Part 3 is now posted, should it interest you.
Thank you for reading.
Best explanation of what was revealed that I've found so far.
Jeff Hong - in China - is listed as one of Konnech's software developers.
I'm imagining that their code is public (for now) on BitBucket or GitHub... Anyone with an account?
Something to do with an election software company called Konnech, out of Michigan. Evidently there are traceable connections between them and the CCP. The story is murky right now because Jordan Sather says he's trying to condense a complex 2 hour story into 6 sentences for Telegram.
Code supply chain attack?
This is a repeat of today's live.
Gregg and Catherine said - from the moment they decided to live-stream this - that the Tiger Project (i.e., the news that is 10x larger than Mules) would NOT be live-streamed. They said, up front, that they'd live-stream everything but that portion.
I think they're worried about (1) the safety of the attendees; and (2) letting the cat out of the bag before the attendees have an opportunity to begin spreading the word. Don't want to let the enemy know what's up.
Sit tight. It'll be out tonight.
I think it's more likely than not that he is using voice-to-text. So "Christofer" is spelled the way it is, because it is a proper name, and the VTT technology spells a proper name in a manner that accords with the recent spelling of that name in past usage.
"lawyer's" is also probably an artifact of VTT. The tech probably inserted the apostrophe.
If I'm correct, then the takeaway is this: "Christofer" is how you spell Wray's first name. Trump has probably been texting about or to Wray recently, and so that's how VTT "thought" the name should be spelled.
I know this has nothing to do with Q, but it's more than likely correct. Sorry to disappoint.
Part 3 is underway.... Sit tight.
Want to remember what we fight for?
Stay focused.
We are on the same page. ...Thanks for the kind words about my words. :-)
Yes, I wonder about that myself. I've even considered that he's been instructed to skyrocket the proportion of advertisements of get-rich-quick products to tarnish the informational content that appears alongside the ads. Who knows?
My post was getting long, so I elected to omit commentary on certain topics. One topic I omitted related to speculation upon Mr. Godlewski's background. Briefly, I see two main realms of possibility. (1) His criminal past is, in substance, what it appears to be on its face, and he is a man who has made certain mistakes, but also appears to have transformed; or (2) his past is a construct of some intelligence agency to "dirty" him up - this is a known tactic used to provide a "past" for some intelligence assets/officers. I could provide a link on this topic, but it's late for me to do that right now. Tomorrow, if you're interested.
Note that I reserve judgment on several topics. Including whether he is being used as a voice for information or disinformation. But he has a source.
Any time, friend.
You win. Here's my upvote.
Love me some Tombstone. :-)
Succinct, if nothing else.
That's not an accident. Team Trump knows exactly what they're doing.
Based on the hashtag, I'd think that Scavino's referring to Trump taking the affirmative step of announcing his candidacy now, before he's indicted.
Thanks for posting this - I listened to the entire recording. For reasons I cannot fully articulate, I feel like I owed it to the father to listen to the end. Justice demands that his voice be heard, even if not by the correct ears.
Does anyone know how to reach out to this man?
There is far too much symbology presented on far too many fronts for all of this to be coincidence.
Something wicked this way comes.
If it remains of interest to you, please know that Part 2 is available.
Part 3 is now posted, should it interest you.
Thank you for reading.