merf 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trump maybe dropping some sort of Johnny comms? Johnny Depp in the news related to 'Modi' movie (also name of current Prime Minister of India...)





merf 2 points ago +2 / -0

u/Quantachyon please check back.

Got my box of Borax and am trying just the tiniest bit to test for reactions. I am not taking it in pursuit of any sort of cure, but rather to check for harm/side effects.

merf 1 point ago +1 / -0

u/farpointpatriot Link/update? I got a box with no intent to cure anything in particular, but am curious for firsthand accounts.

My thinking on these sorts of cures is to try a very small amount while I'm healthy (Sherlock Holmes style) so I can know if it has an effect on the baseline.

merf 13 points ago +13 / -0

I'm not fond of serious use of the NPC/human, messenger/human characterization.

It's great to help people along and make them aware of their behaviors, but all I see are humans that have been tricked and conditioned from their potential to varying degrees and in different ways.

I am forever grateful to the conspiracy theorists who took a moment to reach back and help me along with a meme or comment that violated the terms of service.

merf 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was interpreting that as perhaps getting choked up relating the story of the "burden" guitarist who had been abused for resisting.

merf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting tidbit about the $30 million opportunity to buy the story, but the rest is milquetoast coincidence theory that presumes a lot of spine/competence on the part of investigators & prosecutors that clearly is not warranted, in addition to dismissing possible broader Diddy connections...

merf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump just waiting till the left becomes emotionally invested in the idea that she's a good debater, let their hopes swell. Then commit to the debate at the last minute and destroy her like Biden was.

Kamala is from the same political factory as Rubio. "The drive-by shot at the beginning with incomplete and incorrect information, follow by the memorized 25 second speech."


All it takes to derail Kamala is for CNN to switch up the questions.

merf 2 points ago +2 / -0

If everyone is getting dragged down at the same time, is the Marge move effective?

IMO a complete crash is the worst case scenario for us because those are the circumstances where the cabal can operate under suspension of rule of law. We're better off letting RC & company negotiate and twist arms behind the scenes, slowly removing players and driving the price upwards while the public is studying the bankruptcy process, options, corporate structure, etc.

The long duration of this play has humbled us and made us better prepared to manage our wealth.

merf 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only people who seem to have a handle on predicting GME are Kevin Malone and Pulte.

Malone's been selling those $30 calls (which for me is just too low/risky), and Pulte called the decline down into the teens.

I think a crash at any time is a real possibility, with WW3 or Yen unwind being the most obvious triggers. If market crashes it's hard to imagine GME won't get dragged down with it. In fact, market crash might be the cabal's countermove to a MOASS...

Your prediction of an upward trend Monday morning, next week, next month, or later seems to cover all the upward possibilities. 😊

merf 10 points ago +10 / -0

Dave has the sense to stick to what he knows and serve as an enjoyable, driving- friendly, middle-weight discussion of current events from a Q-informed perspective.

There's a need to awaken many demographics. Can't throw everyone in the deep end right away and expect them to survive. As u/Bibloop states, Dave is one of the few shareable introductions to Q that is normie friendly.

merf 4 points ago +4 / -0

But according to teH sCieNcE my poor red state gets more federal aid than any of the blue states, let alone Ukraine! 🙃🙃

merf 3 points ago +3 / -0

I see several differences in the two men.

I think the shirt is most easily validated as being different as the sleeve lengths don't match.

Other differences: Rally guy has wrist bands. Rally guy appears to possibly have some grey facial hair. Rally guy is wearing a necklace. Rally guy wears some sort of phone pouch. Rally guy wears sneakers, assassin wears combat boots.

Rally guy also appears to wear a wedding band of some kind. Not sure if Routh did or not.

In short: in addition to the different shirt, rally guy wears vastly different accessories--the kind of accessories people tend to stick with & which tend to be part of their personalities & routines.

merf 1 point ago +1 / -0

The shirts are different. Look at the length of the sleeves.

No wristband on the right hand.

Routh doesn't appear to wear a wristband in other photos either.

merf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not in a formal sense but since you happened to stop by..

Have you looked at the five folks who allegedly died on the Titan?

The Dawood family sound like a classic family of grifters going back decades. Foundations, junk advocacy, founding schools in poor areas, hopping on the COVID scam, etc.



Hamish Harding: Dubai-based private jet dealership. We know those traffickers love their private jets.

Paul-Henry Nargeolet: director of underwater research at a company that owns the rights to the Titanic wreck.

Stockton Rush: seems to be a general scammer. His wife Wendy Weil is the great-great-granddaughter of Isidor and Ida Blun Straus, both of whom died in the sinking of the Titanic. Isidor Straus was a US congressman and co-owner of Macy's.

I'm telling y'all the Titan sinking is rank with weird comms/connections. How come no one--not even conspiracy theorists--is daring to bring up the possibility that this is could be a fake death/living ghost scheme?

They had teenagers working on this thing. It looks like a poorly made movie prop vessel. The testimony is that no one would dare get in it. Why the widespread assumption that it was real and that anyone did?


merf 6 points ago +6 / -0

Steve Cohen, kind of a half step down..


Back in November 2020, when Steve Cohen completed his $2.4 billion purchase of the NY Mets, some joked that the purchase of the dismal baseball team, which according to many is the worst in the league, would eventually bring down the iconic hedge fund manager himself. In the end, while it may not have quite played out that way, the cynics were not that far off: As Bloomberg first reported, Cohen, who was the inspiration for the show Billions and an entire generation of "information arbitrage" investors, has stepped away from everyday trading duties at the firm he founded a decade ago.

merf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just bubbling.

Titan Submarine, Oceangate...

Jeffrey and Mark Epstein, grey up in Seagate, Brooklyn.

Mark donated his luxury yacht Izmo--that he had used to run "deliveries" between New York and Miami, to the South Carolina Marine Science charity.


Titan currently being investigated in South Carolina also.


Sorry folks. Titanic on the brain this week bigtime.

merf 2 points ago +2 / -0


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the golf clubs that Trump plays with?

Trump is known to play with a variety of golf clubs, including those from top brands such as Callaway, TaylorMade, and Ping. He has been seen using the Callaway Epic Driver, the TaylorMade M2 Irons, and the Ping G400 Hybrid, among others.

merf 4 points ago +4 / -0

TLDQ: This is not a proof but more of a collage of facts/news/drops/coincidences that seem to fit together in some way that is not immediately clear.

I think the news on the Titan sub and the Harland & Wolff bankruptcy could be Titanic related, or perhaps a stand-in for a sort of present-day Titanic event that we are not aware of.

merf 3 points ago +3 / -0

So the fake-ass Oceangate Titan sub is in the news bigtime again and will be for the next couple weeks as there is a major hearing going on about it in South Carolina.




As readers here know, the Titanic is discussed heavily in the Q/sToNk communities and you really have to read the USCG links as they seem to be giving the Titan the highest level examination allowed.


^ This press release in particular seems highly commsy, and seems to tie to the Q questions about the Titanic.

The hearing will examine all aspects of the loss of the Titan, including pre-accident historical events, regulatory compliance, crewmember duties and qualifications, mechanical and structural systems, emergency response and the submersible industry.

The formal hearing was convened by Vice Adm. Peter W. Gautier, deputy commandant for operations. An MBI is the highest level of investigation in the Coast Guard. Upon completion of the investigation, the Board will issue a report to the Commandant with the evidence collected, the facts established, its conclusions and recommendations.

The wreckage of the Titan submersible was subsequently found on the ocean floor, approximately 300 meters off the bow of the Titanic, and all five passengers were declared deceased.


The builder of the ship went bankrupt just a day or so ago:


merf 4 points ago +4 / -0

What is the deal with the fake-ass OceanGate/Titan sub that is in the news again? An actual legislative commission looking into it in South Carolina?

Last message: "All good here"




Are the Titan comms "not for anons"? #1545

“The MBI is committed to ensuring that we fully understand the factors that led to this tragedy in order to prevent similar occurrences in the future.”

United States medical professionals will conduct a formal analysis of presumed human remains that have been carefully recovered within the wreckage at the site of the incident.

There are going to be hearings on the vessel almost every day of the coming two weeks or so:

Monday, Sept. 16, 2024 Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024 Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 Friday, Sept. 20, 2024 Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024 Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024 Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 (if necessary)

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