I just went to that church's website, and yes, it says right on the landing page 'fasting from whiteness'. I attempted to go through every page in search of ANY faces of color and found only one, who appears to be the recipient of an outreach activity. Looks like another example of 'white savior' bullshit, certain to tick off the very people it is so virtuously 'supporting'.
After a few pages I was unable to access any more, and now I can't even get on the site.
To achieve their objectives, foreign adversaries are employing.......
This new form of conflict is not fought on a foreign battlefield.......
help guard against foreign intelligence threats...........
And more from within the actual document.
This doesn't point normies to the existence of a real life deep state. (If they even bother to read it). It reinforces the idea that these threats come from other countries. Now I (we) can understand that the deep state is loyal to no one country, but to themselves, and foreign elements are part of the cabal, but to the uninformed it simply means....Russia, or China, or N.Korea etc.
I want to see this as much more than I do, but honestly, if reads to me like so many other 'make us look busy' pubs by a govt office. Handed out to new & prospective employees and passed out annually to everyone else. Read and initial, lol.
Really? I haven't listened to him for probably 6 months but he NEVER spoke ill of Trump and interviewed him several times. He had a different opinion on his economics, but he supported him in everything else. This is quite a surprise.
I read the pdf, lol. Operations Big Buzz, Big Itch, May Day. Gotta love the recommended defense measures - stay inside, dress appropriately, don't panic and don't leave the area.
What I'm not understanding is, if this study was done to see how EW would endanger the U.S. and nato countries, why did they break down the costs of us doing it ourselves? Those numbers aren't the cost of suffering an attack, but initiating an attack.
I'm with you on this one. Dogs should be used when suspects flee or attack. This man was simply resisting by not letting go of his bike. Not one cop there had a taser? Damn, the handler was threatening to use the dog before they even start trying to pull him off the moped. I scrutinized this video and the dog was on him 19 seconds after initial physical contact.
I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong, but I thought dogs were trained to go after limbs during a takedown. This guy was already down. It pisses me off that this dog was either used as deadly force or poorly trained. Looked like the handler was having trouble subduing him immediately after for a minute. Actually it feels like animal abuse to me, using the dog this way.
The only thing I support those cops in is the accusation that' this was unequivocally about race'. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, but what's it about every time they call dogs out on white men? There are plenty of videos showing that.
Although I believe that intent matters more overall than symbols or names I'm sorry you just spent all this time & energy explaining things I already know and missed, twice, the light humor in my remarks. I'm sorry that wasn't more clear. What I do disagree with is a lifetime of praying to emptiness by everyone in the world for all this time calling on Jesus vs Yeshua.
Intent, friend...intent.
I won't take up more board space debating this because it's not my place to judge your view and I have no issue with you believing it.
If you study social evolution you'd see that nearly every name has changed/evolved in some way since the initial utterance of an identifier.
I wasn't talking about just the bible. It was actually friendly sarcasm about the concept of name change equaling the cancelation of the subject.
A lot of the big players are on here regularly, for certain. Good and bad. Don't underestimate how vitally important our opinions, emotions & knowledge are to both sides. Can't win a war without support and can't be a superstar without the fans, lol
So...remember the admonition 'don't do anything you'd be embarrassed for your mama to see...?
Speaking of the slap...I watched a clip of attendees being interviewed about it after the show. The lovely Jane Seymour gave the best (probably unintended) insult ever.
Paraphrasing, she said it was unfortunate, but while celebrities are used to having things said about them, it's different for the wife of a celebrity.
Jada is gonna be livid to hear she's been put in the 'not a celebrity, just the wife of' category.
I just did a search myself and came up with the same photo with article from 2012. It IS a permanently moored jail in NYC. (But I see others have already pointed that out).
It's featured in an additional article from last year.https://nypost.com/2021/07/10/manhunt-on-for-inmate-who-escaped-floating-nyc-prison-barge/
I personally would be really searching for any evidence of it being true because it's being spread everywhere anyways.
It would be fantastic to be able to rebut the fact checkers who will undoubtedly claimi it's false.
Maybe for now you could edit the title to indicate it's unverified? I know you have a question mark there but folks are too excited to notice it, I think lol.
I just did a general search on recent Fauci talk. He's all over the place with his predictions and recommendations. He must throw darts at a board of daily proclamations and goes with whatever one it lands on.
Why has this demon not come down with covid himself?
I looked up the TGCom24 in the corner. Mediaset TGcom24 is a conservative Italian 24-hour all-news television channel.
I added 'escape from kiev' to my search and it returned hits saying this meme is doctored - the media company says it's missing a word from their logo and doesn't have an Italian flag/ and searches turned up no footage of this image.
Whether or not the 'meme busters' have covered it up is the question. We REALLY have to get better at producing the proof of these things. When normies see memes like this getting called out they believe none of them.
Wow, that was totally uncalled for and an illustration of having read my comment with predisposed eyes. Your accusations veiled in questions have nothing to do with what I said and are in fact inflammatory assumptions quite the opposite of what I said.
Try reading it again after you've gotten off of your self righteous, rather unchristian, judgmental lecture.
#1 - you've gotten it all wrong. #2 - you've chosen an apt user name. #3 - having read through your previous comments in order to gauge if I might be misreading the tone of response ...you might become the first person I ever block.
Has anyone looked into WHO Dr. Eli David is?
You really should read his profile.