You're welcomed. Save the Children. Keep them away from the television.
H E R O Child Rescue is another one.
Why dox the people saving the republic?
More than that was posted.
To be a verified or influencer account you can send in id, other than that it is not required to just be a user. Believe me if you are online or using a cell filing taxes electronically making online purchases, your identity is already out there.
Milo should read up on the Constitution maybe. Speech provoking actions that would harm others—true incitement and/or threats—is not protected by Freedom of Speech. Just saying, when you set out to test the limits of your rights just to get your 5 minutes of fame, you may be right on par with the media. So Milo got banned and accomplished what he set out to do to make a headline. Are there any adults left in the room?
Nice. As they always seem to overlook, no gun laws have ever kept a criminal from obtaining a gun. I see this as a penalty to law abiding people only. All this bill will do is increase the profits of criminals.
The mask won't go away until We The People stop wearing it. I do not wear one and I spent the holidays with my family in the same traditions as always. A few family members (sheep) chose not to attend out of fear. Their loss, I totally enjoyed the traditions.
If only I had a twitter account, what a prime op to drop some comments. scroll to chart to see trend by years
Michael Jaco and Gene Decodes have been posting the same info.
Are the seal indictments being delivered? Publicizing the crime but hiding behind resignation making it seem as an internal organizational thing to the sheep? Our eyes are open but what about the sheep?
Illinois has a petition drive going. Check for your local in person places to sign.
They've been trying to get those terrorist onto states soil for years, why do you think they want to move the worst criminals into these prisons? Mass escape? Uprising? what?
Think Myanmar?
Any significance you think?
RSBN watching.
Nadler eating his words. Nailed It!!!
X22Report stated that media would start dropping the trial when Trump team starts presenting evidence. I think his take was this would wake more people up and expose the media has been lying to them. If that's the case and it works, but I think anyone still supporting the swamp is lost forever.
Prince Phillip according to And We Know.