Never get between a man and his beer run. Bro was about to pay and the robber was cutting in line. Rude. :))
Take a break. We all pitched in.
From article:
In February, the Carter Center announced that Jimmy, 98, had decided to cease medical intervention and enter hospice care "to spend his remaining time at home with his family." Three months later, the Carters revealed that Rosalynn, now 96, has dementia.
Perhaps someone else decided for him.
From my understanding, a lot of what you can see are just frontmen and there is more of the curtain to pull back and we might even need to shine a few lights in there.
I do not see the WEF/Vatican/UN/Royalty/unelected EU/etc as the final boss as there has to be an even smaller select few who are really pulling the strings.
Perhaps publicly, the show will 'end' with the public-facing organizations and personalities and they just do cleanup behind the scenes. Who knows?
Is this the final purge/IQ test?
You tried at least. Good on you.
If there are two sets of rules/laws, could it be that some of the things referred to are for corporate which can be more secretive?
Very good to know.
A bit late to the post, but I said a prayer of thanks that it was resolved. Stay safe and keep believing.
We could just all be livestock and all the missing people are being sold to a meat market and all the good resources are being given to someone else. Even then, I don't think a revelation like that would put me into the hospital from shock.
If it wasn't an extreme exaggeration, it'd have to be a lot worse than something like that to hospitalized 99% of us.
It'd have to be something that would be so bad that it'd instantly shatter any remaining hope and overload people with unfathomable amounts of despair.
Taking the 99% literally, there would only be 80 million or so people who wouldn't be hospitalized. Of course, that's assuming the 8 billion people number is even anywhere near remotely accurate and not just another lie.
Also, looking deeper into it, if 99% of the population needs to be hospitalized, then the world just stops because 1% can't take care of 99%. It's a curious choice of words. Does it mean they will get sick and need medical attention or some other type of treatment, perhaps mental? Could just be interpreted as most people will break down as their perception of reality is shattered.
I guess a lot of people I know are so squeamish that just talking about parasites in the human body already gets them on edge and they just wanna cover their ears with both hands and go, "Lalalala I can't hear you." If the majority of people are like that, then shoving what we already know so far into their faces might make them break down.
Or is it alluding to our attachment to our current way of life and material things? Lots to think about.
for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen.
Didn't Trump mention something about the veil being lifted?
I usually use Brave browser and Brave search. I also installed up Librewolf as a backup in case something happens to Brave.
I use Brave on android to watch Youtube since it just blocks all the ads by default vs the Youtube app.
What happened to Vince?
I am actually curious if sushi/sashimi parasites help hone Japanese behavior.
Thanks for sharing. Will look into this. I would still like to have some family and cousins around if/when I grow older.
I can see now why it was edited the way it was. Some things he said wouldn't sit well with a lot of folk.
Only if you can stomach eating it while watching the evidence play out.
Spread those parasites even more.
I get the same reaction from people. They think they are clean and that there is zero chance they have wriggly worms in their bodies. They are very much in denial.
Hasn't it always been the case that VP was DS insurance against any candidate that might go against DS directives? You wouldn't be able to run for president if your VP wasn't 100% controlled by the bad guys. At least that's always been my perception of things.
With regards to what evidence, we may be looking at hundreds of kids raped/killed per one person compromised at high positions.
Already lost 2 uncles. They died within a few days of being hospitalized. One of my aunts also has cancer. She is being treated, but it keeps spreading.
Yes, they used to blast de-worming medicine ads regularly when I was younger. Recommendation was every 6 months.
It also sheds some light as to why people who go on Carnivore diets 'get well' but are quick to feel bad again after eating normal food.
Going on carnivore makes them dump sugar and eat more fat, putting parasites in a somewhat dormant state (I think? Correct me if I'm wrong) and it also makes them (in cases I read about/watched) go on a 24 hour fast. If this makes the parasites chill out, they feel better, but the moment they start eating crap, everything wakes up again.
It's good that he's getting rid of parasites in his campaign.