This is great news, it keeps the Central Bankers in check and from taking over our currency-if it was digital they could control what we spend, how we spend, and what days we could go shopping. Trump is in control and he knows what he is doing. I just spent an hour watching a well-informed woman (I forgot her name) explain how bad this would be for our country.
If only they thought they were there, in the position, to serve. They believe they are there to get their riches and we can figure it out on our own. Well, now we have Trump figuring it out with/for us and we can win again!
Plus, our founding fathers realized that anyone in "public service" would want to get back home and pick up their businesses again after their service. Now we have lawyers who have turned being a politician into a real job and they actually have nothing to go home to. With their security clearances they could get lucrative work with MSM, now that is ruined, by Trump, for them.
You don't make it sound great, but hopefully it pays all the bills your family incurs. Good luck to you and your family. It does sound very rewarding when things go right, the money comes in, and people who contract with you actually pay you what was negotiated.
But unless we remember what happened over time, this also will be corruptible and it will not take long. As our founding fathers said, if Angels ran governments we wouldn't need laws. And we just saw how some people follow the law.
Absolutely. It is a shame only our Senators and congress people can afford things like that. And, of course, all the corrupt politicians in America and elsewhere.