He probably thought it. That's close enough for me.
I like the robots. As a white supremacist nazi, I can own a slave guilt free.
Good time to buy TMTG shares.
And billions around the globe 🌎
When I had a pager it was clipped on my belt right next to Mr. Johnson's office. I can't help but wonder how many of 200 victims hospitalized had their devices similarly located.
These feline feasting fiends need to be dealt with swiftly and harshly.
Which one is dropping faster: Kamala's poll numbers or the cat population of Springfield, Ohio?
Disease caused by bacteria that hits citrus.
Before. 1905.
One would hope so.
I've been craving bananas lately.
Good luck with that...
So, Biden grew 3 inches during his recent break. Not a biggie, happens to me regularly. That's why I'm 15 feet tall. (Verified: Absolutely true).
Commie LaWhorass according to MS King.
I'm not sure that the DS has humanity's best interests at heart as they attempt to execute their gross plans.
Daughter of the black nobility. No sauce, just a hunch.
Paris Hilton with a few extra pounds 🥞
I hope this was the Scare Event. It certainly did the trick for me ✝️
Drink some soup and then put a wet towel over your head. (nb. I'm not a medical professional)
Could be inner demons attempting to externalize.
Chew on that, black pill poppers.
Never gets old.