This is my hope and it's what I think will happen. I can't see Trump picking anyone remotely associated with the Swamp this time. And, as a woman, I do not want to see him pick a female running mate. It's not the time, and none of them are fit to take his place when he leaves office anyway. Flynn for the win.
NC fren here. They are scared, and they are coming after Mark Robinson hard. I see a lot of anti-Robinson billboards and advertisements, almost all of which reference his stance on abortion. I've also seen a few that try to paint him as racist against black women. Frankly, those are non-issues for me, and all I care about are these: the economy, immigration, and the abysmal education system (we have one of the worst in this state). And he gets my vote. I've had the pleasure of seeing him speak twice in person, and he is a thunderous presence. He lights a fire in people.
Meanwhile, I have not seen a single yard sign for Josh Stein, but I see many Mark Robinson signs around my area. I live in eastern NC, so it's expected to be red, and I don't know how popular Robinson is in Raleigh, Charlotte, or other parts of the state. But Robinson has solid support here, and I think the race is much closer than the media wants us to think. They say that Stein is leading Robinson in donations and support, but I don't know how true this is. Of course, Stein is no doubt leading in Big Politics donations, but so was Terry McAuliffe to our north, and look how that worked out.
Josh Stein will get the liberal elitist transplant votes in Raleigh and Charlotte, but I think that many people support Robinson secretly. They're sick of trannies and Marxists. They want a normal human being in office who will fight for the economy and to keep illegals out of the state. Just my two cents. I can't wait to see our MAGA governor sworn in and how he will change this state for the better.
I'm with you. This seems very performative. Maybe the kid had a legitimate dream, but it seems obvious Mom asked her to repeat it on camera and coached her how to deliver it. Or the kid is just spouting off ideas she's heard from her family. In any case, I don't doubt the kid loves Jesus, so God bless her.
I have only worked in high schools, so teachers generally get away with a lot more at that level anyway, but I'll tell you what I think. It might help to know that I have also worked in two different states, one in the Southwest and one in the Southeast where I live now. Out west, things are A LOT more liberal and I saw some questionable things. For instance, about six years ago, my school hosted drag queens at an after-school event. Where I am now, leftist policies are slowly trickling down, but it's not as extreme...yet.
I agree that it is pushed on teachers, but it happens from the very start. The origin of all of this is the university system. The universities create the PhDs who do their "research" and come back to design the teaching programs that create new teachers, and they pump out the graduate degrees for all the administrators and policy-makers in the public education system. There's not a single teacher, principal, superintendent, or state-level bigwig who hasn't been exposed to the straight-up Marxism and hypersexual garbage that universities are teaching in their education programs (and have been for at least thirty years). And if you don't go along with it, you either won't get hired or you won't last long.
There's such a big push to be "inclusive" and accepting of LGBT kids today that sex inevitably becomes a topic in high schools. Kids are also exposed to massive amounts of porn and explicit lyrics from the time they're in elementary school. Kids know too much about sex far too early, and perversion is normalized. I have so many kids, if not the majority, who describe themselves as bisexual or pansexual now. This was NEVER the case even ten years ago. And now, when kids see sexual material in school, it's just normal to them. And the responsible adults feel like they're helping to give the kids a "safe space" to figure things out and feel "validated." Yes, they're just "doing their job," or worse, they feel like they're doing a noble thing. It's virtue-signaling.
About eight years ago, I had to take a literacy course on a college campus for my license, and I was told that I should burn any copies of Skippyjon Jones I find because it's racist against Mexicans (it isn't). Meanwhile, these same instructors are putting books in their classrooms about gay pride, two mommies, and picking pronouns.
I belonged to a teachers' union for a short time when I first started teaching. I still get their newsletter a couple of times a year. It is nothing but Marxist propaganda, every word of it. They all cry that everything they do is "for the students," but in reality, everything they do is to make their own lives easier. They've done nothing but help to destroy education in this country, largely through the bigotry of low expectations, which brings us ideas like math and homework are racist and you can't suspend black and brown kids, even though they receive the most disciplinary infractions for a reason (because they have no family structure). They also push ideas like black kids can't get anything out of novels that aren't about other black people, and forcing them to read the English classics is also racist, which is why the classroom next to mine was reading a book about George Floyd last semester. They love "strategies" like restorative justice and PBIS, and if you don't know what those are, look them up. It's why today's kids have absolutely no concept of responsibility.
The irony of teachers' unions incessantly bitching about low pay is that if they actually worked to improve education in this country, the general public would support those salary increases. Until then, as a public school teacher, I look forward to seeing the entire education system collapse within the next few years.
Horrific. So many people go through their daily lives and routines without ever realizing or contemplating the immense suffering and brutality happening across this world every minute of every day. Q said that those who know can't sleep at night, but there are some of us who do know and don't know what to do to help. It causes heartache and depression and loss of faith in God. This is truly a prison planet, and I do believe that there are powerful entities feeding from our pain, misery, and sadness. I continue to pray for their time to end.
I'm curious if anyone here knows anything else about this story. If it's true, I fear for this woman's life now that her image has been plastered online. Demons are among us, around us, and whispering in our ears every moment we're on this planet. Hearing this story makes it hard to start the day. All we can do is pray for the children and pray for innocent people who get caught up in these situations.
This works for some, but not most. Conservatives (and hell, even moderate people) need to focus on taking back the public education system, or we just need to destroy it and rebuild the entire thing. Giving our schools away to the lunatic left is what got us here, and we need to reclaim them and change the way teachers are trained. That is the only thing that will put a stop to this madness, and it needs to happen at the university level as well, since those are the institutions that pump out rainbow-haired teachers.
Yes, and it goes so far beyond this. I am a teacher, and a good friend of mine is in higher education. He's been working with a certain other superpower country for the last few months, and the difference in how they treat their children is astounding. Those kids are learning art, beauty, tradition, and the value of hard work and daily practice, while our children are taught to pat themselves on the backs for mediocrity and emotional meltdowns. It is 100% by design. And I really don't see how we will ever recover from this.
Isn't this the person who started the Slut Walk campaign a few years ago? I question her motives with this, but I hope she's truly had a change of heart. She could lead many delusional and lost young women to the truth if she means it.
So do I. I love this one the most: "O Holy Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams." A great reminder on days when I'm feeling down.
Exactly my thoughts. I'm imagining a world where seeing demons becomes normal. We already know they're all around us. It would be like those scenes in Ghostbusters 2 when there ghosts and ghouls appearing all around NYC, fueled by the pink slime river. In our case, it may be CERN and Satanists fueling it.
This is extremely sad. Young people have been conditioned over the past thirty years to obsess about their "mental health" to the point that they take pride in having a list of conditions, and now it's a race to see who can be the most screwed up. You can only win that trophy if you attempt or succeed at suicide. Her demeanor in this video says it all. What psychology has done to people in the West over the past few decades is pure evil. There are some wonderful therapists and psychologists, but too many are downright demented.
Exactly. I teach high school and have spent the last couple of weeks building this into my lessons for my juniors and seniors. They don't realize what kind of world they're about to walk into as young adults. They will not be able to move out on their own for a LONG time. And yes, this is absolutely by design.
This is one of the biggest problems. The top conversation about women being whores misses the point completely. A good chunk of those women tend to have several babies, all unwanted and by multiple fathers, in order to get government assistance. They're keeping the numbers up.
It's the educated, working millennial and Gen Z crowd that's bringing the numbers down. The so-called DINKs (double income, no kids). That is the trend right now. Adults in their 20s and 30s refuse to grow up and evolve past video games and sports and social media, and they never settle down to have kids, even when they're married. By the time they decide to do it, it's too late and they have fertility issues, if they even make that decision.
I'm in a DINK marriage, but not by choice. I had some medical issues and lost two pregnancies and could not have a baby. It's something that actually affected my belief in God for a long time because I couldn't understand why God allows so many unmarried, immature women to have multiple babies, but so many married women can't. I'm in my 40s now and have accepted it, but there's something to this. So many women who actually want to be good mothers are not able to have babies.
It is. It hurts me to see how even our smartest kids can't do things that were normal for the average person just 20 years ago. I really hope that part of the Great Awakening will be an end to technology addiction and dependence.
I teach high school. My students have asked me several times about my opinions on certain issues, and I won't give them. I tell them that it's not my place to talk about politics or ANY other sensitive issue. If they want to debate each other, I allow it to an extent, but I won't tell them what to think. It kills me to see these teachers who use their classrooms as platforms for activism. And there are so many these days. They should be fired, but instead, they're propped up as heroes. This is why America's kids are so poorly educated and so mentally ill. Half my kids can barely read and don't know their multiplication tables at 18, but hey, they know what genderqueer means, and that's what matters.
Same. I saw him at a Trump rally and at a private Republican event in my area. At the private event, the room was rocking by the end of his speech. People were standing up and shouting with him like something from a gospel revival. As you say, other than Trump, I've never seen anyone else inspire this deep reaction from people.