Article relevant, and also demonstrates how common the knowledge of toxoplasmosis is...
It's said that toxoplasmosis has no cure. I'm sure it does, but most likely the common dewormers won't affect it. Once something gets to your brain I imagine it's very difficult to get it out.
The cure may have to be more metaphysical or spiritual
Then couple the realization that we're seldom treated for parasites with the fact that knowledge of parasitic infection in humans is completely normal. Mind-blowing.
Ringworm is common, toxoplasmosis is well known, and apparently you can predict the top performing soccer players in the world based on who has the most fucking cat poop brain worms in them...
We've been given a false paradigm, and it's so obvious when you stop to think about it.
Why would a medication that fights parasites help with arthritis, viruses, and cancer?'s always been about parasites... This knowledge would change the face of medicine forever if it weren't so adamantly buried.
NASA was started, basically, by Walt Disney, Werner von Braun, Jack Parsons, and L Ron Hubbard. Once you look into those guys a bit it may become clear. It was always movie magic and secret society shit.