sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

I mean it's more up to us to wait through the next two years, right? Like, if he isn't actually President there's no way he'll be allowed a full four (if they decide to switch to Harris to counter the dementia narrative), much less to serve another four.

There are exceptions! None of those exceptions include "taking stuff without telling the proper people and following the proper procedure as mandated". I say mandated because I honestly think it's more of an executive branch thing than a legislative branch thing. Regardless, you wouldn't let Obama take home documents that belong to the government (since the title of President changes, the current President is essentially renting access to the government's property), and then claim it was okay that he didn't follow precedented procedure because he declassified the documents with his mind. Regardless of the classification, the papers are still all property of the government!

Which is why I believe your two points should be intertwined - this would be much less of an issue if it turns out Trump is still actually President, because he still is able to rent handling permissions. Not a zero issue, because storing classified documents in a location as insecure as Mar-A-Lago is iffy in and of itself (which is why I was surprised that Trump didn't run with "it was planted" as the first and only narrative).

Of course, if he has been the secret official President this whole time, he can't serve in 2025, can he? That would be clearly unconstitutional. I dunno, it's all a little murky.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Everyone these days is an amateur filmmaker. You can thank Steve Jobs for that. I'm sorry, but it's just not suspicious having your daughter around for the day of making official the triumph of your NC and your heroic four years war against the man you had to sit behind for four State of the Unions, as the century-plus unbroken cycle of peaceful transition of power.

Y'all really do forget how much millions of people hated Trump and couldn't wait to be rid of him when it's convenient for you. It makes sense to have family come to your work to see you triumph through a fair and free election against a long national nightmare!

I'm sorry, but it's just not weird or coincidental enough to pass Occam's razor. Not in the 2020s when everyone has high quality video cameras glued to their hips and late stage 24/7 media has created a national brainspace of FOMO and Every Day's A Crisis.

sillysausage 0 points ago +3 / -3

But the whole is made up of individuals. The whole leaves its mark on individuals, they leave their mark on the whole.

Idolization of the self, and thus, of the things that the self holds dearly, is just a natural exponent of online echo chambers. Which every online group dedicated to a single viewpoint is (from "Q is real" to "trans shit is real" to "we love Transformers" to "we love Star Trek: Voyager for some reason"). It's not a pejorative, it's just a useful metaphor to describe how self-insulating groups function, especially when quasi-anonymized by the internet. You basically can't exist in current modern society and not participate in some form of non-Godly idolatry.

What you do is more important than why you do it, but why you do it still matters some.

sillysausage 0 points ago +2 / -2

Thank you for your clarity. Clarity is hard to come by in sequestered internet spaces of all stripes and sizes.

sillysausage 4 points ago +6 / -2

If military is the only way, that's really bad news for y'all. Military leaders know that anything approaching a coup will end the Story of America, and our story and legacy is a vital component of our foreign policy presence. A federal coup will immediately cause large-scale CHAZ-style uprisings along both coasts. Without extremely hard, verifiable, concrete proof that Biden was never actually president and that this isn't actually a coup - that's game over for America's place in the world. Our national security experts know how key our long history of peaceful overturn of administration is to our ability to lead the world. Our stability is one of, if not our greatest asset, and we can't let China and Russia look stable by comparison to us.

It has to go through civilian systems first if you don't want America to immediately fall in on itself. Even if you think your ideology would eventually win the ensuing fracas, you would win being leader of a disgraced power drowning in debt, nursing self-inflicted scars, unable to compete with former peers, much less lead them.

sillysausage 2 points ago +3 / -1

You see, in fifth grade, you learn about this thing called "checks and balances", where all three branches of government have various ways of interacting with each other, providing, well, checks and balances. All three branches have varying degrees of ability to regulate each other, but the executive branch has been steadily growing in power and scope for decades. The push accelerated with Clinton, expanded exponentially more under W, and has continued since then.

sillysausage 0 points ago +4 / -4

There is absolutely idolization of the self here, as it is in all sequestered online communities. Nature of the beast.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

So, "who has the authority to obtain" is assumed to mean Trump, then-president. Thanks!

It's interesting about the PRA and the five year wait-time. That time has already been up for a year, right? Conceivably, these allegedly raided documents could have been released earlier? But simply releasing them apropos of nothing wouldn't have the same effect as releasing them at the height of a televised hearing/trial.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, we are assuming that to mean some hidden 33 million pages, that is separate from the 30 million unclassified pages stored through the National Archives for the Obama library?

So, we're all waiting for the release of these new 33 million pages? That's gonna be a lot to sift through

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

Uh, she announced sweeping tax cuts on top earners during a time of great inflation - AND GAVE NO INDICATION OF A PLAN FOR HOW TO PAY FOR THESE TAX CUTS. Just suddenly announcing that there will be a new fun hole in the budget of the entire country.

The bank of England wouldn't have needed to raise interest rates if the market hadn't been spooked crazy by A FUN NEW HOLE that didn't need to be there. Of course there was a run on the banks! I'm sorry, but this is pretty standard cause and effect for government manipulation of the market. She should have known that this was an incredibly likely outcome of a very unnecessary plan.

I mean, she responded to a cost of living crisis and "I'm going to freeze to death this winter" reaching literal meme status, with a move that could not provide immediate succor to the millions being squeezed dry, while endangering social safety nets. Of course it backfired - it was a bad idea at a terrible time.

Maybe letting only one party decide multiple prime ministers in a row is a bad way to get effective leadership, is my point. Monopolies against competition almost always end up in a worse experience for the consumer, and it's as true in politics as it is in commerce. Don't get me wrong, it's a decent system for removing bad leadership, but without the competition of other parties, having multiple leaders of the nation in a row be chosen by a small fraction of the population just doesn't work - any party will end up with their head up their own ass. Or arse, I guess.

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

I was not aware the current dogma was that Trump is so in control and that he never stopped being President. Good to know.

The point I was trying to get at is there's a bit of a chicken-egg problem here. If Trump "stole" documents that are actually still under his purview because he's still President, they continue to be evidence against him until he proves he's actually President. Doesn't matter what's on those documents if they were classified and he took them without telling the proper authorities. They stop being evidence against him if it's proven he was actually President all along. But if those documents in question ARE the proof, he can't force them to be unveiled as a suspected criminal.

Since the entire crux of the case is around the improper declassification of classified documents, it'll take more than just the request of the accused to unseal the docs. There are a lot of moving parts of the legal-judicial system that make it as easy as possible for the government to keep its secrets secret.

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

The pound is also collapsing due to absolute clown shoes mismanagement by Boris Johnson's replacement, who is incidentally something like the fourth Prime Minister since the last time all of the UK got to vote for a Prime Minister.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why are you concerned that someone is filming momentous occasions? Sorry, I just don't get the concern. I don't know how old her daughter is, but if she's anywhere near Millennial, it makes sense

sillysausage 4 points ago +4 / -0

Seeing me and Julio down by the schoolyard

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

So, y'all are saying a raid has already happened and the screenshot is of a Truth post, where we are surmising Trump is winking to the well-informed that yes, a raid of the Obama library has happened?

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thomas Jefferson would also disagree with you, as well as Madison, those famous lefties.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your link shows that property taxes became widespread in the mid 19th century, which I believe I meant, since the country wasn't established in the mid-18th, but it was in the mid-1800s. A foolish mistake on my part, but to be fair, that has always confused me.

Me being one number off aside, property taxes were widespread in the mid-1800s, and they are widespread now, which was the point I was trying to make (and failed, due to my own error).

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

The issue is that being cleared to view a document is not the same as being cleared to take the document home with you after you aren't President anymore. Those documents belong to the government, not to you or your administration. For him to still have classified documents, and crucially, to present these in court, he will have to have been legally still President. And this opens up all sorts of questions about whom still in the fed is on Trump's side, how many, has Biden been allowed a fake Presidency as a ruse, etc.

Also, I honestly think this is going to pop off after the upcoming midterms, not before. I wouldn't be surprised if this all gets dragged out another six months, because even if someone wasn't profiting from it, that slow pace is just the nature of the beast.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Obama chose the codename himself from a very long pre-approved list of words, as did Trump for Mogul. President codenames tend to reveal how the president views himself, and then his family has to make do with words that start with the same letter 😅

The reason for the connection between "Q attacks" and Alex Jones is because Alex Jones is an inherently sloppy man who can't keep his shit or the shit of his fans together. He has a real difficulty not perjuring himself, and the legal counsel he hired is as incompetent as you'd expect from a snake oil huckster.

Obama claiming Kenyan citizenship is a very funny idea, but it's not going to come to pass. He's clearly more useful as a martyr.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're breathing microplastics whether you have a store mask, a fabric mask, an N95, or nothing. That game is over. Fucking hippies couldn't even succeed at recycling.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only sources are CNN and NYT. If true, this feels like another big step towards Endgame. The danger is if he perjurs himself. Opens himself up to perjury.

There is a reason that so many subpoenas have been ignored, so many opportunities to speak before Congress and the nation snubbed. It feels like we shall soon find out the full reasoning behind that.

sillysausage 3 points ago +4 / -1

Was gonna make a post but rules seemed to indicate this was a better fit here:

The Endgame Is Nigh

So, SCOTUS just unanimously declined to interfere (at this stage) with all the Special Master back and forth. The upcoming elections do tend to slow these processes down, but these processes do not look like they are going to stop.

If the classified documents were purely a plant-n-sting operation, then Trump would have consistently said they were planted from day one, instead of all this "I can declassify documents with my mind and not tell the regular people and that makes taking these documents that haven't been declassified outside of my mind palace not actually a crime" stuff. If Obama had done the same, y'all would be calling for his execution, since, even if done accidentally, such widespread mishandling of State secrets (and then lying about it to the authorities) would definitely fall under Treason.

So, either Trump did some frankly bizarre crimes for no discernable reason beyond he wanted to and he physically could, or this is at last where the chess game is revealed, and the documents in question are the highly inflammatory and revelatory proof that has been so long awaited. Either he is guilty of just monumentally foolish and poorly-executed crimes, or this is finally the grand honeypot that will be overturned, revealing all the sludge within.

I have been skeptical of all other times when the storm or endgame was promised, but I truly cannot see a third option. Either Trump massively messed up and was caught and then confirmed that he did crimes, or he's baiting the FBI and all the rest into being forced to reveal their secrets.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think Number 4 is saying what you think it's means

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