What does that signify in Germany? The "gay" marker? Why would that be hate speech?
I'm not expecting anything, but the reality is we've been abused psychologically, poisoned, and robbed by criminals masquerading as the government for many years.
Class action lawsuit anyone?
In esoteric Buddhist and Hindu symbology, the naga is the sleeping serpent beneath the waters. It wakes, shedding it's skin and rises bringing awakening. Not super relevant, just a fun coincidence.
This is just beyond fascinating. I'm seeing lefty people talking about staying off of social media and avoiding the msm. Saying they are going to be spending time with family and on hobbies and personal betterment projects. Now talking about maintaining a preparedness stockpile (plan b and batteries for their "rabbits" excluded.)
This is great! Please do these things.
Is the "plan" so perfect that they turn themselves sane just to "own the nazis?"
An unfortunate result of this whole process, has been many of us passionately telling friends and family this or that about what is going on based on the information we have received only to be left looking like crazy people. Think of how many were sure Biden would never be allowed to assume the presidency.
Although I still believe in the overall validity of our perspective and the ultimate direction, we should be more objective about what the Q thing is. We weren't the only ones reading, and it is naive to think a group going up against an opponent as entrenched as the cabal would reveal their entire plan complete with accurate timelines. Truthfully, we were used just like any soldier is used in war. Our agitation did introduce elements into the equation, and we definitely have been successful at bringing many people to the redpill.,but, we are not privy to the complete plan. Like any soldier, we pick a side and have faith that those in command know what they are doing. Things really may not turn out like we imagine they would. There may be no mass arrests or super dramatic habbenings. No grand reveal of all the secrets ever hidden. Things may just change in a smooth way behind the scenes until "naturally" we find ourselves in a fixed world that the majority of people didn't even notice and accept as normal . You may never get your "todaso" moment. Q did say the end wouldn't be for everyone. If it happens like that, think of what we really want: a just, cleansed world, or to be "right."
Or......we may get super cray cray fireworks.
Regardless, I love and value you all for caring.
I'll be that guy. I truly hope "the plan" is legit, but I still hold a slim degree of possibility of some incredibly involved double secret switcheroo where we are being set up for some weird final extermination population reduction. Or that there is some cyclical cataclysm coming that only the mega elites are aware of, and we are being totally distracted to keep us busy. Or the world actually ended years ago, and we are in some Jacob's Ladder situation.
I will never 100 percent trust anything human related.
A little too on point. "Put your mask on "
Possibly created.
Patriot entrepreneurs, here's an opportunity!
Be the place not acting retarded and make bank.
If it was for just a short period, he could have been learning coding and been practicing writing code that would post to Twitter automatically. Pretty common exercise in programming classes.
Or he is providing feedback to his handlers by confirming codes they beamed into his brain.
It seems pretty obvious he is not the actual shooter, so at worse he is a manipulated patsy with brain scramblies.
Kamala pretending she worked at McDonalds
At least he didn't climb a ladder to peep on sorority girls. That would be the final straw.
Anscestral enemy of the "elite" bloodlines.
These people have been so messed up. Trapped in an echo chamber of malicious deception. How can we help people that don't yet realize they need help, and would even call us the enemy.
They are still part of our family, and I'm not sure what we can do.
I believe memories are written into the fabric of things. Like a cosmic blockchain. We exist within this fabric and theoretically could access any of it. Psychics, remote viewing, all of that stuff, is just being done by people with an ability to tap into this information.
They are talking about autocomplete options that pop up.
If you type the full phrase and search things still come up. If they didn't it would be too obvious. Removing it on autocomplete is just one of their million subtle tricks.
On week 3 of a carnivore cleanse. Had no expectations, just wanted to clean ot the crud and reset.
Results so far:
-lost 18 pounds.
-a clicking in one knee I've had forever went away.
-hair and nails are growing faster.
-lost a tendency to take a nap.
-huge energy boost.
- no bloated sluggish feeling after eating.
- skin irritation around beard disappeared.
- feel mentally brighter.
I'm probably forgetting stuff, but man I'm floored.
If this continues why would i rationally go back to eating food that affects me negatively.
I was pleased with what i got from https://www.mypatriotsupply.com/collections/long-term-food-storage
Large customer base. Lots of reviews. This is a purchase I'd want to have some faith in that it would be usable if the need ever came up.
There's always canning your own stuff if you feel safe doing it.
Curious tech minded people might look into:
https://tails.net/about/index.en.html Or.
Personally, I am convinced that anything you do online can be seen if you have people/machines looking hard enough. Will some options shield you from some things or make it harder for casual investigation?
Maybe the most seemingly security minded company is actually just "them" inviting you into focusing on you more.
If you really, really want to be safe ultimately, we are probably looking at wearing some type of face hiding accessory, not bought online or with a card, coupled with choosing some coffee shop/public wifi spot without cameras, that you make your way to by not driving to, and making your way through heavily populated preferably underground areas where you use a bathroom to change your outfit/disguise, and then use a computer/burner phone with no connection to you that you use for nothing else (while not carrying your daily phone.)
Even then, make just one mistake and they see you.
A lot of work, right?
I believe it is 5 now.
I can't stop hearing, "she eats baked potaters."
Probably wrong.
It's from a mailing list link.
Goes to this:
You said it. The whole NAFO/fellas thing is one of their cringier attempts at contrived memes.
Picture taken from https://www.sheboyganpress.com/story/news/2016/06/01/party-leads-alleged-sexual-assault/85238638/