That wouldn't surprise me one bit. I worked in a co-working space in Cheyenne, WY and the guy I almost shared an office with was the one sole Wyoming employee of Twitter supposedly. I was like wow, almighty Twitter chose the $199 a month model or whatever instead of a $500 private office, lol.
Should have joined him just to mess with him...didn't really want him looking at my screen ever, though.
Yeah Pete was my fave.
Putting a nickname like that in the subject hinders rather than helps us to know wtf you are talking about
I bet about a 3 pt reduction in ACT scores due to derailing math track and not reading enough books. They'll have to change the tests to accommodate a softer generation.
Protip: you can take it multiple times and they only care about your highest score
Anything Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Avicii...any show with Robin Williams.
The individual oath keepers groups are good.
That's DOCTOR entitled Cunt thank you very much.
She sucks. I'm voting for Hageman.
No, you have to have an "insurable interest" such as they are your business partner or employee. Certain family relationships count.
Dickheads like him always talk down to me in spite of my 160 IQ and 34 ACT.
We're gonna need more Kyles with AR-15s.
Oof, Cheney IS my rep...
I have the links to the video of the informant talking about Biden and Pence sexually abusing minors.
Correct. I now deliver my entire fed ex route to businesses without a mask on. The sign is so they don't get fired.
Alberta rocks
Gematria is stupid
Right after raping children in the bohemian grove?
Question - what gender am I if I can get pregnant and I have to wear a condom?...
I have a 150 IQ and will graduate in May, but okay...
Jimmy Fallon when he ripped Djt's toupee off
Well Karma is not real, so...
Haha! There are a statistically insignificant number of non-gun-owning residents of my state - Wyoming.
I think this vaccine is killing tons of people right now, handshake noob.
I've already seen it 0/10 do not recommend.