 👊😁

huggamoogle 2 points ago +2 / -0

I voted for him, this is the first time I’ve been proud to say that. It’s about time he steps the hell up.

huggamoogle 3 points ago +3 / -0

My husband had it in January. The first thing he noticed was a fever but that went away in about a day. Then he was super tired and had a hard time breathing deeply. And he lost taste and smell for about six weeks. As soon as the breathing and sensory issues started, he called America’s Frontline Doctors and got Ivermectin. He also drank Emergen-C with Zinc and Elderberry every few hours. We have a nebulizer with albuterol for our son so he sat outside a few times and used that to help with the breathing. The worst of it was over in a few days but the lack of taste and smell stuck around for a while. Also he interacted with me and our kids like we normally do and none of us got it. He got a refill on the Ivermectin and we’ve hung on to it in case it’s needed again.

Also my parents and grandpa who lives with them all got it a couple months ago. I went over to take care of them and they eventually got the antibody infusion treatment at the hospital after a week of trying to treat it at home and not getting better. Apparently that’s the same treatment Trump got. I still didn’t get it even though I was around all three of them helping out.

huggamoogle 9 points ago +9 / -0

Sounds like the Lowe’s in my town. Absolutely the shittiest customer service around and run by the dumbest people in town, I can’t stand that store, I try to do as much shopping at the smaller store as I can. It’s hard though when I’m looking for something specific.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahaha, you think I’m a liberal, you couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m a gun toting, God fearing, always voted republican, redneck from Texas. I’m married to a ranch hand who used to work in the oil field and one of my kids literally calls his big brother bubba (that wasn’t my idea, he came up with that on his own). You probably won’t believe me and frankly I don’t give a shit because you are meaningless to me. I do find it ironic that you’re making these horrible claims that “I’ve already made up my mind” and you can make such a specific judgment on my character all because I see this particular story differently from you. You are literally doing exactly what you are claiming that I am doing. Projection much? Hope these words aren’t too big for you.

Lastly, my adopted little brother has grown up with incredible trauma and difficulties because he was molested as a child by his birth mother and men she brought around. My parents adopted him when he was eight after six months in foster care. Meaning all of those horrible things happened to him before he was eight. My heart breaks for him and I will happily use my gun to shoot the pecker off any man who would ever touch a child. You little keyboard warrior are lucky hiding behind your screen. But if I’m ever fortunate enough to come across you in real life and you accuse me of being a pedo, I’ll scoop out your eyes with a melon baller and feed them to you. Now go be a good little shill and hide in your mommy’s basement.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, getting all her friends in federal prison seems like a big move to me. Have some understanding for someone who has lived through literal trauma. It’s a lot to process.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you write that immature and obscene final sentence but I overreacted? If looking at all the available evidence and hearing out both sides makes me a troll, I’ll happily troll away. However the many people on here that just gobble up what Candace has to say without actually looking into her claims are the real trolls. Continue being childish and obscene, it only shows your ignorance. Have a nice weekend.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sarah was featured heavily on “The Vow” series about NVXIM and was instrumental in providing evidence that took them down. She talked about the mind fuck she was going through because she had been so brainwashed and previously thought of these people as her friends, Allison Mack being one of her best friends. I’m glad she woke up and I imagine all of this has to be really hard for her to process.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have you watched Kim’s reply to this video? It seems like Candace made a lot of claims and didn’t have any clue what she was talking about. Candace has receipts for everything and even took a public drug test to prove these allegations as false. Research further, Candace went too far with this one.

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