sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

Amazed to find out that the world as I knew it when I was a child is not the world as I know it now as an adult. It's almost like change is a fundamental part of reality, or something

Or entropy doesn't exist and it's a lie made by liberal elites

sillysausage -5 points ago +2 / -7

I mean, logically... It makes sense

If I have the problem that people can impersonate me, then you have the problem of not knowing which is the real me.

It's very rare that a problem is only a problem for one person. Problems are generally too... problematic

sillysausage -2 points ago +3 / -5
  1. Blue checkmarks were already available to the public. I know plenty of people who got them by asking. We're talking people with a Chicago Bulls podcast, not elites. The point of the blue checkmark was originally to verify that you are the real person you are claiming to be. It rolled out first to the famous, but it's been something available to anyone who was willing to give personal identification information to Twitter.

  2. Yes, people who used to have to deal with impersonations on a platform are angry that they will have to deal with the same again. This is not surprising or indicative of more than "I don't want people to read the words of someone else and think they are mine".

  3. Twitter is bad for communication, bad for your neural pathways, and bad for the soul. All social media has this, but Twitter's inherent design is the worst parts of social media all cranked up to 11. Enjoy the fire, but don't get too close.

deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Systemic racism accuses the system of racism, while largely ignoring the role of individual people in it. That's the whole point of tackling systemic racism versus personal racism.

I like how you dropped your healthcare point completely, since you realized it was stupid and inappropriate for a venue that is not all Canadian

I'm not on a high horse, your horse is just in the gutter so it seems that way to you.

When you deny systemic racism, you deny sins of the Cabal and give them power, while pissing off fellow (I was going to say "victims" but I know how you feel about that word) laborers who toil beneath the same boot that you do.

sillysausage 5 points ago +9 / -4

We are very close to AI being able to generate something that looks exactly like the video above. We are already there with single images. Soon, it will be impossible to prove anything without physical being there and seeing it.

The age of "pics or it didn't happen" has actually been really bad for human trust and discourse, and while it's good we're moving out of that era, I'm not as keen on the era we may be moving into.

Point is, these protests will be easily created, and thus easily dismissed "because it could easily be a deepfake". The era of "prove your assertions with pictographic evidence or I will not believe or trust you, a fellow human" as the baseline approach to assertions has fundamentally broken the idea of trust between individuals. We are now re-entering a world where you can't be expected to prove everything you saw, except now with the concept of trust shattered and laying upon the floor.

Sounds like a good time to exploit some populaces, if you ask me

sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

Victim syrup? What does that even mean dude

Children killed at the school they were forced to go to are victims? Are you saying the aren't??

I'm not gonna let you move the goalposts because you said something stupid and couldn't figure out how to walk it back and decided to change the topic.

I'm going to give you one more chance to say something intelligent and make my points as clear and concise as I can

  1. Systemic racism exists and it has killed, including in your country
  2. The Cabal is also systemic
  3. Those two points could be related - if you try really hard and overclock your brain, you might figure out what that connection is. It starts with an "s"!
  4. The existence of single-payer healthcare does not disprove/cure the existence of systemic racism, and is actually a hilarious thing for someone on a conservative, American-centric board to say

Though now I kinda want to run for office on a "Provide healthcare to all at taxpayer expense ---> Defeat racism" platform, and I'll call it "The Sir Rupert Plan"

by lethak
sillysausage -4 points ago +1 / -5

I speak all my online posts out loud as I write them, so more fool you

I'm sorry, but if "hope" to you is NINETY PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY VOTING ONE WAY IN 2022, you are completely and utterly fucked. You are lost and hopeless if you don't believe in a plan, chess game, or anything, but instead are so desperate that you are turning to a Deus ex machina to resolve your real life woes.

If this is the public face of Q and you want to redpill normies, you need to be able to say "Okay, but we're never gonna see 90% of America vote one way so what are you even talking about? We are not just crazy conspiracy loons looking for any answer to our problems no matter how ludicrous, so you're going to need to bring better ideas that could exist in the real world if you want to play."

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Seeming hinged is not the same as seeming hinged to you. You have to remember that millions of voters disagree with you, and the way you see the world is not universal. You have to remember this if you ever want to affect the kind of change you want to see.

My point was that it's a bad fact-check that makes fact-checking look bad and Biden look good and put-upon by comparison. You don't have to agree that it looks that way to you or that that is reality - I am trying to warn y'all how normies can interpret this. But whatevs

sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

What are you talking about?? Yes, someone can take credit for things that happened while they were leader, while dodging the blame for things that happened while they had no leadership roles. Your classic cake analogy is grievously misapplied.

I guess you can argue it doesn't matter who is President, but if that's the case, it doesn't really matter if Trump gets elected again, does it?

by lethak
sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Okay, let me rephrase - America is over if the only way is an obvious display by the military that everyone will see and say "well that sure is the military doing something". And a lot of people here are tired of all the shadowgames and want to see it all out in the open. And I'm saying that if that happens, America as we know it is over.

Any evidence that shows a coup happened and a countercoup is necessary must be shown well before the public knows the military is involved, or we have CW2 and whoever wins gets to lead a scrapyard with no real sway over other nations besides our nuclear weapons. That scenario doesn't end well for anyone.

sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

So, systemic racism didn't kill school children along racist lines? It was a cabal that did it! A cabal that is wide-spread, systemic, and did something obviously, egregiously racist.

Also, your whole point is again completely dismantled by looking down and realizing how many calls against systemic racism come from a country without the things you said prove there is no systemic racism and that the system cares for all. So either there is a big problem with systemic racism in your neighbor country, or the thing you cite as being good and fair isn't actually.

sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

This analogy makes no sense. You're saying Biden stole the jobs lost under Trump? What, he, a private citizen holding no office, put them in a big sack with a dollar sign on them, next to all his color televisions?

What the tweet is saying is that a man stole your TV, and then a different man claims to have made a new TV and given it to you. The fact-check is saying that the second man is just returning the TV stolen from you by the first-man, while also making and distributing over twice as many TVs as were stolen.

I don't think you actually think Trump stole tvs or jobs from you, so your analogy just kind of sucks

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Then you should want a fact-check that actually makes sense, actually checks facts and exposes lies, and doesn't make the fact-checking apparatus seem silly and broken.

I get that you like fact-checking being used against a guy you don't like, but it's not a victory of it's a bad fact-check that makes the fact-checkers seem disconnected and make Biden seem hinged by comparison.

by lethak
sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

I was attempting to respond to WASWB

But while we're here, people are still voting for individual people, not Biden, so your idea that people will see a non-red wave midterm and immediately jump to the conclusion that something was rigged (instead of, you know, Dems just put out better individual candidates) is childish at best

It'll probably wash out as a mess with red surges in some areas, blue in others, and definitely not enough red seats to be veto-proof. We'll have another couple years of low-key bullshit while we wait to see if Trump will be allowed to run again (if he runs against incumbent Biden, auto-win for Trump). The country is actually divided, you know.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hence my saying that there are things to question in the tweet, such as the "we", but what the Twitter fact-checker is going after is silly, and makes the entire exercise seem silly. Which could be the point! Destroy any faith in the fact-check system by just repeatedly breaking it until everyone is glad to see it go.

by lethak
sillysausage -3 points ago +1 / -4

But those numbers are ludicrous and will never happen. It makes you seem like a clown. Why build hypotheticals spawning from a starting point completely disconnected from reality? Why say anything at all at that point? It's text, you don't even get the pleasure of hearing yourself talk, so I don't get it.

sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

Systemic racism killed thousands of native children at schools they were forced to go to in your country.

Also, a lot of times people talk about systemic racism they are in America, which has always been more economically dominant than yours (not coincidentally due to a higher supply of free/stolen labour over its history), which you know, FAMOUSLY DOESN'T HAVE THE SAME TAX-FUNDED HEALTHCARE SYSTEM AS YOU

Death camps masquerading as schools aside, your point is myopic and weirdly ignores that people exist outside of Canada. Which you'd think a Canadian would be well aware of.

I mean, if I was Canadian, I wouldn't ever be able to forget it.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

They will never say that last thing you said. This is real life, not a fairy tale.

My guess is they changed it after it was revealed that there were disconnected instances of individuals voting twice and what have you (including for Trump) - which is not the narrative being spun by Trump. Remember how much money was poured into Cyber Ninjas by people too old to realize you should never give money to a start-up called Cyber Ninjas, and THEY couldn't find anything meaningful pointing to fraud in the millions of votes that Trump tells us were stolen?

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

This only makes sense if he's never used the presidential seal. Otherwise you're looking for patterns in static.

by lethak
sillysausage -3 points ago +2 / -5



by lethak
sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

I thought the riots in Brazil were pro-Bolsanaro, anti-socialist protests? By people who think the other guy stole the election? You saying we all gonna be in the streets in two weeks? Or are you saying liberals will be?

by lethak
sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

Biden isn't running in the mid-terms. He's President. He runs again in 2024.

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