jmasterb 1 point ago +1 / -0

Borax and boric acid appear to be different. Borax has the chemical formula Na2H20B4O17 and boric acid is B(OH)3 Boric acid appears to be more expensive and only available on amazon for the most part. Borax is dirt cheap and at the hardware store, I guess I will follow along and take that one

jmasterb 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would buying Apple stuff on Amazon and then opening the package and returning it be a good idea?

jmasterb 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was the biggest red pill of all time to me. The blatant evil documented on their own platforms (wikipedia, msm, etc)

jmasterb 1 point ago +1 / -0

The FTM trannys can also play in womens leagues just like the MTFs. Our females athletes are the vulnerable ones and they are getting fucked from both sides.

jmasterb 14 points ago +16 / -2

Thank you for sharing the other side it's important that information and stories like this are shared. It's mind blowing how we have all accepted the version of history side that is told as the only objective perspective.

jmasterb 1 point ago +2 / -1

I have many years in the supplement industry and can tell you this: Try not to get something that says homeopathic on it. That means it's not really regulated and they can put less than 1 drop of extract in the bottle. I'm not sure if a standardized extract exists in the consumer market but that would be much more valuable. Although regulatory enforcement in the supplement industry in general is pretty sketchy.

jmasterb 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alex Jones looks now looks much different than Bill Hicks. Similar yes but not close enough to be the same person without major plastic surgery. Different eye angle, nose shape and skin tightness.

jmasterb 2 points ago +3 / -1

Canadian here, can confirm. Not allowed to drive 3h from my house unless "essential" they have road blocks checking. They are teaching young kids that they have the right to choose to take the vaccine themselves and not tell their parents. Among many other atrocities

jmasterb 2 points ago +3 / -1

At this point I think its the opposite of hard to believe unfortunately.

jmasterb 4 points ago +5 / -1

Because we're all under the control of tyrants fucking with our businesses and a whole fuckton of other shit, are you a fucking retard?

jmasterb 2 points ago +3 / -1

I have always been agnostic and also feel like I will gain some form of insight and closure tomorrow. ?