Want to know what panic looks like?
It had to be like this.
I’m in touch with what mine is telling me. I’m curious as to what others inner voice is telling them?
I’m not certain, it tells me quite possibly. It tells me to trust God above all else.
What about you?
What’s funny is I was never an anti vaxxer. Then they started shoving it down my throat causing me to question them more and more to the point where well, most of us stand on them today.
She’s the second smartest person Joe knows too.
Anddddd nothing
Something tells me he won’t be invited back to SNL anytime soon.
What does the V say?
Riddle me this. And I ask this with optimism. What is the purpose of this rally, and why is he having it now. The primaries are still a way off
This is the way Pedes. This kind of stuff. Push it!