Agreed. This is the first post from Trump in a while that I thought was worth anything.
He needs to be putting these out every day with this much fire.
And calling for arrests and protests.
If they want to arrest him for "inciting violence" go for it. All that will do is FINALLY give us the motivation to do something ANYTHING to stop this madness.
Yeah there obsessed with DATA
OMG DATA they get horny for it because it's fodder to lie with factz
Check out his company! The entrepreneur that died....
Pharmaceutical drug trial data company?
Headlines say he's already in jail!?
You're the real black pill.
The posters like you convince us all to do NOTHING.
It leaves the masses here with zero motivation to organize because they've been lulled into thinking their saving is coming any day now.
Speaking of Israel anybody ever read the old testament? Sound familiar? God will deliver his people to Israel! /hundreds of years later ......
You're the black pill.
Patriots are in control. But "they" have nothing.
We the people have EVERYTHING. And it is time for US to announce The Storm.
Go right ahead and argue that. The Chinese people have been thinking it was about to fall for decades and decades and decades.
Your belief in everything you just said is exactly what makes you just as asleep as commie coma patient.
People like you ensure nobody does anything.
Last resort time is here. It was here yesterday.
Pray for your pipe dream all you want while you lull everybody into doing nothing and dooming us for another decade again.
Sure if letting people's lives get destroyed more and more everyday is your idea of "principles" then yeah I guess that makes sense....
When has "the law" ever stopped the communists from winning?
You might win a round with "the law" but you're losing the war. BADLY.
When the law becomes corrupt, there IS NO LEGAL OPTION.
Go read the Declaration of Independence.
"But we can't be like THEM REEEEEEEEEEEE....." - the .win community when ANYTHING that might actually work is suggested
This is war. There are ZERO "good" ways to win. And the only people who think we can win "the good way" believe we've already won as the rest of us have our lives destroyed and told "just wait it out Patriots are in control"
So fucking condescending.
If Patriots are in control. I pray for them.
But we should act as if they're NOT. If they are great all the better.
This judge didn't even fucking notice the problem until the defense called it out. And then he's all YEAH I WAS ASTONISHED... I MEAN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU UP TO well he certainly didn't seem so until he realized he was supposed to.... and then he just lets this guy give his same non-answer.
This judge isn't playing 4D chess to close of civil cases. He's just a typical judge. Our courts are so broken.
Go on every Google Maps and trash every clinic you can find with reviews containing some horrible story about the place and include names of every negative treatment of employees and malpractice suit you can dig up on the place without linking it you'll be banned.
Talk about how horribly they treat the staff there and say there's a Nationwide Walkout Nov 15.
It won't happen until we all make it happen.
This could be way more than Kaiser.