joanofsnark 5 points ago +6 / -1

Ha. I got to be your 17th upvote. On one of my all time favorite replies EVER. 😁

joanofsnark 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imminent domain for Climate Change for the home owners who refuse to be bought out. The cartel likes to refer to this as the silver or the lead.

joanofsnark 8 points ago +8 / -0

The key I believe is God’s will and submission to his will. I too have seen the extraordinary. I do believe however it requires true heart alignment with God. This is the without doubt part. No doubt IN the Lord.No doubt that he will care for your needs and consider your request, no doubt that whatever he chooses is the RIGHT choice. That is the hardest part. As I prayed for my child in a coma whose life was dependent on doctors there was nothing else I could do. Through that prayer I was at last able to submit my will to God. I had to give my child back to the Lord and take my will off the situation. That included being ok if God called him. That was an ugly crying submission. One that took days. At the end of that submission 30 minutes later the surgeon came out and told us he had finally succeeded. Four surgeries 3 days in a coma. Literally the most difficult thing I have ever done was giving back what wasn’t mine to begin with.

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

IMHO seems like if I were the bad guys I would want to sour people on anything the opposition is getting out there also data manipulation. If theses storms are being pumped up I am guessing there are multiple reasons. Having something that obscures data from the massive inquiries is a boon. Being able to use the words of my opposition against them too good an opportunity to miss. The ass hats have no empathy or concern about who gets crushed in their clever game of buy low government contracts high strategy. Interesting thought but I don’t think that the Storm is upon us is a weather event.

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Coming out of the cave and discovering that the world is not like the shadow puppets reality they had by torchlights

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had enough of feeling helpless.

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

I completely agree. I should clarify. There should be no expectation of calm business as usual answers from our elected officials because of the outrage and all answers should swing around to this issue

joanofsnark 7 points ago +7 / -0

This kind of shut down needs to be so consistent that the media can’t lie around it. Fast and intense. He seems angry and I hope he is. This should outrage every member of both houses. Laws being ignored and citizens dying when the budget their only real power is manipulated away from life saving of citizens should have them all outraged

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for being such a warm and welcoming presence here Joy1Daughter. It feels good to come out of the cold.

joanofsnark 4 points ago +4 / -0

Refreshing in the age of self promotion for the sake of self promotion.

joanofsnark 3 points ago +3 / -0

God Bless you!!!! I have chills. Hope in action.

joanofsnark 15 points ago +15 / -0

This is how you use celebrity for good. Big bright spotlight makes the roaches scuttle

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do something besides talk while people die. I promise you that if you help everyone then you will definitely be more likely to help the struggling gay community dying on that mountain side than if you take your time and posture about just in case you accidentally save someone not on the “list”. Didn’t we just stop the world to save Grandma? Now we can’t send her a ride off a cold mountain?

joanofsnark 3 points ago +3 / -0

Respectfully but I disagree. We DO NOT have a cabal controlling every aspect of our lives. If we did we wouldn’t be able to have conversations like these. I personally believe my life is not in the control of any human. Trust and believe I am NOT naive and I have had experiences that confirm this. I also believe that Q proof or no Q proof I know who wins in the end. That is NOT the same thing as saying or doing nothing toward helping the cause. In WWII there was a massive campaign to get the American people to believe in Victory right off the bat. Why? Because if you do not believe without a doubt you will not go all in on the fight. If you fight from fear you exhaust yourself. If you fight from hope you can go just that much harder that much further. You said go out to your community. I agree with you there but if I show up scared and desperate how am I any different than the opposition? If I don’t believe this battle is winnable then how am I possibly going to convince anyone else? Moreover I can’t and I won’t live in fear. If God tells me not to fear then who are they to be a louder voice than his? I would rather assume the victory than accept being defeated. We are all different you may need that other possibility to continue on but not everyone does.

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

PSPSPSPT one more time punk Go A head I dare you. Lol

joanofsnark 5 points ago +5 / -0

So I stepped out of my own problems and posted for the first time this weekend. I found the movement after an experience that led me on quest to understand what I saw. Voat helped me realize that I was not alone. While I was still processing all this my when our battle with pediatric cancer began.Then when VOAT disappeared I once again felt alone. One of you posted a link on an msn site to this board. It has been a source of joy information and hope. The medical digs have been literally life saving. The open faith has been so encouraging. I may have felt alone at times but I have never been alone. The Lord has been with us every step. Our battle isn’t over but I know who wins. I am very very grateful for all of you and especially grateful to the medical digs autiist. And the angel frogs posting faith filled encouragement. Please know even if you get not one comment your work matters. Lurkers like me might be using those post as a life line. I remember someone posted a what kind of pede post with all the types of anons but in my book y’all are all angel frogs. Yes even the salty old dogs that keep us from gouging on hopium. Them too. Everyone of you are gifts. Thank you

joanofsnark 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unless Jesus himself is Our King any theocracy will corrupt the Christian faith and any other Theocracy is almost certain to be both corrupt and intent on destroying every other faith. I share your shivers. Freedom to seek God is the only way

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bell Ringer!!!!!! Praise God. He is so amazing and please hug your friend get her a spa day cuz she been THROUGH it

joanofsnark 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jigs and Reels are my secret playlist to get through the day. The best is to play one while someone else is losing their cool. Instantly I am unshakable in my joy.

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