p8riot 21 points ago +21 / -0

What I'm most surprised about most is not ONE question, from a SINGLE media outlet regarding the Epstein files at any of the press conferences. The one earlier today would have been a great time to bring it up to Pam with Trump right there.

p8riot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Damn, I will have to look at this thoroughly later. Right away I'm interested in the margins where it says CIA declassified all except bracketed terms. And the only bracketed terms have to do with Israel.

p8riot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think you understand the numbers breakdown.

10-15% of Jews are Orthodox. Most study Talmudic teachings.

20-25% of Jews are Conservative. Some study Talmudic teachings.

35% of Jews are Reform. Very few if any study Talmudic teachings.

30% of Jews are Secular. Virtually none study the Torah, let alone the Talmud.

p8riot 5 points ago +7 / -2

But the very first point is not factual. I'll eat my hat if anyone can provide a link to the PDF and page number that validates the tweet's first point:

The JFK Files define the exact date this group infiltrated the United States with a coup d'etat by killing a sitting President

Here's an excerpt from Grok's response.

If a Zionist conspiracy existed, one might expect at least tangential references to Israel, Jewish organizations, or related figures in these intelligence documents—yet none appear here.

p8riot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I got to her first big point about JFK pushing for AZC to be listed as a foreign entity under FARA, which is true. I discovered that they reformed as AIPAC after JFK's death and avoided direct funding thru Israel to avoid FARA. However, she isn't sourcing anything from the JFK files and she hasn't mentioned a single source yet (9 minutes in)


p8riot 2 points ago +3 / -1

Candace Owens is an idiot. But if you have a link to that I'll check it out, although I question what you mean by "Jewish sources" and how that is relevant to veracity.

Also, you need to differentiate between Israel and Judaism. There is no Jewish lobby- AIPAC supports loyal incumbents over Jewish challengers.

p8riot 2 points ago +3 / -1

I replied about that already to my original comment. Israel continued nuclear research under LBJ, nothing changed so assassinating Kennedy would have been a costly risk to take for absolutely no payoff.

p8riot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Without America's military and financial support Israel would not be around today. That was my point, not who paved the way. Your friends are saying that America needs to continue to support Israel because again, it would cease to exist. The walls would close in.

America has funded Israel in total since the 50s, accounting for inflation, LESS than we've funded Ukraine over the last few years. There are many reasons why they are considered a strong ally in a region that is a hotbed for Islamic terrorism. Think of it as a military base that we can launch attacks from if we needed, including by proxy. Even just the threat can be a deterrent.

p8riot 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's complicated for two reasons. First, Muslim terrorists do bad things in the name of Islam. They're not reformed / western enough, in other words, and follow the text too closely. Whereas 'bad' Jews are sort of the opposite. They violate some of the commandments for instance and are too modern in their globalism.

Second, Jews are basically unified in their persecution for thousands of years so there is an almost genetic instinct for survival and unspoken rule for the most part to be friendly to those 'in the tribe'

p8riot 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don’t know a single Jewish person who puts America before Israel.

Without America there is no Israel. So that is an absurd statement. But also I'm curious how many Jews you know and how exactly you pose this question to them.

p8riot 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are spreading lies. Very few Jews follow Talmudic teachings, about 10-20% according to Grok. Only the orthodox and some conservative Jews follow- most Jews are reform or secular and do NOT.

p8riot 6 points ago +6 / -0

So many retards in this thread pretending like they know anything. The Torah existed for THOUSANDS of years before the Talmud began to form, around the same time the new testament began coming together.

p8riot 7 points ago +8 / -1

Pretty sure you know nothing at all on the topic. Talmud is rabbinical teachings, most likely studied by Orthodox (10-15% of Jews). Maybe some conservative Jews (20-25%) are aware of it. Reform (35%) and secular Jews (~30%) don't even study the Torah let alone the Talmud. Grok says:

you might estimate 10-20% of Jews actively align with Talmudic teachings in a religious sense.

p8riot 5 points ago +6 / -1

JFK’s successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, did not significantly alter U.S. policy toward Israel’s nuclear program—inspections continued, and Israel’s nuclear ambiguity persisted. If Israel had a motive to remove JFK, the outcome doesn’t align with a significant policy shift in their favor.

p8riot 7 points ago +9 / -2

Here is what Grok says on the matter. I'm assuming everyone saw that Elon made the JFK files searchable there:

Conclusion: Based on the newly released JFK files and a critical examination of historical theories, there is no direct evidence of Israel’s involvement in the JFK assassination. The files focus on CIA anti-Castro operations, Cuban connections, and Mafia involvement, with no mention of Israel or Israeli entities. Fringe theories linking Israel to the assassination—primarily centered on JFK’s pressure on Israel’s nuclear program and speculative connections through figures like Jack Ruby—lack substantiation in the declassified records and rely on circumstantial claims.

p8riot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree with you. Having an intelligent discussion about ANY topic should never be off limits.

It's the generalizing, stereotyping and racist hatred that is not conducive. For example if a topic of a post has a "berg" or "stein" in their last name it's Defcon 1 and everybody on this forum (there are a LOT) that dislike Jews all come out with their nose puns and general vile hatred. Or if a black person is in a headline for being an idiot they get called a jogger which is obviously a substitute for a racist slur.

It's despicable, unintelligent, and I would never link this forum to any normies for that reason. It's out of control here.

p8riot 1 point ago +8 / -7

Perfect! Yours is the idiotic garbage that this post is addressing. Thanks for giving everyone an example.

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