impera 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lord of the Flies, but with more explosives.

Which will end when adults roll into town with persuasion.. like a big column of T-90 tanks. Again somewhat like the book.

impera 2 points ago +2 / -0


The Vindmans are connected to all Trump assassination attempts and all recent bombings and attackers.

What are the chances this is mere happenstance?

impera 3 points ago +3 / -0


No reason to think it wont also happen at the human level given that animals, insects, plants etc all do this as well.

impera 3 points ago +3 / -0

All of this is because he is scared of being called on his BS by Lisa Robinson?

If you are so terrified of questions or discussions you have to hide in your home, maybe you shouldn't be Mayor. Public engagement is part of the job, and if you dont want to do the job you shouldn't hold the office.

impera 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah found it, its adorable and just had to share it, its a little film noir but more optimistic.

Just the sentiment going into a new year that I hope everyone has!

impera 12 points ago +12 / -0

The UK showed the way when this nonsense appeared first there, everyone just has to destroy the cameras. I figure the french will have sturdier ones, since the crime groups that make these units will have figured out improvements, but by the same token I think the french will be more enthused than the brits at destroying these.

Dont see any info on cameras in this clip so I guess the government is trying to keep them covert - not for much longer!

impera 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are historical analogues that tell us what a terrorist/dictatorial regime does when it becomes evident that they will lose power - whether by vote or populist civilian riots leading to storming of offices and overthrow or military intervention or too many regime strongmen fleeing or getting killed.

Ordering the killings of all political prisoners is a pretty common option. And in many cases, the prison guards who would carry these orders out have already fled or burned their uniforms and are trying to fit in with the incoming political discourse, either out of a self-preservation instinct or because they genuinely believe in that being a better option.

If there has been any secret killings or tortures of J6 people that are 'discovered' post inauguration, options for clemency in the handling of former regime figures and officials should be very.. limited.

impera 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is the cite regarding the drones and the sensors. You will find video clips etc as well, they arent too hard to find. According to the post the drones are 'HPGe nuclear detector drones', and do indeed attempt to sense gamma frequency EM radiation. As I mentioned earlier, its not the only measurable and detectable by-product of radioactive material, but perhaps its the easiest to pick up.



impera 2 points ago +2 / -0

When this coup and all its plotters and instigators are dead and buried, I hope the comms behind who is ordering Biden around are all public and available forever afterwards.

There should never be again even the possibility that terrorists and murderers can order captive political puppets to make their own crimes benign so they can escape justice.

impera 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems to be CGI given the comments, which given its a 12 year old video is still impressive albeit in a totally different way!

By now this is probably a reality, I've seen 'de-icing' drones with flamethrower type loadouts. There's no reason why a projectile version couldn't also be used, the electronics that stabilizes drone rotors has come very far very fast, and I figure its up to handling recoil from smaller caliber rounds.

impera 0 points ago +1 / -1

The samson option is a start point to start digging. When is a nuke more effective? When its delivery system has already completed its mission.. no chaff, no decoys, nothing to shoot down or intercept, no radar early warning.

I mentioned gamma rays because thats what the thought on some videos on the drones being a 'nuclear safety' type detection web were using. It might be thats its easier to detect ionizing radiation than alpha or beta particles, and thats the sensor options that these drone sensor systems went with. Easier than thermal (radioactive decay makes for hot materials), maybe more accurate than looking for very short lived helium concentrations. Helium in the environment basically floats straight up and then is essentially lost to space, which is why He suppliers for industry get so twitchy when people use it for party tricks.. its just not easy to obtain lots of.

The Epstein blackmail thing (and the number of heads of state that were involved) could quite easily have been a 2-part payload. One, compromise a president or industry leader and then use that compromise to move payloads around. Two, at any later point if your pedo network dies or is compromised, you have your secondary blackmail option installed.

impera 10 points ago +11 / -1

Supposedly every Israeli embassy in the world makes Geiger counters go ballistic.. for no reason all, and certainly no-one is permitted to opine on the reasons as to why that might be.

If the drones are indeed a gamma-ray detector sweep of the east coast, there might be quite the spicy motivation for that well beyond this more purported 'missing nukes from ukraine' type deal thats being floated.

impera 3 points ago +3 / -0

I dont think detecting them is too significant - with the naked eye you can see starlink satellites at night from your own front door when they are passing over. And they arent stealthy since they have to be busy broadcasting their comms(or they dont work for anyone), and their locations are often published!

The strategies to destroy, hijack or incapacitate them is the significant piece of work. Some number of them (all?) have hall-effect thrusters, to provide the ability for constant course corrections. And can probably de-orbit them and burn them up if they were controlled even for a short amount of time by a hostile party.

As soon as you let your business host terrorist groups, you have made the choice to become a viable military target in any fielded response to those terrorists. I hope it doesn't come to that, but it would seem Elon has made his call.

impera 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its also the democrats mega donor Reid Hoffman. Connected to Epstein, Maxwell, Gates as you covered - all the Usual Suspects.


Who by the way is another person threatening to flee the country. For reasons.


impera 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think its more of a problem that so many criminal connections and motives have manifested than being overwhelmed with too many leads. Go at all sources, shake the tree, see what falls out, get them stabbing each other in the back at their haste to avoid consequences.

Enemies you can see are vastly preferable to an enemy that you are in the dark about.

impera 7 points ago +7 / -0

The label also means you have seen through the lies.

The media hysterics whipped about about the 'notorious antivaxers' and what a threat they are. The medical regulators who orchestrate punishment and deregistration of doctors who are outspoken vax critics. The police who turn up at the offices of 'antivax' doctors, threaten the patients and staff, and steal all the files. The mysterious travel restrictions, and no-fly lists that the antivax doctors are on, and how police turn up to attack and shut down any venue in which they are giving presentations and talks.

It means you have recognized that the above measures are not merely one-off incidents in isolation from each other, but rather organized crime machinations aimed at the anti-vax movement by those who profit from the vax industry, and therefore that the anti-vax people are exalted above anyone else in their industry by continuing to be a healer when everyone else are poisoners, maimers, thieves and killers.

If the medical side of the antivax argumentation does not quite convince you, seeing the most evil people in the world line up as a pro-vax opposition in the political space should be more than enough.

impera 9 points ago +9 / -0

Gonna go out on a limb here and say that if your training exercise involves pretending to be a threat, then you own every bullet, slingshot and rock thrown your way from people with both a right and a duty to respond to threats with force.

They could do this over parts of Nevada, Arizona, the Dakotas.. anywhere without the population density. But over Jersey? The chucklefucks that thought this would be a good idea need to have their noses bloodied.

impera 7 points ago +7 / -0

Best and most complete explanation I have seen so far is this:


TLDR, scary posturing by the military to fabricate demands for legislated 'strong new powers' to 'respond' to this fake threat scenario by people who stand to profit and benefit massively by these powers.

Following the money will never be a strategy that leads one wrong, especially in the political space.

impera 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think there has to be a drone-identity type law where if there is no traceable ident and owner, then its an asset that anyone (not just military or law enforcement) is empowered to open fire upon, bring them down, and claim ownership of and utilize the wreckage for profit in any way that the shooter wants to. Like hunting.

That's going to shut the door on this problem of fake fog-of-war plausible deniability real quick.

impera 5 points ago +5 / -0

In 2008 when the banking & realestate sector stole all that money (I'm summarizing that heavily), the notion was out there that $trillions of dollars in crime renders all banks too criminal to exist. No individual or specific bank is needed, just the banking system concept itself. And with that concept, any individual or town or business could start a bank with no prior customer accounts, no insane leverage, no investment/financial arm but purely retail banking.. and it would be the most stable bank in the world immediately.

In the same vein, what value are terrorist/murderer doctors? They dont serve a medical purpose, and their crimes ought render them deceased. Even before the clotshots, no-one needs criminal murderous doctors, or regulators that incentivize and reward murders, glorified hitmen and contract killers in labcoats and suits that larp as academics or regulators.

I'm surprised that what might be the first sign of a growing pushback was a medical insurer exec, rather than a doctor, regulator or pharma exec.

impera 17 points ago +17 / -0

If those drugs are so damaging that the mothers can get their newborns taken away, then put all the doctors in jail for being the illicit/damaging drug dealer, and for threatening the health of both mother and child.

Why have doctors not immediately been arrested when it was clear they were the source? I get that they probably prey on those without the financial backing to push back legally.. but it takes only one proper defense attorney to shut the hospital down.

impera 18 points ago +18 / -0

I have heard the point that because they have their anti-collision lights on, and the goofy inane nonsense and babbling is being delivered all steaming and fresh from people that are clearly told to be a disinfo spreader and talk about motherships or aliens.. that its clearly a us govt operation.

If it was an enemy, they would not be lit up, and fighters would have scrambled to blow any vessel out of the water immediately that has the range and capability to launch these, international waters or not.



impera 8 points ago +8 / -0

One piece of guidance that the military cant give soldiers is what to do when your command structure is compromised and beholden to the enemy. So he is doing what any soldier under fire does and is evaluating and responding to the situation as it evolves.

A point he made that I dont think I have heard floated enough is that one does not simply debilitate all active duty military personnel on a whim, in peacetime. A hostile action like this is a precursor and an advance mission to actual live combat situations beginning. Which may have been sidestepped with Trump being reelected but that is yet to be seen.

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