kaduh 12 points ago +12 / -0

They built one just up the road from me, it went up super fast, and then they took the sign off of the side of it and it's been sitting unused for about a year now. It's not a huge distribution center, but still pretty big. We have two massive ones already on this side of Houston. Read into it what you will.

kaduh 3 points ago +4 / -1

Ha! I got excited when Ii saw "Spaghetti" thinking you new a secret to grow pasta! I forgot about the pepper seeds I put in ne of my planters. Going to have to keep an eye on that one.

kaduh 9 points ago +9 / -0

Oh boy, this is going to be a long one. 25ish years ago, my friends owned a "fish camp" in Sargent Texas, along the Gulf Coast, where we used to fish in Matagorda bay. They had an annual fishing tournament that was known as the "Watermelon Open" because when trout/redfish gorge themselves on baitfish the oil slick from the bait smells like Watermelon on the surface. No shit, I've smelled it. You actually keep your olfactory senses acute to it if you want to catch fish. Anyway, the non-local black population caught wind of the tournament and raised hell about the name. I never heard whatever happened at the end of the day, but I laughed every time we used to talk about it. It coincided with Juneteenth. As Texans, we've known about the Emancipation Proclamation as it's taught in middle school. It's called Juneteenth because it took two years for the blacks in Texas to get word that they were freed by Lincoln. I'm 55. I've always gotten a kick out of the blacks in this state who seem to not know our history. They don't want to learn anything about the state they live in, they just want to tear down what whitey has built for them.

kaduh 6 points ago +7 / -1

I made chicken salad on Monday. Cut the end off of the Celery and decided to plop it into one of my hanging plants. It's sprouting! I was all fired u to see it!!! I'm not a gardener, but I've used cabbage, carrots, pineapple and now celery to start growing stuff. It's pretty awesome!

kaduh 25 points ago +25 / -0

I keep telling everyone I know, and those in my family, and not one of them either knows about, or has heard of the Smith/Mundt act or its repeal. We are truly fucked by the mainstream media. Buy canned goods and ammo.

kaduh 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ponch would have wasted his goofy ass!

kaduh 2 points ago +3 / -1

Holy shit! This is about ten minutes north of where I live. I've noticed a whole lot of illegals, but I thought they were just passing through. I've been back in Plum Grove within the last year and I thought it was nothing but white trash meth people. It's far west Liberty County. I'm in the northern most part of Harris County and Montgomery County separates the two. This is a real eye opener. I may have to go check it out.

kaduh 6 points ago +6 / -0

Did he just figure out step 2 of the underwear gnomes from Southpark?

kaduh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay, I hate that tard as much as you guys, but think about how stupid the chinese are that they targeted him. I know he's on the intelligence committee, but what the fuck could that idiot provide to them?

by broward
kaduh 7 points ago +7 / -0

Back to the old fashioned way, drive through the neighborhood during a weekday and see who's at work, and who's at home.

kaduh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey Polska, I live in Texas and don't need any of that shit! Well, up until last February. Anyway, I put chains on my tires, and that's like a mask for them, so checktard!

Have a great day, Czech/Irish!

kaduh 2 points ago +2 / -0

She telegraphed it when she said Trump will be dragged out one way or another, by his hair if need be. That's when I knew the fix was in. All the other democrats fell right in line after her comment.

We've been living under an illegitimately installed regime since then.

I'm as pissed as everyone else, but not quite sure if I've surrounded myself with enough equally pissed off patriots yet.

Their time is coming.

kaduh 26 points ago +37 / -11

This is going to sound awful, but I don't give a shit about anyone who would go to a concert put on by that goofball. It's crap music by a crap human being. Go to a symphony or a museum. Enlighten yourself with things that will better you, not some scumbag rapper. I'm a Houstonian and I'm ashamed of the coverage we're getting from this dildo when we have some of the worlds greatest intellectual other distractions.

kaduh 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have to be honest with you Pedes. I'd love to have an auto-fill account that always responds with "eat a bag of shit, you suck".

kaduh 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought so, didn't even realize at the time it was Virginia! Glad you got it!

kaduh 1 point ago +1 / -0

For some reason GA is booting me out as soon as I try to post??? I'm answering from Patriots and listening to Salty Cracker in the background, so I'm feeling really lazy!!!

kaduh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Won't let me post. It's over on Patriots, I took a picture last month down on Crystal Beach in Texas and it looks just like Virginia. No clue what the inspiration was to take it, but after this week it's pretty kick ass!

kaduh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Won't let me post it. Click n the one I posted to Patriots.win, I think it's pretty cool.

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