A Brief on Cryptography

Throughout the course of Human History there has developed a need to protect sensitive messages by means of altering the text in some way to prevent anyone but the message's intended recipient from being able to read.

The two parties, sender and recipient, will arrange ahead of time a system by which a message can be encoded and decoded.

For those of you familiar with Cryptography, that's what I'm talking about here.

There are various ways you might be able to come up with on how to accomplish this feat, however.

The most simple way is to replace alphabetic characters with numerals.

We are familiar with the number 17 here, no? 17 = Q.

CIPHER [A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, H=8, I=9, J=10, K=11, L=12, M=13, N=14, O=15, P=16, Q=17, R=18, S=19, T=20, U=21, V=22, W=23, X=24, Y=25, Z=26]

So, if I wanted to hide a message, it would look something like this:

23;23;7;A;23;7;1;0; 23;8;9;20;5;18;1;2;2;9;20

While anyone could be able to decode this message easily, they would have to first be told that it meant something other than its literal interpretation. Additionally, while everyone knows how to formulate the CIPHER, unless they use it frequently they won't know to use it here.

If your message is especially sensitive, however, you can further obfuscate it by implementing a LOCK and KEY.

The LOCK(formula) looks like this: y=x+a

The KEY would be "a."

For example, I will now scramble a message using that formula. It's up to you to determine what the KEY is:

2;2;12;F;2;12;6;0; 2;13;14;25;10;23;6;7;7;14;25;0; 4;20;26;13;6;1;10;18;20;23;10;25;13;6;19;4;20;26;16;19;20;2

Hint: The first half is the same as the original message.

You can use https://www.dcode.fr/letter-number-cipher to help you out. There are tons of other ciphers to play with there as well.

What I actually did here was combine two Ciphers into one. I took a Letter->Alphabet Cipher and combined it with a Numerical Shift (Caesar) Cipher.


Another Way

This same procedure isn't just restricted to text, however.

There's another way to encrypt a message. One that computers cannot as of yet comprehend. The examples above can be solved using a computer algorithm, but what if you wanted to hide text even more and require human experience to act as the necessary component in solving the puzzle?

For example, consider the following:

"He lost his silver spoon."

How might you interpret this sentence?

You can easily interpret it literally, and assume a man has lost his silver spoon, but if you are aware of idioms and expressions, the message has a completely different connotation.


silver spoon: A metaphor for ample wealth that has been passed down through inheritance. (Used primarily in the phrase "born with a silver spoon in (one's) mouth.")

By replacing "silver spoon" with "inheritance" we get to explore a deeper meaning of what appears to be an innocuous case of a man losing his silverware.

Make no mistake, THIS IS A CIPHER SYSTEM.

You CAN absolutely utilize this dynamic in order to create a Cipher based on Metaphor, Analogy, Allegories, Idioms, Parables, and Symbols.

I have to see a man about a dog.

If you are stuck in literal thinking, you'll miss out on what is actually being said.


To leave somewhere without explaining where one is going. The phrase is usually used as part of an obvious euphemism for going to the bathroom or going to get an alcoholic drink.

This system cannot be cracked by current computer systems, simply because it requires a KEY that comes from CONTEXT, and further elaborated upon by the Human Experience. A computer cannot think in ways of metaphor, and so it would require such a girth of folk lore and idioms in order to figure out what a hidden message truly means.

The Acroamatic Cipher

When you encode a message behind a wall of Metaphor, Analogy, Allegories, Idioms, Parables, and Symbols it is called the Acroamatic Cipher.


  1. The acroamatic cipher. The religious and philosophical writings of all nations abound with acroamatic cryptograms, that is, parables and allegories. The acroamatic is unique in that the document containing it may be translated or reprinted without affecting the cryptogram. Parables and allegories have been used since remote antiquity to present moral truths in an attractive and understandable manner. The acroamatic cryptogram is a pictorial cipher drawn in words and its symbolism must be so interpreted. The Old and New Testaments of the Jews, the writings of Plato and Aristotle, Homer's Odyssey and Iliad, Virgil's Æneid, The Metamorphosis of Apuleius, and Æsop's Fables are outstanding examples of acroamatic cryptography in which are concealed the deepest and most sublime truths of ancient mystical philosophy.

The acroamatic cipher is the most subtle of all, for the parable or allegory is susceptible of several interpretations. Bible students for centuries have been confronted by this difficultly. They are satisfied with the moral interpretation of the parable and forget that each parable and allegory is capable of seven interpretations, of which the seventh--the highest--is complete and all-inclusive, whereas the other six (and lesser) interpretations are fragmentary, revealing but part of the mystery. The creation myths of the world are acroamatic cryptograms, and the deities of the various pantheons are only cryptic characters which, if properly understood, become the constituents of a divine alphabet. The initiated few comprehend the true nature of this alphabet, but the uninitiated many worship the letters of it as gods.

Whenever Q says something like "Plants need water." Q is trying to show us how they use the Acroamatic Cipher in the day-to-day.

Those familiar with Decoding Symbols will know this already: https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/

This is the basis for their "Comms."

Whenever they randomly talk about dogs or "muh climate change" they aren't talking literally.

To interpret it as such would be like thinking they are actually going to see a man about a dog...

Don't be stupid.

Water = Information / Instructions

Plant = Someone who infiltrates an organization to gather evidence.

Climate Change = A change to their Global Climate (the power hierarchy of the Elites)

Carbon Emissions = Gossip and Rumors about "Dirty Secrets" AKA "Dirty Talk" AKA Conspiracy Theories

Dog = Assistant / Someone on a leash. "Man's best friend."

All these are examples of the Acroamatic Cipher in use.

When we see Dog Comms, this is the tool that's being utilized.


When Q tells us what the KEY is, he isn't saying there's just one singular KEY. He's tuning the Cryptogram to the proper CONTEXT.


Senate is key, Money is key, Military is key, the Graphic is key...



Why are there so many keys?

Because there is more than one LOCK? Because there are more than one DOOR? More than one way to find the TRUTH?



They KEY changes, just like I can change the Cipher Key. Just like how I can zoom in onto a MAP. MAPS within MAPS. Everything is Fractal.

Context points us to the KEY.

The CIPHER in widespread use is the Acroamatic Cipher.

For more of this, here's my series of Thinking in Symbols. Not everything is set in stone, it's just my interpretations.

The Symbol Language


It's all Make Believe

1 Shooting Stars

2 What does the Fox say?

3 Climate Change

4 Racism and White Supremacy

5 Arctic Animals

6 The Farm (1)

7 Fish and Mercury

8 The Farm (2)

9 Metals

10 Freemasonry and the Game of Life (1)

11 369 Theory and Numbers (1)

12 369 Theory and Numbers (2)

13 Water, Ice, and Antarctica

14 Vampires, Werewolves, and other Mythical Creatures

15 Networks

16 DOE, a deer, a female deer...

17 World Penguin History Day

18 "Fear the Old Blood"

Nothing makes any sense... 💊 RAW UNCUT HOPIUM 💊
posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude

It's chaotic, we don't know who is a good guy and who is a bad guy. It's like midnight during a new moon, and we can't see who's moving around in the shadows.

Which leads me to believe that we're nearing the Storm. The Information War is fully upon us, at the very least. It feels like the Storm isn't moving at all.. WE are. We're moving into the Storm, and so the pace we set is what determines it's ETA...

Here's what I've gathered. Special thanks to Clif High's latest recording.

It appears to me as though Clif's assessment is correct; Trump just feigned an attack on the DeepState. What's more is that he's gonna continue to do so, probably indefinitely. This is gonna piss a lot of Patriots off, but it's pissing off the DeepState even more. He mustered our trust as far as it will go, and now he's relying our trust to outlast the paranoia of the DeepState. It makes sense we feel exploited by him right now... That's why it was so important to gain our trust to begin with.

We are in a race of Our Trust vs Their Paranoia.

Faith vs. Fear.

Look at what's going on right now. The Midterms are "wrapping up", fraud was rampant such that they didn't even bother hiding it this go around, and FTX imploding is showing just how they paid for it.

I wholeheartedly believe that FTX is bigger than the public can possibly comprehend, as it ties together their entire money laundering and election theft scheme, going back centuries even, and substantially has enough meat to it to bring down the columns of the temple, Sampson style.

They prepped all their cannons for Trump's "big announcement" yesterday.

  • Ukraine set up a False Flag trying to net Poland into the scuffle, and NATO along with it.
  • Bush and Obama fired up a "beware the disinformation" campaign as soon a Trump set his announcement date up.
  • Hit pieces on "Qanon" all came out at once.
  • PAYtriots and RINOs all started to plant flags in the ground.
  • Hunter Biden had an extremely rare AMA for seemingly no reason.
  • Biden goes to G20 dressed as Dr. Mao Evilfinger and calls a "lid" as soon as Trump's announcement commences.

These "happenings" are all connected.

I don't believe all these movements were done in vain. There's probably countless more we're missing. I believe they were all calibrated to fire with Trump's announcement of the "Storm is upon us" on Tuesday. That didn't happen, as we disparagingly have seen.

I believe they anticipated it would; that there was a significant fear their people would be getting arrested right now. What's happening with FTX is like a husband coming home early, turning on the lights to the bedroom on, and seeing his wife in bed with a stranger.

They anticipated Trump would strike at their heart. They have been building up a response for this exact scenario. Instead of going in guns blazing, however, Trump did an unexpected thing. He stood down. He saw them going at it with the FTX circle jerk, pretended not to see them, and just headed towards the shower.

They didn't expect this reaction to FTX debacle from Trump. I think they thought he was gonna show he knew it was going on all along, and that the jig is up; that it was time for THOSE words "My fellow Americans..."

My heart stopped a beat when he said that. for the record...

They prepped all this ammunition for Tuesday; paid off all their usual spin doctors, tasked Ukraine to start some shit with Poland and blame it on Russia, fired up the "Qanons are the boogeyman" hit pieces, shipped Pelosi off to Africa, had Biden duck and cover overseas, prepped a Desantis vs Trump tribal war, and got Hunter Biden back on the scene to seemingly? take the full blame for FTX's connection to the Biden family and make the case Joe had nothing to do with it.

That's what I see them having set up.

They cannot fathom Trump's patience and willingness to risk support from his base...

None of the above happened...

And I think Trump's spat with DeSantis was the Temporal Marker sent out to true Patriots and White Hats that the game plan is to "ignore" it all; first to pre-empt their Republican Civil War. Doing so gets ahead of their tribal bait show of Trump vs DeSantis and Red October's their Republican Division torpedo while also sending out the signal to enact Plan: "ignore their temper tantrum until they run out of steam."

Yup. Just ignore it all. It's so retarded it's actually elegant, unlike Fetterneck.

Just go 100% business as usual, don't respond to any of the artillery strikes trying to scare us out of the fox holes, and set the next action plan for the latest date possible -- 2024.

The Cabal is blowing their load right now. They figured "THIS IS IT!"

Or at the very least, they believed it possible...

Now we are in a very interesting situation.

WHEN will the real strike come from Trump and Friends?

The Standoff Begins.

We got ourselves a Mexican Standoff. And they aren't sure if Trump unloaded their gun like in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.


I bet even Trump doesn't know what they'll do next. He actually doesn't need to. Instead of pursuing FTX and yelling "I told you so, take a look at the emperor with no clothes!" he's just sitting there twiddling his thumbs, waiting for them to finish whatever shittery they have planned.

He's not playing into their no-win, "IF I GO DOWN, WE ALL DIE" routine.

I can sense the frustration in every article right now. I can sense an anxiety so severe that it's bleeding into GAW and PDW such that we think it's OUR anxiety.

It's not. It's the pent-up aggression of a Cabal whose eyes are darting around erratically trying to figure out what to do next. They're so paranoid because Trump did LESS than nothing Tuesday. The goalposts moved so far down the timeline that even they have no idea what to do with their tumultuously gained freedom. It's like if your opponent in chess just sat there and ran out the clock for his turn.

How often does someone just run out their turn in chess? Is it a valid play?

I envision Trump just sitting there letting the clock run out, arms folded with no expression on his face. Just a blank stare forward. No tells, and no emotion. Just an unbearable, silent judgement.

Judgement Day

Their final card is and always has been Biden using Emergency Powers, as in a State of War, to take control of the Presidency and cancel all future elections until that State of War ceases. At the very least, it's their last ditch effort to prevent Trump from sneaking his way back into the President seat before 2024, either by Devolution, Military Corrections, SCOTUS rulings, or as House Speaker and Impeachment.

That's THEIR "trump card."

Nuclear War, and the WW3 they are cooking up in Ukraine with this latest Polish Missile Strike was a False Flag set up especially for that end. I think they really thought Trump might announce he was Commander in Chief this entire time and attempt a coup. Poppin a missile off was prep work to get the ball rolling. They always have a backup plan to roll such False Flags back, and so they did...

Make no mistake, Trump cannot avoid a Nuclear WW3 should he make the first move.

Which means he has to let them make the first move...

We're back to a game of chicken.

It is THEIR card to play Nuclear War (U1 2.0), Alien Invasion (Project Bluebeam), or a Civil War 2 (Electric Boogaloo). They'll probably play all three simultaneously...

But they can only effectively play that card in reaction to FULL DECLASS. If they make the first move, they can't control the narrative. They'd be forced to blame themselves.

I know, I know, like they'd care at this point...

But you gotta think about the international ripple effect. Russia and China are in cahoots right now. They're not eager to let a nuclear warhead go off any more than Trump is. THEY'd have to take the blame, which means THEY would also have to act first.

The Good guys can't make the first move. A simultaneous play, is the closest we can get to acting before the enemy.

Trump is the Good, the DeepState is the Bad, and BRICS is the Ugly.

So long as Trump keeps the Football that Putin handed him, like unloading Tuco's gun, he'll be in control.

We have to be patient. We have to prove our loyalty. This is THE War no one wanted, but was as inevitable as the passage of time...

That's what I see going on. I hope I got it across without sounding too much like a hopium overdosed fool...


Get ready for this 5D chess move. Trump is insulating himself.

Just like Biden did. Turn around is fair play.


No FBI interview(s) _J/H Biden due to optics re: attack political opponent? Lesson of the Day: If you run for POTUS all your past crimes magically disappear?

An active candidate cannot be investigated, as it would be construed as election interference.

This is where Chicken Bucket Barr actually did his job, though it didn't seem so at the time:


Barr says no investigations into 2020 candidates, campaigns without his approval

He set a precedent, which prevented Trump from forcing an investigation into Biden coming into the 2020 election.

Same deal here, but with Trump playing the Uno reverse card.

Trump announcing his candidacy is his "get out of jail free" card, just like Biden did in the 2020 election. It was a card for him to play when the subpoena walls from Nancy and the Jan 6th committee would inevitably close in. That's probably why he delayed it so many times, having hinted at it on numerous occasions "We won twice, we may have to do it again."

I'm certain his latest filing to delay the subpoena was planned around this announcement today. Everything was designed to ensure he was 100% insulated -- transferring one shield to another to prevent any gaps that the enemy could exploit.


This is all to insulate him from these witch hunts going forward. I expect Biden will be forced to announce his candidacy as well. That's what these next 2 years are gonna be about -- stressing the limits of whom can investigate whom under the unwritten standard of protections afforded to a political candidate.

This is why there are so many articles calling his announcement a "weak" move. It's a necessary move. It's putting down the sword so you can grip the shield with both hands.

It seems like a weak play, but when you go tit for tat, sometimes doubling down on defense can set your opponent off balance when they expect a strike that never comes. They want him to hit back right now, because they are prepared to go for the throat. It looks like Trump is playing it safe, and they're just salty they can't expend any ammunition.

It's not much, but I hope this get's you thinking about a bigger picture. Trump appears to be insulating himself with this move. What does he have to insulate himself against? I'll leave that for you to ponder.


As of 11:38 EST some are still being uploaded


Other than that, I think tonight is a horrible timeline. The only way I can turn it into a positive is that whatever tonight was, it is an alibi to establish he is clueless in what's going on under the hood.

Everything he said was from the point of view of someone not in the know. He really didn't give them anything to work with that could pin him down as a part of special operations underway. Why would he have to do this? I don't know.

We barely got the House. So, yay?

Senate looks like a shitshow, and we lost way too many governorships. Those are the ones that matter if we're to avoid another national state of emergency and lockdowns...

If there's even an inkling of a climate lockdown or another pLandemic, I'd count this entire Election Cycle as a loss. Kicking out Nancy but losing everything else seems like the bare minimum of what we could have won.

We need to do something about the Fraud. I've not seen any reasonable solutions from Trump or anyone else for that matter...


Think about what the Senate and House would look like.

How might a Majority be formed if even 1/3rd of Congress changed party affiliation? Cocaine Mitch wouldn't have Majority lead anymore. No one would, right?

It'd be a new playing field. GOP, DNC, and DJT?

What if all his endorsements, the loyal ones, are now in place to form a new party?

Overnight, all of them swap out of the GOP and leave Mitch and Friends holding the check.

Would it work? Would Trump have enough support? That's hard to say. Not since the days of Teddy Roosevelt has someone honestly taken a stab at a new party. His Bull-Moose party didn't go the distance, so what are the chances of Trump's party spiking the football?

Personally, I'm not so sure this is what's gonna be announced tomorrow. I'd be in favor of it, I guess, but there'd really have to be a show of force right out the gate, especially since we don't own the Media.

The spin cycle will be devastating...



As I said, I'd do two "cooking" posts. The first was about cooking in general, and how the Cabal view us as Feeders and Livestock for use in labor and for meat.

This one is gonna be about Spirit Cooking, what it signifies spiritually, and how to know if you're being cooked right now...

Cooking the Spirit

Like I said yesterday, Cooking is the act of acquiring a base, adding ingredients, heating things up, and then consuming the product.

Chefs and Cooks do this. Cooks are influencers, while Chefs are personalities.

Which is to say, Cooks follow recipes while Chefs make recipes. That's the primary distinction. Cooks know what tastes good but Chefs can bend flavors to their whim. Chefs can take things that shouldn't be able to coexist in a single dish and have it somehow magically work out.

So, while there is Spirit Cooking, there's also a step above -- those who don't just Cook the Spirit, but go a step beyond and write the recipes.

If we're gonna get Biblical -- Lucifer is a Chef and all his minions are his Cooks. He crafts the recipes, and authors the Sins, while his Cooks go forth and source the ingredients, heat them up, and disseminate them to his Legions.

Again, YOU are the base. You are the livestock which is sacrificed to this end. These demons take your body, heat it up, carve it up, and graft upon it all sorts of "delectable" spices and herbs to make your ultimate end all the more savory.

Stress, depression, anxiety, nepotism, nihilism, narcissism...

Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, and Pride...

These are but a few of the herbs and spices for turning you into something more than just sustains these fiends. It turns you into their "Works of Art."

Like Jeffery Dahmer posing his "models"...


They cook your spirit and render you out until you're worthy to be served at their dinner table in hell.

Emulating the Process

Humans, too, can emulate this process, but our method requires a bit of tact. Like a family cooking in a hotel which prohibits it, you have to get crafty in how to cook things up. You can't have a stove, so grilled cheese sandwiches on using a clothes iron it is!

But what exactly do these "Spirit Cooks" do at these big get-togethers?

Well, what we see in their photo-shoots are just placeholders for the "main event." Photographic evidence of who was there and how great of a time they had to celebrate a "hard-earned" feast.

It's not just a cannibalism thing. They believe they are devouring another person's spirit. They believe they are consuming their life force, and that they can use that life force to emulate God's ability to create -- an ability they cast off when they adopted Evil into their own black hearts.

Let's take an aside for a moment and talk about Kobe Beef.


Kobe beef and Wagyu are terms that are too often used interchangeably. Although all Kobe beef can be classified as Wagyu, the term Wagyu itself can be used for a variety of different types of beef. Wagyu literally translates to mean “Japanese Cow”. However, Kobe beef must be of Tajima gyu genetics, born in the Hyogo prefecture, fed to a minimum of 26 months, and meet strict grading requirements.

Kobe beef is a brand of Wagyu, and the standards this brand follows are amazingly strict and precise. In order to qualify as Kobe Beef: The steer must be of the Tajima cattle breed, meaning a Japanese Black raised in the Hyogo prefecture in Japan. Cattle must be born, fed, and processed in the Hyogo prefecture. When graded, the score must be A4 or higher, with a BMS 6 or higher. The gross weight of beef produced from one animal must be 470 kgs, (~1,036 lbs) or less. Beef must be marked with a Japanese Chrysanthemum as part of their security system. Beef must have fine meat texture and excellent firmness.

When creating the crème de la crème of beef, you have to meet some very strict standards. To get the perfect marbling of fat and meat, you need to go above and beyond the standard. You need to monitor and rear the cattle like a first-born son, being there every step of the way to ensure it's the perfect offering for the Art of Cooking.

Beef so perfect that it can levitate a Chef's abilities and achieve even greater heights not thought possible by mere mortals.

So too is all this applicable to humans.

To be a Spirit Cook, you need to do the same as with Kobe Beef.

You need to raise a child to be a prince. To teach him how to rule, how to carry himself, how to be the perfect specimen. You build trust and offer a counterfeit love to convince them that they are cherished and prized. You teach them they are above reproach, that they are the few among Humanity destined to rule.

There are several ways to find this unblemished lamb. One is to take an orphan and promise it they will never feel so abandoned and betrayed again. You make good on that promise. Another is to sacrifice your own flesh and blood -- which is an even greater offering.

Finally, once they have been judged worthy, you take them high up to the top of the cliff, let them gaze upon all which they have been promised, and violently slit their throat.

Their blood is poured out and fertilizes the land. A burnt offering to the False Idols.

Children of Cain

This is what's done in Spirit Cooking. Their victims aren't just bums dragged off the street. They have access to those every day of the week. These offerings are above and beyond the norm, hence the pomp and circumstance of the events.

These events are times where they honor their false gods and offer up their prized, fattened calves.

They emulate the acts of Cain.

Cain and Abel offered their fruits to God. Cain offered wheat from his surplus, while Abel offered his firstborn flock.

God deemed Abel's sacrifice as the better of the two, not because it was living flesh but because Cain had offered up his surplus. His excess, and not the best of his yield.

Abel offered up his first-born, showing full faith that God would continue to bless him with a healthy and numerous flock.


That's why God refused Cain's offering. He wasn't bringing his best. He wasn't demonstrating Faith.

Out of spite, Cain then offered up Abel, his brother, as a sacrifice.

10 Again he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me, from the earth. - Genesis 4:10

Cain fed the blood to the earth, not to God, and so, the Children of Cain emulate this process in their Spirit Cooking. They make Abel's to sacrifice to false idols and false gods -- demons who revel in our hostility and malice towards one another. Offerings to that which is below, not above.

"Abort they Neighbor", so say the Enemy of Man

What's really being offered up is the potential of the individual. A potential cut down before its time.

That's why Abortion is so important to these assholes.

Spirit Cooking, Abortion, Usury...

They're all the same form of slavery. They're all the same form of sacrifice.

Demons love the scent of things being destroyed before their time. Things being reared into a trap and lustfully murdered. Whether it's a first born son, a prince, being sacrificed to Moloch like Anderson Cooper's brother...


Or millions of aborted children from Planned Parenthood's "clinics"...


They are offerings of things slain before their time...

With Spirit Cooking in particular, they rely on the energy and terror of one being brought up with great promises being cut short. As they stand there thinking they are about to be ordained a King or Queen, they are hastily tortured and viciously murdered at the Altar of Betrayal.

These monsters adore that pungent scent of confusion and horror as a mass of fiends tear at the "Golden Child" which was supposed to inherit the world. The thoughts going through that person's mind as they see their body being carved and eaten by wild mongrels... It's beyond comprehension...

That's what these filth work so tirelessly to build up...

That's the face of Pure Evil.

And we must not turn a blind eye when they eagerly flaunt their deeds...

Now... where do you think the red shoes come from?




I'm gonna be writing two themed "Cooking" essays on the current happenings of things.

This one is about the current state of the Cabal's "Kitchen."

The other will be about Spirit Cooking, and what it means to the Cabal's highest echelon of inbred degenerates.

What does it mean to cook?

When you cook, you need a few things. A base to start with, ingredients to spice it up, and, of course, a chef to put it all together.

Well, not everyone can be a chef. There are Chefs, Cooks, and Feeders.

Feeders include everyone from humans to livestock.

We, from their point of view, are the livestock. Humans are anyone whose money works for them -- that is to say, they have livestock which does all the manual labor like plowing the fields. Beasts of burden, who have been branded with the Mark of the Beast. It's not necessarily a physical mark, but a mark on the mind and within the forehead and behind the hands. It's a mark like holes where a marionette's strings are attached.

Humans still are Feeders. But they pale in comparison to the highest elite who call themselves "Immortals."

We are the sheep...



Livestock serve as the base. Feeders are those who work within that realm; clueless animals meant to be exploited for their labor and meat.

So, we start as the base, and they add some ingredients to cook us up.

Ingredients like promises of power, money, women...

They tempt us, and stew us around in a kettle. They offer us advances above our neighbors and train us with the carrot and stick. They grill into us the 9-5 way of the world. They carve us up with taxes.

All these are ingredients designed to crush our spirits, demoralize us, and keep us "in our place." Which is, ultimately, on their dinner table for them to devour.

The Damn Frogs just won't Boil!

We, pedes, aren't like other beasts of burden. We're frogs. Those who've jumped into the KEK of things might have their theories, but let me put it bluntly. A frog is something that starts off life swimming. Acquires legs for navigating land. And then can leap through the air. It's a creature that exists in all three geographies -- land, sea and air.

  • Water is the fluid movement of information. It's the News World, and the place of happenings.
  • Land is the firm foundation and the programmed world. It's the Normie's World.
  • Air is the higher peaks, where birds and messengers of God speak about their doing. It's the Esoteric Word.

Frogs navigate all these. They can take information from the News, distill it for the Normies on land, and make leaps of Logic through the air only to come back and tell everyone how it might feel to be among the birds. They are a creature that bridges the then and now, the here and there.

They are dangerous to the Cabal...

You can occasionally eat frog legs, but they aren't worth the effort. They cannot become a staple. Frogs falling from the sky is the worst nightmare for the farmer. It means the plague of Full Disclosure is at hand, with Frogs coming down and showing the slaves God is among them and that the Pharaoh's days are numbered.

We have right now, THOUSANDS of cooks in the kitchen helping the chefs try to boil the damn frogs before the rest of the livestock tries to get worried.

And WE just won't fucking' boil!

You can think of Psyops as the boiling pot. When FBI and CIA shills come here to plant ideas in our minds and trick us into falling for false narratives, they are trying to boil us. They are trying to turn up the heat slowly and have us give up or reach a degree of insanity to which the livestock of the field won't listen.

The only problem is, there are way too many of us. One frog jumps and the whole kettle starts leaping. They can't keep us still long enough to turn up the temperature. We keep waking one another up.

Too many Cooks

With how many frogs are in the Kitchen now, it's no longer about trying to boil us. It's just a matter of keeping us contained. Keeping us in the kitchen and out of the dining hall.

The guests, the Cabal fuckwits, are starting to sense that the Cooks and Chefs -- the ones being paid to keep the livestock in line and a steady supply of grub coming out, are losing their damned minds.

The owners of the joint are losing confidence in the establishment's ability to function it's starting to dwell on them. They are getting worried.

So, they hire more cooks to get things under control.

More cooks only means more toes are getting stepped on.

Now they got ingredients flying every which way, and the food's not coming out of the kitchen anymore. It's too crowded between the frogs and the cooks. There's an all-out war going on in the kitchen now, and all the guests are getting worried. Their way of doing things is coming to an end. Once the guests start to flee the restaurant, the livestock will sense the panic and panic themselves.

They'll see the flood of frogs and hear them speak the truth. That the place all the sheep, cattle and pigs never come back from isn't a retirement home. It's a slaughter house.


That's where we are. We're watching the Exodus plagues play out in real time. WE are the frogs falling from the heavens. We are the ones who swim in the news, make leaps of logic, and then croak and ribbit among the livestock to try and wake them up.

Trump is like a modern day Moses.

I anticipate the 15th will be his "Let My People Go" speech... We can hope!


Psych 101 – If you see and hear the same thing over and over again……..

They are running a gaslighting psyop right now downplaying our Midterm Victory.

The Red Wave did happen. They just put up all the levees they had in order to drag it out as long as they could. Then they turned around to face us while the wave sheared the skin off their back in a petty attempt to try and convince us what is happening before our own eyes isn't happening.

I saw lines at 7:00am in the middle of flyover country at my local church.

I'm sure you saw lines yourself...

Believe your own eyes. Dispel the smoke and mirrors.

You are the MAJORITY.

Make no mistake, this is a desperation play on their part. Trump's greatly anticipated announcement will cast off this spell they're trying to gaslight us with. Stay strong.

Logical thinking always wins.




We call this 4D and 5D chess.

In reality, the most graceful way to interpret this is giving the bad guys more than they ask for and laughing as they juggle to handle all the loot.

The Cabal plays games with public appeal. Like catty, gossipy preppy girls in highschool and back-stabbing Karens at book club, they can't help themselves to rig up drama and schisms and push former friends into cat fights.

They have an insatiable desire to fuck around with other people's affairs and relationships, for no other reason than they get aroused at the ability to manipulate others. It makes them feel powerful...

But it also clouds their judgement.

It's really fucking obvious they tapped all their sleeper agents and sellswords to turn on Trump by backing DeSantis after the 2022 election. It didn't take them 24 hours after the 2022 dust settled before they started with the new narrative push.

You could hear the whispers and unsheathing of daggers even among a cheering crowd, they were so fucking thirsty to do it.

Which leaves Trump in a sketchy position, just as it would leave anyone in a sketchy position.

To move boldly, you must anticipate bold countermoves. Your plan must have contingencies. Their plans, too, have contingencies. To subvert and unravel any plan, one must find the contingency and backup plans which are least fortified and prepared and then exploit that weakness in the front line.

What eventuality would they have planned the least for?

Their goal is this: turn the DeSantis tribe against the Trump tribe.

How might you accomplish this goal?

  • Seed online forums with hyper-charged pro DeSantis rhetoric for months in advance.
  • Get Trump to back and support DeSantis by necessity.
  • Grill DeSantis about future plans.
  • Grow public sentiment that Trump is old and busted and DeSantis is the new hotness.
  • Hand DeSantis a crushing victory in his endeavors.

Once all this groundwork is laid, then you ride these foundational points to attack Trump's base and turn them into DeSantis 2024 people, whether or not he decides to run. The goal is to tank Trump's primary chances, not to ensure a Manchurian candidate in DeSantis. DeSantis being on board is unnecessary, taking down Trump is the target.

Moving into the Torpedo.

All this has happened, and the ultimate aim at this juncture is for Trump to say "DeSantis isn't a bad guy, but he's not 2024 material." They need him to support DeSantis, but not endorse him for 2024. They can then use Trump's own support against him, in flouting DeSantis 24/7 with their mainstream bullshit.

That's not what they got. Instead, they got Trump doing what they never expected him to do...

Yesterday Trump opened up on DeSantis completely. He blasted the shit out of him, and then subsequently pushed his shit back into the open wounds.

It's a "too good to be true" situation for these catty bitches in the Media. So much so, they never anticipated for this to happen. They weren't prepared with pre-written articles like they always are. They were so sure that Trump wouldn't take the axe to DeSantis that they didn't prep the articles.

Trump, like I pointed out before, found and exploited where they were least prepared.

Now, they risk over-promoting DeSantis to spite Trump. Which looks sketchy as fuck. When Project Lincoln pedos are backing DeSantis, it really looks like a crock of bullshit is surrounding DeSantis uncouthly.

Again, I must note, DeSantis' allegiances don't come into play on this landscape. Either side has a benefit in him being a double-triple-quadruple sleeper agent whose actual masters aren't known until a killing blow arrives at his doorstep.

This is a "turn into the torpedo before it can arm itself" Red October play, for those who astutely have been following along.

You'd figure the MSM would have figured out Trump uses that move by now, but lo and behold they still managed to fuck it up.

Trump is here to Kick Ass, there's no time for Bubble Gum

This Trump vs. DeSantis schism was manufactured by the catty, gossip-hungry Karens in the DeepState Media. The last thing they expected was for Trump to play into it like he just walked into the room and slapped his big cock on the table, breaking the legs of the table in the process.

They were planning on dragging his response to the DeSantis promotion over a month or two, and forge a tribe of DeSantis to keep Trump on the ropes.

That's not what they got. They got Trump attacking one of his own, with no shits given. They wanted to turn Trump onto the defense, and keep him meek and timid, but instead they just poked the lion in the testicles with DeSantis' arm and he bit the shit out of him for daring touch the King's ballsack. They really were relying on him not snapping at his own camp.

Sorry for the lewd interpretation, but that's what I see having happened. The MSM are shocked because it is shocking.

Trump keeps a tidy ship. Mutiny is not entertained for even a second, regardless of whom is propping up whom. If someone is in a position to screw Trump over, he openly welcomes them to try. In fact, his record shows he puts some of the least trustworthy fuckers in positions of power so that all the spotlights are on them.

The Media blasts Trump with so much scrutiny, that they are flabbergasted when he turns that attention against them and shows the asses of those who are "supposed" to be on his team. He uses the energies against him to put a spotlight on those working against him. Every time the Media shirks away suddenly from something that looks bad for Trump, it's because they got the memo that they are sabotaging their own guy's efforts behind the veil. Every time they ignore a story we all think would hurt Trump, I read it as them pulling their hand back from hovering over the chessboard and thinking about how they just fucked themselves up real good last turn and how to get out of this mess they made.

Trump keeps doing this, and they keep falling for it...

Trump acted tactfully with his sledgehammer yesterday to DeSantis' ego. He showed that DeSantis' support isn't something he cares about losing. He Warp-Sped this drama fight the Media cooked up and now what they had planned on dragging out until 2024 is gonna be over in a week or two.


That's my take on the situation. It doesn't matter anymore what side you take, DeSantis versus Trump. It doesn't even matter if DeSantis is a sleeper.

Trump just fucked his shit up whether he was in on it or not. Trump set him as an example. "If you can't keep the Media from fluffing your dick; if you can't keep your ship tidy, then you don't deserve to be in my Armada."

If DeSantis wants to put on his big-boy pants, he'll formally announce he will not run against Trump and that everyone saying he should can go fuck themselves. Trump isn't playing around, and if DeSantis wants to go at it, then Trump is signaling he is prepared to end this shit now, not later.

Sorry for the excess vulgarity, but I'm tired of this nonsense equally as much as I have no patience for catty, gossiping little bitches forming cliques and spreading rumors. Anyone doing that can go to hell and die, in that order. It's pissing me off...


I have a theory...

Both sides are holding back votes.

Here's the map:

  • Dominion/Smartmatic Machines have already run their algorithm, and are hitting diminishing returns. If they recalibrate, it will be obvious, so they can't risk fudging the numbers late in the game.

  • Fraudsters are waiting for all the rural counties red-leaning poll centers to cough up their vote tallies so they know how many fake mail-in ballots to inject and not go over.

  • White Hats rigged the machines to break on election day, intending to drag out the counting process and withhold election day ballots while blaming Dominion for being the fuckwits they are and not having the machines do the one thing they are built to do.

  • The Main Stream Media is having to drag out the coverage while assuring the masses that anything but obvious fraud is taking place. The longer they have to do this, the more it looks like fraud.

  • Vote Integrity watchers on both sides are looking for fuckery, and the Patriot ones are far more patient because they don't have the fears of getting arrested breathing down their necks.

What isn't being said...

There's pressure on the Fraudsters to inject their reserved truckloads of mail-in ballots. They weren't able to do it at 4:00am like they wanted to, because everyone else was dragging their feet.

The facet of computer manipulation (adding and deleting votes) has already run its course. White Hats are withholding large batches of election day votes which they know skew heavily Republican (they don't even have to know precisely how many they are sitting on). Meanwhile, with every second that passes, more and more pressure builds on the fraudsters from the election watchers and voters.

If White Hats drop the ball, and cough up the rural and red-center vote tallies, then the mail-in ballots will squeak out a victory for Democrats.

If the Fraudsters cuck out and drop their mail-in ballot boxes at the max they can tune it, going for broke, then they risk the rural counties and red-centers coming in and going over totals by double digit percentages (20% over state population will have voted, let alone registered voters).

If the Fraudsters give in first but play it safe and inject a wrong guess of mail-in ballots, then Kari Lake wins and immediately cites all the machine fuckery that occurred as a reason for overhauling the election system in Arizona, thereby exposing the fraud.

They have to guess right, but that means guessing just how big of a Red Wave there was, which sucks for them because they've habitually soured all their polling data. They don't have a fucking clue, which is why they are running around mad right now trying to figure out what to do.

In other words...

As long as White Hats and Patriot Election Watchers stay "on line" then Arizona is ours. That's why Gregg Philips and others are so certain Kari Lake is gonna win.

The way to beat the fraud has been found, and it is as follows:

  • Bring a Red Wave on Election Day (Trump is essential to this end).
  • Rig the voting machines to break and blame fraud and Dominion.
  • Withhold ballots in a game of chicken with the Fraudsters.
  • Don't cuck out and let the mail-in Fraudsters make the first move.

I suspect this is what the Audit in 2021 found as a solution. It's possible they weren't there merely to prove or disprove fraud; they were there to find a winning formula to make the fraud impossible to begin with. I believe what we are seeing in Arizona is the first implementation of that winning formula to disable the Fraud Apparatus of the Democrat Party.

We can't win in the courts even if we have mountains of evidence. Which means the only option left is to target their ability to cheat.

It's not an exciting victory, and it likely wasn't implemented anywhere else this cycle, but it is a victory.

We found the beast's weakness, at long last...

What is Freedom? ✝️ Scripture 🕊️
posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude

The typical debate on Freedom is whether or not Freedom is the ability to do what you want versus the ability to do what you ought.

To do what you want means you are free to do whatever pleases you, even if it results in disastrous ends for you and those around you.

To do what you ought means you are not restricted in doing what is in your best interests.

There is a distinction in these two. I will attempt to describe them here.

Feudal Farmer Analogy

Let's say you are a farmer. You own land. There is a provincial King who oversees the land.

You farm wheat, so you go out into your field and plant wheat. Harvest time comes along, and the King's vassal comes by and demands you offer up 10% of your harvest to the King so he may wages his wars and watch over the land to fight off raiders.

Are you free?

Well, what if you refuse? The King's vassal comes back and burns your house down, slaughters your family, and takes your yearly harvest. Who will stop him?

No... In this case, you are not free. Your serfdom is nothing more slavery, regardless of what deeds on the land you hold. Whether it is raiders or the vassal -- your access to your own productivity is held at the point of a sword.

So long as there is another with a sword and the ill intent to use it to take what you have worked to obtain, you are not free.

The only path to True Freedom is to take up the sword yourself. Sword in one hand and plow in the other... Your First Right under God is to say "fuck off" when someone demands you give them what you alone toiled to possess. Your Second Right when they ignore your warning is to fight for your children.

Make no mistake; your crops, your house, your land, your family... They are all your children. You gave birth or adopted them. You tend to them and nurture them. You alone are responsible for their prosperity as well as their ruin.

And that's the most important part. That's the distinction I wish to address.

Expounding on the Analogy

Let's say the King's vassal comes by and instead of demanding 10% of your crops to fill his coffers, he demands you scuttle 10% of your crops. Just flood or burn them, so long as they are culled. His reasoning is that if you produce too much, you become too great a target for raiders and will thin the King's ability to protect the land.

Are you free?

Regardless of the intent, handing over 10% versus scuttling 10%, you lose 10% of your labor in the name of "security."

Therefore, we must address the reality of Freedom -- that it is not negotiable. It's either all or none.

However, while you may be Free to refuse by using your Sword, you cannot escape the Responsibility.

You cannot escape the Consequences of your Freedom.

If you refuse, you become a target, just as the vassal claims. Raiders will come, and the King will not be able to protect you. You must protect yourself.

The Sour Taste of Freedom

When you are Truly Free, you are free to fail.

Only you are there to harvest your crops. Only you are around to plant them. Only you are around to defend them, nurture them.

There is no King's vassal to come by and demand or whip you into farming so that they may get the 10%. You will receive 100% of the fruits of your labor. Only you are are there to push yourself to act and sustain yourself.

There is no grand Country to serve, no national pride to prop up.

Only you and your Family.

Not everyone can survive in True Freedom. They need some sense of fulfillment greater than just survival. They need someone, something to serve and give them a sense of grandeur and pride in their work -- that their work has supported in some way the movement of mountains.

We understand this as the need for social interaction. We need a sense of fulfillment outside of just working for ourselves or our immediate family. We need some satisfaction in advancing the state of Human Civilization and inching ever so closer to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Absolute Freedom is unfortunately not enough to entice most people to pursue greatness for greatness' sake. They need some proof that they are helping.

That is why Social Media today is so powerful of a control measure. They convince people that if they support the "Current Thing", they are working towards some grand "Progress" towards the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, be it a counterfeit or otherwise.

This is all because they wish to avoid the Consequences. Heaven on Earth, in their mind, is Freedom from Consequence, not Freedom to Act.

Freedom to Fail

Freedom to Act also entails Freedom to Fail. If you don't plant your crops, you will not be able to harvest those crops, and you will not be able to eat. You will die.

Those are the harsh Consequences of Freedom.

The Security that comes from being a Slave offers you an illusory path to avoid those consequences. "If I fail, it's the King's fault."

The King says he will take upon himself the weight of your failures -- failures to defend yourself from raiders and the failure of you not having the self-determination to farm just to survive. In exchange, he ensures you WILL FARM, or else...

In reality, the King inches death closer to you in order to force you to act. Either you choose death today by his hand for not farming, or death by starvation after a season passes with no work done to sustain yourself.

By moving death closer to your doorstep, the King forces your hand.

This is not True Freedom.

The Founding Fathers knew this inevitable nature of Man. That is why it is understood a Government must exist, for now. That Social Contracts are necessary to move the hands of the crestfallen and least ambitious among us to act if only to survive.

The reality is that not everyone can be a leader. Not everyone is willing to succeed at all costs. Far too many will fall short. Far too many refuse to wield the Sword in one hand the the Plow in the other. For that reason, it is regretful, that many will demand a King to bring death to their own door such that they may act with urgency to avoid that immediate death.

They will sacrifice Freedom for a shred of Security at the feet of Tyrants.

The Path to Freedom

You may recognize that something is being left out of this equation...

Where is God in all this?

Ah... There's the ultimate point to this discussion.

Freedom without God is doomed to Fail.

Humans are flawed. We will often act against our own best interests. We will often make decisions which are short-sighted and prioritize pleasure and comfort over the humble, straight and narrow path.

We will create False Idols to take away the consequences of our own inaction. We offer up our failures, our sins, to these False Idols and summarily give them power over us -- power to whip us so that we may act in our own self interests, so long as they coincide with theirs.

Security in exchange for our Freedom, under the illusion of escaping the responsibility and consequence of our actions and inactions.

Our desire to act blinds our reasons for acting... Our desire to feel included is a mask for wanting to avoid consequence.

Therefore, as we sin we justify our collective worship of these False Idols. As we sin we say "You see, we must have a King among us to keep us in bondage. We must give up our own power, our own agency, so that we may not use it for ill! We cannot trust our selves to act in our own best interests, so we must offer up our Self to those powerful among us who can bear it."

And so, we invent gods of War, Pleasure, Harvest, Debauchery, Pride, etc.

All to offer up our sins and give them Purpose and Reason for being worshipped. We feed the beasts who hate us... Who despise us for being so weak...

There is, however, hope. There is, however, a God among these which breaks this cycle of self-flagellation.


Love is acting in the best interest of the other.

As we live on our little homesteads looking for a greater reason for being; a greater passion to pursue so that we may toil another day with purpose, we have only one path which does not lead to our Agency and Freedom being offered up to Tyrants and False Idols:

Working on behalf of the other.

I offer my Self up not to False Idols for safekeeping, but to you, my brothers and sisters. I offer up my Failures to this God of Love and to those who Love me will bear it just as I bear their Failures out of Love for them.

Instead of the Tyrant wielding Consequence over our heads at the threat of death, Love permits us to move forward with nothing more than the genuine welfare of another.

The Servant of All

A Tyrant acting fully in the interest of Others before the Self has no need of the Self, and is a Tyrant no longer. A Servant to all demands nothing but a People to Serve -- that alone is enough to justify their own existence.

God is that Servant of All. The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; the Genuine Article.

A God of Love is the only way to break the Spell of False Idols. They seek to take our Sins to empower themselves by saying "sin all you please, we will bear the weight so long as you give us your Self, your power and agency in Bondage."

The God of Love, instead, says "let me bear the weight of your sins, so that your Self is Free to Serve as I have Served you."

The Sacrifice is the Symbol of Love, and we will Know the True God only by this Crest alone. Only this God offers up Freedom to Fail, which is True Freedom.

This God will not force you to plant or to reap. He will, instead, hand you the Sword and the Plow both and say "go forth and bear great fruit in my name."

If you choose to do so, this God of Love will ensure your love will sprout large and sturdy stalks. What else might we expect when we love our field as one of our own children? If you choose not to do these things, then this God of Love will allow you to fail and perish. He will not force your hand to act, and he will not threaten you with death even in your best interests. He will not be a Tyrant who takes away your own agency, even if that means he must weep as you kill yourself.

He is the God who will let you reach into the fire if you choose to. He will advise you not to, but not swat your hand away. This is True Freedom, and there is a cost for those foolish enough to test its limits. Getting burned is the Consequence.

But he will always be there, to apply ointment to your wounds and carry you to a safe place once you fail.

So, it is with an emboldened heart that I say:

"Offer up your failures to God"

Other False Idols want your Sins as an offering so that they may justify their rule over you. Instead, offer up your Failures, Shortcomings and Weaknesses to the God of Love, and his Love will shine forth as a True Freedom to Act.

Fear of failure is the song of Tyrants and Slaves.

When you Fail, don't cower and hide it in shame. Instead offer it up to God by Serving your fellow Man. Where you are weak, give that weakness to your neighbor to support. Where you are strong, lend your strength to where another is weak.

My Strength absolves your Weakness. Your Strength absolves my Weakness.

Be transparent and say to you neighbor "these are my sins, and I cannot bear them alone. Alone I am not perfect, but together True Perfection is there among us in Love"

That is the Christ. That is the Person of Jesus who bears all our Sins. The mindset of one who says such things freely is the Servant of All, and is God Incarnate.

Together, we are strong in spite of our Failures. Together, our Strengths overpower our Weaknesses.

Only together, working to Serve our fellow Man by offering up our Failures such that others may bear them and offering up our Strengths such that we may bear another's Failures, might we put to rest the False Idol of Tyranny -- the Fallacy of Security in exchange for Freedom.

Only then will True Freedom Ring. A Freedom to Fail, as well as to Succeed in Glory of the God of Love.


This is not a doomer post, it's a realist post.

The 2020-2021 set the bar very clearly -- the people who have the most power to fuck with us were the State Governors.

They were the ones who enforced Covid Policies, Election Policies, Ignore Judges and AG's letting violent criminals go back out to enjoy the "Summer of Love", and persecute us because we dared to refuse to take questionable medical measures at the threat of losing our ability to find employment.

If we ever had a chance at preventing another Plandemic, it would have been with these Governor races. We needed a resounding, crushing victory to prevent the next one, and that's not what we got.

It was a Wave, but not a Tsunami... Just enough to eek out enough races to stay in the game, but not enough to rout our enemies into full panic.

Now, this is where I'm gonna stop dooming and start up the Game Theory.

They hit their limits in the House, so I figure the whole Pelosi Hammer fiasco was a forecast for their plans with the old hag. They knew they would lose on that front.

The Senate, however, was theirs to lose, and it looks like they might keep it dead-locked at the very least.

More than House and Senate, they put all their efforts towards taking Governorships, pulling out all the stops.


I think it comes down to Emergency Powers.

Declare an emergency. Grab power "temporarily." Rescind the emergency. Keep the power. Rinse and Repeat.

They have to do it. They need to declare emergencies, and Governors are the ones to do it. That they did everything to get as many Governors as they could as a priority means they need them more than Senators and Representatives.

Covid is over, another coof Plandemic isn't gonna fly, so they have to switch to something else to give Governors more power and declare States of Emergency. If not just to cripple the slaves so they can't rise up, then to keep their rigged election game operational.

An emergency event must come to pass by 2024 so they can "mail-in" that election too. If Covid-19 is any indicator, September 2023 is probably when they'll make their next play.

The Emergency Candidates:

  • Project Bluebeam staged Alien Invasion?
  • Climate Disaster, up to and including Yellowstone blowing it's load?
  • Nuclear War with Putin, with Dirty Bomb being set off in a major city?
  • Financial Collapse leading to widespread manufactured famine?
  • Faux "Jesus" descending in Jerusalem with stealth drone show, announcing Armageddon?

Something is about to happen for sure, starting with a financial upset. All the signs are there. What comes next, however, is anyone's guess.

What is certain is that a Democrat Governor will do everything to seize power and exacerbate any situation to punish The People for "acting up."

I view this as a Civil War bought, with all the formation lines. We successfully flanked them with a pincer attack in the Local and House races. Their Senate platoon held the line. Their core did a blitz down the center to break our main line, taking advantage of the thinning of our center as a necessary result of the pincer attack.

If I had to weight it in Chess terms, I'd say Knights are Local races, Bishops are House, Queen is Senate, and the Rooks are Governors.

We are up a Knight, up a Bishop, Both Queens are down with our Pawn dangerously ready to get crowned. We are down a Rook and Kari Lake losing will be our last Rook out of the game.

Mind you, this isn't a general game. I'm proposing this line-up in terms of preventing another Planned Disaster to grab at power. The board versus the entire DeepState Cabal is far more complex than what I've described.

As it stands, I'd rather have the rooks over the bishops right now, even if we have more pieces, by total value, on the board.

The game is not over, and we've got a turn advantage, but they have wormed their way behind our front lines where it matters.

A deadlock in Congress means Governors will be the muscle on their next emergency event push. We must prepare for that push. It will -- it must be a power grab. Anticipate your enemy's movements, predict which way their armies are headed, and follow through with the pincer attack. The head of their blitz was crushed, though they made it past our main line.

All we have to do now is chase them to a wall and then briskly hang them on it.

Above all, remember: the Main Stream Media is the primary enemy of The People. We will not win a single meaningful, kill-stroke election so long as they still get to announce the winner...


Didn't Elon say something vague about servers?

But, you may ask, "aren't the Dominion machines supposed to be disconnected from the internet?"


Some more questions:

  • Why are they all failing at the same time, nation-wide?
  • Did someone turn off the internet connection to the machines?
  • Did the last update have a poison pill in it?
  • Are the ballots on different paper that isn't compatible with the "old" machines and that's why they can't go through? Are watermarked pages thicker?
  • Are there not enough fraudster election workers left to run the ballots? Did they get cold feet knowing all eyes will be on them this time?
  • Are Dominion's tech gaybois short on staff?
  • Are they gonna blame daylight saving's time? Y2K 2.0? Russians?
  • Can we even call this an election?
  • Does this help or hurt Election Day voting turnout?
  • Will our votes even be counted out of "Box 3"?
  • Where's the lamb sauce?

Rigged for Red?


Be careful with the direction of your attacks on the machines. Make sure to clarify the machines are the problem, not the physical paper ballots.

They are setting up the narrative around this fuckery to move away from paper ballots entirely, and using our rhetoric against Dominion and election machines against us. Their wet dream is no paper trail at all, and the events of today can help them shape that dream.

We need to focus on pressing PAPER ONLY instead of merely saying everything is beyond fucked, even though it is.

The Wishy-Washy Elon question. 🗣️ VOTING DISCUSSION 💬
posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude

I'm gonna try to provide some insight into who/what Elon Musk is. There are many options, and all of them equally as valid. I'll make the case for each so that no one can say they are surprised at his next antics, because at the very least they have some frame of reference for which timeline Elon Musk is following.

Here it goes:

Elon the Wild Card

"Wild Card, BITCHES!"

This is the most neutral stance. This stance covers all possible Elon antics by just throwing up your hands and saying "he's a salt-in the wound rubbing 'fuck it, why not' clown who wants to see the world burn at both ends."

This is the Elon who sabotages his own plans just so it's more interesting. No one, neither the rank-and-file White Hats nor the Black Hats have any fucking clue whose side he is on. The safe assumption is that he is on Team Elon.

We know he grew up in a Cabal home, I mean look at his mom:


But I will say, what's most telling is the gal on the left who is dressed as the OG Men in Black with triangle ear-rings.

If you want a reference for where this costume originated:


So, the three of them were dressed in conspiracy theory costumes? One was about the Aliens, the other about Satan(Biblical), and the third was "Cruella Deville’s cooler sister."

Interpret that as you will. I'm most interested in the animal on her purse. The Musk family seems to have a thing for purses: https://www.today.com/popculture/popculture/maye-musks-daughter-tosca-calls-unstoppable-force-sports-illustrated-c-rcna29204

The point is, they were joining up to do that Halloween photo-shot and draw attention to those "crazy" conspiracy theory foo-foos you hear on the internet. For shits and giggles, at the very least.

There are virtues in a Wild Card Elon for either side. No one wants to take him out because no one knows who he is secretly working for or if there is some secret angle where he is playing the long-con and will turn at the last second and go either full Patriot or full WEF.

Whose side is a double, triple, quadruple, double-secret, agent working for?

If he's actually playing it by ear, and not secretly affiliated with either side, this is where he needs to be to be safe. He can do whatever he wants and just wink every now and then to make both sides think he's working for them. In reality, he's working for himself, and like anyone who is eccentric and rich, it means they're gonna fuck around and see what they can get away with because they are bored.

Elon the Champion of the Devil

This Elon is currently buying Twitter under the pretenses of giving it back to the People. In reality, he's buying back a public entity, Twitter, which is actually an arm of the CIA for information gathering similar to Lifelog/Facebook. Trump has said his purchase is "illegal" and it may be because Twitter is secretly owned by the US government, and therefore cannot be purchased and made private for the same reasons we can't simply purchase run-down CIA SCIFS overseas without government approval.

Hell, it'd be like trying to put a down-payment on GITMO. Not a chance.

If Twitter is owned by the Government, then they have to buy it back before anyone else does. Using Elon as a stooge to that end makes sense to keep the details hush-hush while turning Elon into a "Man of the People" popular asset.

The devil is in the details. The face Elon Musk puts on in public versus what he actually does is the most important factor. What he says makes Patriots swoon, while what he does in his more secret meetings include setting up a Neuralink system, a single-option pay system (centralized digital currency), launders money with US "clean" energy subsidies to keep his failing EV line afloat while giving the bulk of the funds right back to special interest groups, and promoting Android robots to replace grunt workers.

Evil Elon's ultimate goal is to consolidate their assets and "bring them back." Twitter is like a top-secret tank whose treads got snared and they need it back before the enemy discovers it and reverse-engineers it to find out the tank uses the blood of children to fire techno-ghost-lasers.

All this is in keeping with the NWO and the WEF. They just suited him up to be the "friend of the patriots" so that we accept him despite him working against us. They promote stunts and let the memes build themselves because despite throwing billions towards meme research, they still don't know how it works outside of fabricating a scenario and letting things fall where they may.

This Elon will continue to walk with us until he decides to eat us.

Sometimes a lion will tend to the young of its prey, knowing it's better to let it grow to full size before eating it.

We won't know until it's too late, and there's no way to stop him. The play is strong, which is why traitors are worse than your enemies, because you expect your enemies to stab you in the back. There's only preparation for the bubble of support he is growing. All of a sudden, that bubble will pop when he decides to go full Psycho-Dystopian Megalomaniac.

Elon the Reformer

Then there's the possibility that the White Hats got to Elon and are making him do things. Specific things. He, otherwise, is still Cabal filth, but he was caught out by the White Hats and they have his nuts in a vise. He could run off, sure, but that would require him shearing his testicles off in the clamp and leaving a blood trail as his scrotum peels off like Stretch Armstrong getting dragged under an anvil.

He doesn't want that, obviously, but the MK Ultra and child-hood brainwashing has set in completely. He cannot change his nature, but he can act in his own best interests. If those interests just so happen to coincide with White Hats, then it's the White Hat's responsibility to ensure Elon is interested in working with them with no opportunity to defect.

A long leash, but a leash nonetheless.

White Hats say "do what you want" otherwise, but give him a specific set of instructions for what he absolutely has to do to stay alive. If he deviates for even a second, his balls turn to paste. What the White Hats would have to have on him must be beyond the capacity for him to sacrifice. He must be a good little boy, or someone else steps in to fill the role.

The point is, Elon is told to do some rather mundane things whose ultimate purpose is unknown on the surface. Role Compartmentalization. Chain of Command. Need-to-Know basis.

People are only told what they need to know to fulfill their role. Nothing more, nothing less. Even if the Black Hats take out or kidnap Elon, he's just a puppet. The hand only moves him about when they need him to move. All other times, he's just a sack cloth hoping the despondent crowd doesn't switch from tomatoes to tomahawks on account of his lackluster performance.

All this must also be undertaken as if Elon is still the Wild Card. Black Hats must always think there is a chance he's one of their boys stepping into the light to drag people back into the shadows.

Elon's job is to walk to the deli, pick up a pickle and cheese sandwich, walk to the park, put the sandwich on a bench, and walk away. Do the pickle and cheese mean something to whomever will come to pick it up? Maybe? Or is the park bench the significant factor? Why THAT park bench? Who knows?

Elon will never know. He's been told to buy Twitter, and what happens from then on is anyone's guess. Just buying Twitter might be all White Hats want him to do. What he does from there is whatever he pleases, it's inconsequential to the mission, just like whether or not a pickle and cheese sandwich today might be a ham and provolone tomorrow. If he decides to help White Hats and turn Twitter into a pro-free-speech forum, then it may help him get off easy when the Trials start, but it's ultimately unnecessary to complete the mission.

My ultimate point is this: if you don't have to take a side, then don't take a side.

Go ahead and meme, because the KEKs, but don't get invested into Elon and don't count him out either. He's a ploy, either way it shakes out. He's duping people. That's what he does. He's a Troll, so why expect any different?

Regardless of whose side he is on, he is a move maker and his moves won't always make sense. The more you try to rationalize the mind of a man who buys a pickle and cheese sandwich and leaves it on a vacant park bench, the faster you'll dip into the insano-world.

It's that simple. The only way not to be duped and driven mad is to keep an arm's length from the man. Watch what he does more than what he says. The safest assumption is to assume only that Elon is working for Elon. Whomever offers him the best deal is the one he's gonna go with.

Twitter being bought is the biggest move he's made. At this point in time, it's appears to be a bad thing for the Cabal, so let's savor the moment while preparing for a future where Elon turns it into a WeChat like he says he will...

That's the most logical stance one can take.


What does it mean to "dead-name" someone?


Deadnaming is the act of referring to a transgender or non-binary person by a name they used prior to transitioning, such as their birth name.[1] Deadnaming may be unintentional, or a deliberate attempt to deny, mock or invalidate a person's gender identity.[1][2]

Now, we ask the question, are they maintaining their own moral standards?

Begrudgingly for some, but others have decided to start off all their articles with "Ye, formerly known as Kanye West" despite the titles reading like "Twitter censors Kanye West tweet comparing 'anti-semitic' to N-word".

Why is this important?

Because Ye is manipulating the clickbait algorithm. Everyone in the mainstream knows who Kanye is, but no one yet knows who Ye is.

The computer algorithm, however, still doesn't know yet. Google is behind on the name change.

That means all their smear pieces are still talking about Kanye, and not Ye. They are forced to deadname Ye if they want to get those clicks.

The more he fucks with them, the more they have to jump around with their own self-inflicted wounds. They created the hoops they are currently having to jump through to adhere to their shaky trans principles. At the same time, Ye gets to chip away at their smear campaign, further allowing him to say what he wants.

It's a subtle play, and I think the fact many overlooked it is because we underestimate Ye's aptitude.

To me, this means that Ye is fighting the good fight. Regardless of how conscious he may be in making these decisions, and if he realizes what schism he is causing in their coverage, the effect is notable. His transformation from Kanye to Ye is potently defiant to their attempts to unperson and cancel him.

For that, I'm willing to say it's an intentional 4D Chess move.


That's the point you know the Financial Collapse is upon us.

When any company cannot afford to pay their employees enough to reasonably purchase their own flagship product, that's the point where it's evident a Financial Collapse is imminent.

At that very particular junction, it worms itself into the minds of the employee that they are effectively working for nothing -- that the products they handle every day are out of their own reach. When someone isn't allowed to partake in the fruits of their own vocation, that's when they know they're a slave.

That's when they walk off the job. Don't show up in the morning. Dodge calls from management. It's not even worth it to pick up the phone and argue.

We are nearing that phase right now. Wage slaves aren't getting paid enough to be wage slaves. It's almost to the point where McDonalds employees are paying McDonalds, considering how much gets docked out of their pay going towards uniform.

Now, extrapolate that situation out. Apply it to Government Workers.

When the Government can't afford to pay its own workers, very specifically the ones who tell the Government that we're past the point of no return on inflation and spending, then the Government enters no-man's land.

At that point the ships censors that tell the crew the ship is taking on water are no longer functional.

The ship is taking on water, but no one is being paid enough to bother shouting about it.

Which means, the Financial Collapse is already here and the workers who would have told us about it can't be bothered enough to even send out a Tweet about it. In fact, they're probably happy to go down with the ship at this point.

I hope you've done your prep. You only own what you can hold in your hands and defend under your feet.

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