I totally think it's intentional. They have some freaks in the military right now. They would totally do This stuff. Hopefully Pete is on it. Has anything been released about The helicopter pilot?
They are doing this on purpose
Huge. The money being wasted is probably hundreds of billions
These POS Dems don't give a fuck about the American people and the GOP that vote against need to have their skeletons exposed. Faggot graham is a pedo for sure
Your probably right but I don't want you to be
Trump needs to fix the elections ASAP
I want these traitors executed
Please release this faggots skeletons now. I bet it's so bad he will kill himself.
Ok. first off this makes me sick. Second there is no way there are enough people doing this that adds up to hundreds of billions of dollars. Maybe I'm we wrong but there is way more money going to other countries. Stop all that and fix illegals getting welfare add drug testing then this won't seem that bad. This is not the major problem with waste
God forbid they want to see where tax money is going. F This cunt
Once this is exposed these people will have to go into hiding.
Kill this mother fucker already
Who fucking cares who she fucks. You are no better than the left
I wonder if any of the donations started out as our taxes?
WTF. She's doing the work and you sit and bitch about it
Fuck Joe Biden.
They should be able to take out those cartels in weeks
This is bullshit.
Correct just shut off the VPN.
Case by case basis but not way 90 percent had to move. Feds make good money
Pentagon no can't do that but 10k to Ukraine border that we can
The city would celebrate. And then they would vote on in someone worse
If the police listen to him arrest them as well
Great cover and even More reason to move it out