Bottom line, hordes of people are not going to use the Tesla "autopilot" in the proper way. The very term is misleading in the extreme.
Why, salesmen told prospective buyers that the car could almost drive itself.
Why did you think recently the two men slammed into a tree and died? Both I believe were professionals, and one was demonstrating the feature to the other. Did they remember to use it like you say it should be used? Even those two professionals have no appreciation of the limitations of the technology. So they died.
If Tesla car drivers are trained and disciplined like pilots, then sure, by all means let them try out the beta feature.
But they are not. And that means it's manslaughter.
An auto-pilot is fine for aviators. Often you can glide for a while in an emergency. It's not 100% risk-free of course, but planes are assumed to fly in empty air and pilots are trained for various emergency scenarios. I don't even think autopilots in planes are linked to radar, so in all likelihood they are just assuming empty air.
Not so vehicles. Technology is completely different. Why are you comparing apples and eggs? In a scene, there is a lot to interpret. You interpret wrong once per million hours, there will still be a lot of casualties. And that is just road pattern recognition. By plowiing into policemen by the roadside (in China, reported by ZH), Tesla's autopilot has shown an inability to intepret anything higher-level.
So, really why are you comparing apples and eggs? Why are you even making such an argument? Maybe because you have Tesla stock? I have actually read plenty of the DARPA Grand Challenge research papers, I have no doubt rollout of the tech will get lots of people killed. Nobody has a magic solution. It only sort of works in controlled conditions, for example, limited low-intensity routes.
Unleash Tesla autopilot on the general populace? Manslaughter 100%.
Retarded thinking trying to justify a defective and DEADLY feature.
The AI cannot evaluate high-level situations far ahead and make decisions to maximize safety or plan way in advance. Any driver would slow down, but the AI cannot do such high-level evaluations of scenarios. Artificial AIs are imperfect pattern matchers, focused on interpreting the road, not emergency situations. A few seconds to take control. Suppose the car is barreling into a deadly situation. A sure-fire way of killing customers or innocent people.
You see a person with a stopped car, perhaps suicidal or unstable. But he is not on the road. You slow down a bit, be on alert. Or even change lane if you're in a bad neighborhood. If he dashes onto the road, you can avoid him easily. The AI? Might just be cruising because the road is empty. It cannot evaluate the body language of the person. Then he dashes out into the path of your car. AI drops out, telling you to take over. The AI just handed you a fucked-up situation that it allowed to happen. Even emergency braking is a poor outcome, because the AI allowed things to escalate.
Justify your argument to the innocent policeman who I believe got killed while doing their duty by the roadside. In many cases, I believe the Tesla cars did not even slow down. The cars keep going at high speed because the AI CANNOT EVALUATE OFF-NORMAL SCENARIOS, and then hand it over to you with a few seconds' notice WHEN IT HAS ALREADY FUCKED UP AND YOU'RE IN DEEP SHIT because the car is still at high speed.
It's completely ETHICALLY UNTENABLE for all involved who WILLINGLY OVERSOLD AND WORKED ON THE FEATURE. Even after so many casualties.
No, it's not like gun technology. Guns are a mature tech, their workings are well-known and predictable.
Autopilot tech is far from ready. Even with say, one serious incident per million hours of running time, a lot of people will die. Running straight into a trailer truck painted white? Plowing into policemen on a roadside? Is it just, oh funny that, we will fix it in the next software patch?
Starting from Elon to those showroom salespeople.
Even websites that earn revenue with uncritical Tesla cheerleading.
And it's disappointing that the Tesla software devs feel fine letting customers play with BETA SOFTWARE THAT CAN KILL. As an old dinosaur, it's amazing that these software devs feel fine with such things. Did they not learn ethics?
So many days and nobody in Florida is talking about any detection of explosives. Seems to be less and less likely.
I'm not a civil engineer, so I only have opinions, like you or everyone else. But I have read enough to know demolition teams cut things, knock out things, etc before doing those controlled falls.
The surv vid (posted a few days ago) showed the first section to fail was that near the pool. Having lost that section, other sections failed shortly later. The building fell in stages. Building didn't look like it was strongly built.
Explosives in the upper floors does not make sense. Cutting charges are only needed in the basement, and gravity does the rest. Blowing up an upper floor to make the building successively pancake is a very poor strategy, because structural columns are strong. You need to whack the columns at the base where the mass of the building can do much of the work.
Not much chance of that, since Trump is reputedly something of a germophobe.
But here's another factoid: Ruth Bancroft of The Ruth Bancroft Garden & Nursery (well known for their cactus and succulent collection but less famous versus the Huntington Desert Garden), lived to 109, and she never hesitated to get down to do weeding.
When the demo a building, they also partially cut some columns and such before placing demolition charges, so control the fall. But I'm sure nothing I say will change your mind.
Just before collapse, from ZH:
I guess the condo was made to minimum standards.
No, absolutely not. It's the term for a tiny tit, you know, those that fly in the air with wings.
Naughty, naughty.
They have blue blood too.
Dunno. But in its entirety, it's bizzare. Like those Kamala Harris cookies.
It could be a hint that the enemy is not in control. Such comms can never be confirmed, but it makes me a bit suspicious.
Someone had fun writing this, I suppose.
Just short of $0.17 eh? "Hot dog"? And "must-hear(d)", huh?
Sketchy as hell. But I guess the scriptwriters of this movie is trying hard.
All the construction done in four years of Trump's admin. Which was plenty.
Sorry for the ambiguity.
Such claims are a dime a dozen. More likely, everyone's trying to monetize by jumping in. Building an audience for their show. Or building a career as a Q-friendly pundit.
More than one person has posted as Q. For example, there was a short period during one of those BLM things where there were a few Q posts following the protests, like an underling had been tasked to make a few Q posts.
Who cares who Q is when war is raging. I just want them to put the new Gitmo facilities to good use.
Sometimes your spiffy new Tesla just wants to kill you, even when you are not horny enough to get it on while letting the car drive itself.
Always, Tesla and Elon go scot-free each time something like this happens. Elon is chaotic neutral and I will not touch any of his products with a 10 foot pole.
A important titbit mostly missed is that Avermectin (from which Ivermectin is developed) was isolated from soil bacteria samples collected by him. Soil bacteria, folks.
Good germs are important for humans. The craze of antibacterial soap (when the threat is a virus) is a bleeping stupid obsession.
Feel the dirt beneath your feet. Touch it and live in harmony with your natural environment.
Don't be surprised. Anyone who wants to set up such a news site needs to go "all in" and not blink when the feds starts to investigate you. I guess the site owner blinked.
Really, no, Elon is a useful tool for himself and himself only.
Did you notice there has been weeks and weeks since anything new on Elon and Q has been posted here? It was never his focus. Elon was just memeing.
But he sure is somebody's golden boy because there are no repercussions even after murdering a whole bunch of his adoring customers via the autopilot. And the NHTSA is still "investigating" a whole bunch of the accidents. Shirley a golden boy who can do no wrong.
See ZH yesterday:
Seems to be built to bare minimum standards. Done in by water seepage.
Unfortunately, civil engineering currently has no solution for rapid rescue in such situations. Concrete and steel are in a tangled pile. You'd think you can remove stuff piece by piece, but there will be lots of tangled ones (due to rebar in concrete) and for each one you will be risking collapse further down.
It's a 40 year old building. And people are clannish and some will be drawn together. Not too surprising.
Somebody needs to check who is the site and domain owner. And only then, each of us can decide whether to take the site seriously.
ZeroHedge has a better story. See:
So Breaking911 were total fucking idiots. No wonder that Breaking911's reporting did not make sense at all unless the officers were total idiots. So remember, don't believe anybody's every word even if they are supposed to be on our side. Fucking idiots are everywhere.
Must be some big-ass sparkling mortar shells in there. It's still a super dumb idea to do it in your (expensive) vehicle.
And detonate stuff designed to detonate inside a vessel? Doubly genuis move. Well done fellas, Biden admin Gold Stars for all the officers involved.
Did the illegal fireworks pose any imminent or immediate threat? They were asking for trouble.
It won't be the first Vatican Bank scandal.
There was something with the Mafia some years ago.