kosta 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, agree. link: https://t.me/FrogComms - ? COMMS FOR THE POOR ?

kosta 20 points ago +20 / -0

"Tens of millions of Trump supporters are undoubtedly pulling their hair out and demanding “action” to reverse the fraudulent election and to have President Trump recognized publicly as the President of the United States.

Everyone knows Trump won except the willfully ignorant or those still blinded by their political anti-Trump agenda. The truth is that Trump won bigly.

I believe the military knows it. I am sure the enemy knows it. An increasing number of Americans know it, even some who foolishly supported Joey “Bribes” Biden.

So why the delay?

Why no high profile arrests? Why no use of lawful force? Why are we still twisting slowly in the wind waiting for truth to prevail?

The country is sure getting an increasingly good taste of life under CCP/Globalist/DeepState control. Their goals and tactics are now in public display.

What is going on America?

That is a question worth exploring as from all outward appearances we seem to be living in a communist version of The Twilight Zone."

kosta 3 points ago +3 / -0

Seems mortality rate rises sharply when you're in the billionaire's club.

kosta 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a legitimate question. As someone from outside your country, you get the sense that it's all too scripted, too contained, too controlled.

The articles about the Biden administration seem like the type you'd write if you wanted to sound like you knew what was going on, but didn't.

Perhaps it's because Trump was very accessible, and the press secretary had a good idea of what was happening...whereas now it's the complete opposite.

kosta 16 points ago +16 / -0

Was walking past a Mexican restaurant, and saw a gay guy checking out 2 other gay guys.

kosta 1 point ago +1 / -0

If this was a legitimate attempt, then I give it a "FAIL" mark.

The solution simply doesn't scale. Just hope it's a legitimate effort and that people are wasting their time/energy on a useless endeavour.

Their biggest issue would be data contamination, either through fictitious names, or false positives. You could really just sit there adding names from the White pages.

The whole notion is ridiculous. Simply put, much like many other solutions that are proposed by Lefties, this will invariably fail, so don't worry about it.

kosta 10 points ago +10 / -0

I would've thought "Doxxing" is illegal.

Seems like a very stupid way to collect data...my guess it's a troll site.

by BQnita
kosta 4 points ago +4 / -0

I initially thought this was a joke...hard to tell these days.

kosta 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anyone know this woman's channel?

kosta 2 points ago +3 / -1

If it was an owl, then it's not a good one.. most see something other than an owl.

kosta 14 points ago +15 / -1

Doesn't look like an owl to me. Probably like the head of a praying mantis.

kosta 16 points ago +16 / -0

Downplaying doctored evidence, and then acting shocked that you question their integrity.

One day we'll look all look back at this period with awe at how bad it all got.

kosta 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at this: https://www.who.int/news/item/20-01-2021-who-information-notice-for-ivd-users-2020-05 (dated 13 January)

Advice to lower cycles on test machines due to false positives. Lower cycles = less positive tests.

Then look at daily new cases (with 7-day moving avg checked) - https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/

kosta 1 point ago +1 / -0

What ever happens, it will be on a biblical scale, and follow some type of "All hope is lost, and along comes the hero" narrative.

What will get people to lose hope? A guilt verdict at impeachment perhaps....then maybe more legal attacks soon after, a literal pile on.

Personal opinion, once the vast majority of people on this site lose hope, that's the time to start paying attention.

kosta 10 points ago +10 / -0

I hope they not only introduce the internet traffic logs, but then inform us that "Space Force" was the agency that supplied the data given they are tasked with overseeing cyber security/warfare.

This would not only give legitimacy to the data, but would mean a branch of the military has supplied data strongly suggesting election fraud and foreign interference..

kosta 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw a good effort from Trumps team (though didn't watch it all), reality though is the Dems were set on moving forward with this trial regardless of what was said.

Hopefully they get on the front foot with hard-hitting evidence early on.

by BQnita
kosta 13 points ago +13 / -0

I do hope those posts refer to the next several weeks.

I can only assume that those being targeted by Q are very well aware of Q, and treat the situation with the utmost seriousness. They, by now, must have compiled an extensive list of collaborators within the military, security services, and political sphere that were even remotely associated with this Q "conspiracy".

Seems to me that if there's any intent that is actionable, then now is the time.

kosta 2 points ago +4 / -2

Just to understand, are you just trying to get searchable document?

If so, you can achieve this by performing OCR on the document. Site which allows you to do this for free: https://2pdf.com/ocr/

I tried it with the document, and seemed to work...took about 1-2 mins.

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