redboobblueboob 4 points ago +5 / -1

It would really fucking suck if Gregg is a blackhat trap operation designed to ensnare patriots in a scandal re the Konnech lawsuit ESPECIALLY if we COULD have figured it out but didn't just because we wanted to be "unified" and not be "divisive" about Gregg's history.

I'm not dooming. If this guy is a blackhat operation I believe he's trapped and going DOWN.

It would just be hella nice to know ahead of time and warn others.

The website that he was supposedly going to upload the data too originally asked for your email.

Then they deleted that and asked for your email AND phone number.

Then they deleted THAT and want your email, phone number, AND an entire application process ...

for data he said 1 would be out TWO MONTHS AGO ... 2 available for EVERYONE ..

Please be careful with this guy!!!

redboobblueboob 7 points ago +8 / -1

I'm sorry to be annoying about this 💁

I'm just interested if anyone has any counterclaims to what's in these articles about Gregg.

So far the only responses I've gotten are mostly people accusing me of being a fed-shill just because I find Gregg very sketchy.

I think when people make promises and they don't keep them we should QUESTION them .. not just assume PSYOP and all jump on the bandwagon just because he quotes the Bible and says things we like.

He made very specific promises to release the data and get a sheriff's organization rounded up.

redboobblueboob 1 point ago +2 / -1


Extensive research provided by

@Anon_Leon and @godsgal on Truth Social ...

Think for yourself. I don't know where to stand on Gregg I just am AMAZED by the lack of research on this guy's background everytime he comes up given the extensive promises he's made while attacking patriots who ask if he's going to keep his word.

I know I post about him alot. If you don't agree with this articles conclusions I want to know WHY ...

Gregg Phillips fans in general seem remarkably uninformed about his background.

redboobblueboob 4 points ago +5 / -1

Ripcord? Anyone? Bueller? ....

2,500 Sheriff's and a fusion center to get the MULES ?

Haven't heard jack shit about that for over two months now after he spent 5 months HYPING that shit like it was going to be the thing that saved our midterms!

redboobblueboob 1 point ago +3 / -2


We certainly do not know who anybody is ...

Gregg has always seemed SKETCHY AF to me ...

The amount of division he's caused to our movement by HYPING #Ripcord (ALL the data from 2000 Mules) for FIVE MONTHS and then releasing NOTHING and here two months out from the promised release date and he berates anyone who asks if he's still got that data coming ...

I've heard him say ALL kinds of excuses:

"We're being hacked by deepstate" "Our developer betrayed us" "We DID release it you just don't have it" (my fav) "You are helping the deepstate and you're a troll" "Actually we didn't promise that" "Konnech is better just ignore we didn't release it and focus on Konnech"

Every single excuse you could think of except "sorry we weren't ready" .... ... while painting anyone who questions him in any way to be basically a traitor.

Just searching his name Gregg Phillips in Truth Social reveals his behavior and the background PAY-triots who attended ThePIT refuse to investigate even if it's to tell us it's not true.

I don't think Gregg is a white hat. I think he's deepstate. We'll see.

I think NCSWIC. Gregg being DS changes nothing for me personally.

But I do worry about the Patriots who've been caught up in the Konnech lawsuit if this was all some kinda play to take down or silence or trick patriots who got corralled by Gregg's brick wall of demanded loyalty without question.

redboobblueboob 3 points ago +3 / -0

@Clandestine's behavior documented on TS

Not about Racine though that's new info to me.



Thanks to the following for documentation.

@ArchiveAnon @Anon_Leon @paulmuaddib61 @godsgal @utism @therealtoriabrooke

... amoung many others

@Clandestine is not to be trusted.

... also amoung many others

Nobody is really. Think for yourself. Stay comfy my friend. NCSWIC

Don't trust. Just verify.

Many other interesting things to consider in that links thread ... you know more than anybody not to immediately jump to any conclusions or counter-conclusions just based on a few threads. Sauce does not make a dish.

So let's see what we can whip up with everyone's recipes hahaha

redboobblueboob 2 points ago +2 / -0


Scroll down. You are by FAR not the only one.

WTM is attempting to take control of the narrative on Truth Social.

Not a their members are bad. But that's like saying not everyone who works for FOX is bad.

@ArchiveAnon ... (talk about someone who is NOT a newcomer as I'm sure most of you know) ... has been posting about WTM nonstop the last few days after several of WTM members including @Clandestine smeared, belittled, and block brigaided a number of other patriots including @realtoriabrooke - who was recently blackmailed by @TheKateAwakening

This is not high school drama or patriot infighting.

imo this is bigger. WWG1WGA means WWG1WGA

If we cannot have the eyes to investigate who we think are OUR OWN - what hope do we have of uncovering the traitors playing the same but much BIGGER role.

Research what happened and decide for yourself. I'm not here to say what's what.

Be careful who you follow.

redboobblueboob 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know. And THAT is the difference between me and the them they are at least for now. I do not think of them this way PRECISELY because it is the way the think of me, and I want nothing to do with that kind of thinking.

redboobblueboob 2 points ago +2 / -0


My apologies. I think you're right. Well they're both great haha

I feel dumb I've confused the two of them before I'm pretty sure.

redboobblueboob 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do not think of sheep as "mere sheep" ... I consider it my purpose to awaken the ready, and many "mere sheep" have deep unconscious sight of reality that CAN rear it's powerful head from out of the dark.

Not that you should wait around and cater to the sheep until that day - I think we both probably agree that's a huge waste of time and very dangerous.

I just think it's important to say both parts out loud.

That being said I COMPLETELY agree with your perspective on Brian - he's great! :-)

redboobblueboob 4 points ago +4 / -0

Robert Gouveia

on Rumble or YouTube

RH is the only one who REGULARLY pays for the transcripts and goes through them bit by bit. Lawyer IRL which is helpful for explaining legal system.


Viva & Barnes

also on Rumble

V&B usually don't go through the filings OR the transcripts (they do sometimes) BUT their expertise as as actual lawyers themselves who've worked on similar cases makes their analysis VERY unbiased - they're excellent at telling you how things are proceeding, how normal they are or aren't, if the law is being followed in their opinion, and they are very good at AVOIDING HYPE or hopium which makes them pretty unique.


Just Human

on Rumble or Substack

JH is good too - he usually just downloads the filings w/o transcripts (transcripts are expensive!) and I wouldn't call him unbiased at all - though he is very good! and will show you the case through the Q lens which the 1st two suggestions won't.


Brian Cates

on Rumble or Twitch

Probably the most biased. I'm only including him because he's mentioned alot in this thread and he IS very informed - but he tends to look at events through a lens of already having an idea about what it means - he's often right! - but since you asked for unbiased coverage I thought I'd include a warning. Don't count him out though!


edit: looks like @realtoriabrooke on TS is providing up-to-date almost real time reporting on the Danchenko case as well ! We have THE BEST journalism!

I enjoy having both an outsider and an insider perspective!

Everyone HAS some kind of bias and 80% of people I meet are in complete denial of what their bias is or rarely they DO know but severely underestimate it's effect on their analysis or conclusions.

Best to not try and avoid others bias - it can't be done.

Instead try to incorporate a wide variety of DIFFERENT biases compare their strategies of thinking and ultimately their conclusions.

Then think for yourself!

Cheers -


redboobblueboob 3 points ago +3 / -0

No Agenda uses PayPal ... they've considered changing payment processors for a while now but PayPal is one of the only ones that is both easy to set up AND doesn't require the payer/donator/whatever to download an app or make an account.

Gab Pay looks interesting but then you have to convince people to download an app ...

This is fucked.

redboobblueboob 5 points ago +5 / -0

What do I say about that type of Mindless Herd Mentality?

I don't know. Fuck what is there to say really.

But TO a person with that mentality?

I tell them if they don't get the monkeypox vaccine too they're transphobic and if they think they're not affected or at risk because of the community they are in ... that's systemic transphobia.

redboobblueboob 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jesus Christ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 OMG

Try reading it in a Chinese accent if you don't think it's funny. Trust me.

I'm still downvoting you because you're a fucking faggot but I was entertained.

redboobblueboob 1 point ago +1 / -0

Patel Patriot showed nothing except a bunch of accusations and "evidence".

Devolution is a good theory. Patel lives in his mom's basement and is fighting for his kids in a divorce and suddenly became THE face of anons who like his ideas ... meaning sudden fame in a world where being RIGHT can really get to your head and ego.

I think he is right.

But these "connections to anti-fa" is just him being unable to deal with the fact another interesting theory that directly contradicts PARTS of Patel's theory.


I like Patel I've been watching him for ... idk 6mo now? More?

But the last few months he's gotten A LOT more arrogant and rude towards other anons that don't necessarily agree 100% with his theory.

Even if they just don't agree on one small part Patel TRASHES people on Truth Social over it or blocks them. There's a shit ton of people complaining about it.

Hasn't happened to me yet but I've seen it.

He needs to get his head on straight. I like him. He's a good guy.

But 17sog didn't "attack him personally" and he needs to put down this sword because this anti-fa shit is stupid. He also said 17sog attacked Just Human and etc etc. That's totally BULLSHIT. 17sog never said anything about them or ANYONE personally.

Actually the people involved with originally posting about 17sog presumed to be the authors (biernutz and others I forget) have said MANY good things about Patel and the others. Biernutz even had this big huge post about how Devolution was one of the most important eye-opening things he's read.

His blind accusations and pettyness over misunderstandings is really getting annoying.

Patel is being a dick. And it's making him into a basement dwelling Cartman stereotype of a conspiracy theorist fame whore instead of an anon.

I could word that more tactfully but that's the mean version of how he's behaving lately.

Frankly I kinda think he's mostly been influenced in that direction by Gregg Phillips who is genuinely a dick and grifter. Where as Patel is just in a vulnerable place but not usually a dick and definitely not a grifter - even if he's wrong about some things.

Maybe he's right about the executive order idk ...

redboobblueboob 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey if you want it go for it, that ol cancerous cunt probably stinks to high heaven but you do you bro.

redboobblueboob 4 points ago +4 / -0

NOPE! Just Chuck Testa

** this shit totally freaked me out when I stepped outside the other day and saw it before I realized it was just Musky Man

redboobblueboob 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gregg: says we'll understand the need to verify sources DIRECTLY

also Gregg: Let's release ALL the 2000 Mules data! We can all verify directly! Yeah!

also also Gregg: eh actually we're being hacked and also I never said I was going to give you anything and you must hate the CIA they're real patriots ask me about that data again and I'll block you and send my army of fans to call you a faithless traitor

Maybe he really has the ripcord data ... why he needs to act like this if he really does however is beyond me.

redboobblueboob 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the TTV and Gregg situation needs research.

Accounts on Truth Social with threads to investigate:


@ArchiveAnon *

@paulmuaddib61 *

@AmericaFirstAudits (great thread on their involvement in the Enron debacle and deepstate conflict of interest laden government contracting scams)

*coincidentally some fav accounts of mine, though all 4 are great and there are MANY other great accounts with anons looking into them.

Would love to hear other takes on this whole thing or any evidence the information on his sketchy background is inaccurate or plain ol fake news. Seems like legit information to me ...

redboobblueboob 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've said it before and I'll say it again ...

I WANT to believe Gregg and Catherine.

Really. They're about as patriotic as can be I love it!

But they haven't kept a SINGLE ONE of their MOST important promises.

They promised in NO uncertain terms REPEATEDLY ...


data from 2000 Mules ALL OF IT cell data names of NGOs involved ! ballotbox footage


collaboration with Sheriffs to ARREST these mules website to access and submit data open.ink

They promised REPEATEDLY and VERY CLEARLY they would release this data the Monday after #ThePit

Now if you ask them about it? ... two MONTHS after it was supposed to have come out?

They'll say they did and you didn't get it because you're a stupid China troll and then block you.

Try it I dare you. Be VERY polite and DO NOT troll. Just ask for an update on #ripcord and see what happens.

(they didn't "release" anything except make some super vague accusations against Konnech and the FBI -- which REGARDLESS of the validity of the accusations is NOT #Ripcord -- the Konnech story is #TigerProject)

Then they'll say they can't because they're not allowed to.

Then they'll say they can't because they're being hacked and Gregg doesn't know how to use BitTorrrent.

Right now we have ZERO ripcord data.

We got a website that asks for your PHONE # and your email to access nothing except a few already previously available public documents that really aren't that exciting.

And at #ThePit Catherine told us to "move on" from 2020 ... and then they gave us a bunch of fundraising canned speeches for technology startups selling "face reading AI tech" -- fucking creepy.

Go watch the trailer for #ThePit ....

You can't because they deleted it from their Rumble, it's not there anymore.

Search on Truth Social you'll find it.

All this and try saying ANYTHING skeptical about Gregg on Truth Social. You'll get attacked by a rabbid army of foaming fans calling you a China shill libtard globalist who say Gregg and TTV is PROVEN FACT.

Maybe they are. I'll believe it when they keep their promises and stop treating people like fucking traitors for asking questions.

Many of the patriot "influencers" refuse to look into his background.

Funding from Koch brothers. Sketchy AF background in MEDICARE INSURANCE SCAMS designed to go after families who's loved ones have DIED for medical fees. Hospital work in FUCKING UKRAINE. I could go on.

His sketchy past, his current failed promises, and the way he attacks fans and followers for being against our involvement in Ukraine, skeptical of the CIA etc, or for asking pretty basic non-troly questions...

Be careful who you follow.

He's currently being sued by Konnech for defamation. We all know lawfare is at an all time high and [they] can destroy anyone they can with corrupt judges and picked juries.

Maybe this is going to give us a surprise win when discovery is submitted.

Just be careful. You could easily theorize the only thing #TigerProject will really accomplish is taking out patriots who believe Catherine and Gregg. Patel Patriot's picture is IN the lawsuit as are references to others.

Gregg and Catherine fans think this is going to be the biggest legal backfire of ALL time.

Maybe it will be! I really don't know. I want to believe them too and they talk ... believably... seriously that's not sarcasm.

Just be careful out there frens. We may have a deepstate sponsored version of Lin Wood on our hands - VERY dangerous.

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