Four years ago I had my father insinuating that I should maybe go see a psychiatrist for believing in “conspiracy theories” (9/11, Fed, MSM, JFK...). Fast forward to today, he’s become even more extreme than I was back then and is actually the one who introduced me to 17.
TL;DR don’t lose hope. It’s always time for a normie to become aware, and once there, there’s no way back. Which is why we will win.
Absolutely and positively a filter change.
Now question might be why, but for sure this effect was not the result of a “blackout”. Look at the police car, the head of the Christmas Tree, the windows of the main building... before and after the switch.
Dropping a lot of posts describing a lot of pele-mele stuff mixed together so that thousands of situations can be covered, and then later selectively picking past drops, such as "look at post XYZ, we told you".
I'm half-kidding, there's a lot of that. There's obviously more to it and if you ask me, I'm convinced that "Q is real" but some people might also read a bit more into it than there really is. This "time travel" thing might be one of them.
To me the "time travel" is more the result of experience military officials who anticipated several possibilities of how events could play out, and yes, in many cases, one of these predictions were spot on.