not_a_sheep 2 points ago +2 / -0

Obviously nothing will satisfy her except for total freedom. But give her total freedom and she might get messed up in no time.

There is more to the story than controlling Britney against her will.

I thought some years ago, supervision was the very thing that a judge decided, that is why her dad is around. The judge did not side with her then. Nobody raised much fuss. But now she thinks she is ready to shake off the shackles. She is not entirely well. Total freedom for her, I think, will not end well.

not_a_sheep 60 points ago +60 / -0

It's not that nobody was paying attention, plenty of people knew what "George" can mean. That picture in front of the Dallas Book Depository was well known among some circles, as are other stuff. Perhaps, those on the side of Truth were unable to fight back, until now.

not_a_sheep -2 points ago +1 / -3

I'm guessing someone wanted to check whether she managed to smuggle in drugs from somewhere.

People can sound sane but they are really not well at all in the head.

not_a_sheep 2 points ago +2 / -0

Triggered? Hardly. I don't stop fellow pedes from speculating, but I can push back a bit so that some pedes see it with a more critical eye.

The guy was almost an outlaw, and no doubt has mental issues. In those scenarios, money drains away quickly. Confabulation is a possibility. He won't be the first or the last well-known computer personality to have a bad end.

I'm not a sheep, and I don't slurp everything up like it's all amazing Kool-aid. I'm not Flynn's or Sidney's or Lindell's poodle either.

not_a_sheep 4 points ago +4 / -0

Heh, this is what happens when you start your career as a child actor in the Mickey Mouse Club. It was not a safe environment, I guess.

I don't think she's entirely well in the head. I think the court should place a medical observer with her for a few weeks. Or at least, her entourage and hangers-on must stop working her like a product until she has her psychological issues sorted out some.

not_a_sheep 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pwning the McAfee company is different from pwning Belize government officials. What he claims to have done in Belize cannot be simply extrapolated and scaled up ad infinitum. He has been acting like a spokesperson, not a genius hacker in the past 20 years.

He led a larger-than-life gangsta life since the 1990s, and everybody just hangs on to his every word like they are the absolute truth? Boasts can be used to hide other means of pwning, just like the allies hid the origin of Bletchley Park intercepts. How far do you trust John McAfee? What is true and what is confabulation?

not_a_sheep 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, well, well.


Stay fresh, stay alert.

not_a_sheep 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yep. Some folks are clinging to every twitter post like this like a needy girlfriend.

Just relax and be prepared instead.

not_a_sheep 1 point ago +1 / -0

The rest are:

RNA: Pfizer (BioNTech), Moderna

Viral Vector: Oxford-AstraZeneca, Sputnik V (Gamaleya), Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)

Protein-based: Novavax

not_a_sheep 3 points ago +3 / -0

French markings? Did they surrender the plane to you with a big discount?

(Don't laugh too hard though. You can still open the cockpit to drop napalm. Napalm is cheap and easy to make Most recently, the US military used some Super Tucanos.)

not_a_sheep 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yet the church turned into the next incarnation of the Roman Empire.

The key tech of the Romans is empire-building.

Too bad for Paul, I'm sure his Roman followers forgot about the "poor" teachings very quickly.

You amass power, you survive. Poor and austere won't be appealing to those who wanted to remain in power. Sure, poor and austere for the masses, but not for those in power.

Do not underestimate how quickly a religion can be co-opted by interested parties. If you study the historical Buddha, he was just a prince who had a nervous breakdown. They all wore rags, until a rich woman follower decided that rags is unbecoming of a great guru and suggested yellow robes. Meh.

not_a_sheep 3 points ago +3 / -0

Whoa. Why does this pix of Joe has one eye almost shut like many elites? I haven't noticed this on Joe before, and it has not been mentioned in postings here either.

not_a_sheep 2 points ago +2 / -0

She must have been thinking of the Daenerys Targaryen meme where Daenerys is worshipped as a goddess by the unwashed masses.

Another (liberal) one bites the dust, heh.

not_a_sheep 2 points ago +3 / -1

I have no doubt there are plenty of good Christians. But not everyone who professes to be good Christians are actually one.

Did you know Yeshua should be properly translated as Joshua? It's only Jesus because of the Greek translators.

I don't need a book with chapters selected by a committee (and inconvenient chapters memory-holed by the church) to be a good human being.

not_a_sheep 1 point ago +1 / -0

To add to this, a BBC report in April 2021 lists 3 in the "inavtivated virus" category:

CoronaVac (Sinovac) - China

Sinopharm - China

Covaxin (Bharat Biotech) - India

not_a_sheep 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just wanna self-destruct like Victoria's Secret.

Okay, more popcorn for me.

not_a_sheep 2 points ago +2 / -0

If Kamala was really doing her job, she'd go down to Rio Grande valley and highlight the existence of rape trees and talk frankly about (human) coyotes.

not_a_sheep 1 point ago +1 / -0

In your browser, do a Ctrl-U on this page to see the HTML source, then look for the CSS files near the beginning. For now, it's this one:


You can right-click, then open the file in a new tab to see its contents. There are about 49KB of emoji lookups in there.

I'm a dinosaur from the Stone Age of the Internet, so I don't know whether such CSS practices is sustainable for larger numbers of users.

not_a_sheep 0 points ago +3 / -3

Paul was a Roman, and the co-opted a fledging religion and fused it with Roman administrative empire-building. They sure as hell did not learn the pomp and pageantry from Jesus. Or the amassing of riches and treasure.

Many good people gave their all to the Roman Catholic church, but it is also a wonderful place for many unsavory people to hide and commit crime.

not_a_sheep 3 points ago +3 / -0

Much too calm for someone getting an overly harsh sentence. I hope the prosecutors and the judges gets added into the sealed indictment list.

We are watching a movie.

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