special1ntere5t 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. Some of us elder pedes have been lurking online for years - 17 yrs and counting for me (started in 2007 when Obama was running when I noticed the similarities of his campaign with Blair’s campaign in 97 in the uk and Clinton’s campaign in the 90s)…

special1ntere5t 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yep back in the day the Donald on Reddit was the engine room for meme magic… then spez and the rest of the lefty swamp shut it down and we got scattered to multiple diff sites like CBTS, GA, Voat etc before finding this comfy place

special1ntere5t 4 points ago +4 / -0

He’s married to a very dodgy swamp creature and has long been runoured to be part of the “velvet mafia “

special1ntere5t 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep and reportedly EJ had Diana had fallen out and weren’t really on speaking terms at the time to her death? I do kinda recall that being talked about in the press at the time (when he reworked candle in the wind for her funeral)

special1ntere5t 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is there even a son? A lot Of folks don’t even believe there are any kids…

special1ntere5t 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damned good question - there’s been pics of a “Harry” with different jaw lines, brown eyes instead of blue, different ears… it’s bizarre

special1ntere5t 9 points ago +9 / -0

I’ve wondered that but as time has gone on he’s becoming more and more exposed as a nasty piece of work in his own right it seems. Lots of rumors about shady dealings with women in conflict areas and hush money being paid etc

special1ntere5t 14 points ago +14 / -0

This is my surprised face 🙄😐. Maybe he’s looking for tips on grifting via “charity foundations”? Markle has been hobnobbing with the Clinton’s and their swamp denizens for years, regularly hanging out with John Fitzpatrick (big time dem bundler) and the hildabeest supposedly went to visit her in the UK. They are shady AF and are up to their necks in machinations to curtail the first amendment (along with CIA in the US as well as election interference and much more https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNdUBFhlVpKGNrTtEPMrHCSYQ2FXarC5U&si=E7ov-DmoD5WDsNGP

special1ntere5t 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah within minutes they were saying it was a planned film even that was supported happen on aug 24? If it was planned why did London fire brigade have their system crashed by panicked locals bombarding their emergency lines? I know for a fact that no calls could get through to the fire service because it was in black alert

special1ntere5t 4 points ago +4 / -0

Please don’t insult C*nts. They can provide joy and pleasure and are capable of producing something wonderful (childbirth). She’s more like an asshole, she spews 💩 24/7

special1ntere5t 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m sorry. I’ve searched high and low, looked everywhere - under the sofa, behind the TV, in all the kitchen cupboards even checked the garbage cans but I still can’t seem to find a single f*ck that I’m supposed to give. This harridan sowed the wind. Reap the whirlwind bee hatch.

special1ntere5t 3 points ago +3 / -0

post just found on X about Lynch’s other company Darkyrace and its many ties to intelligence agencies in US/UK. https://x.com/michaelewriter/status/1825648751618232715?s=46&t=Nwg1vy4jg3_JlX1SQMYB9A

It seems Mike Lynch, currently missing at sea off the coast of Sicily, was deeply involved with the security services.

Lynch founded Autonomy in 1996. Their speciality was fingerprint recognition. This is covered in most of the press coverage as the company was at the centre of his recent trial for fraud in the US. However, what isn’t covered so much is the company he funded next: Darktrace.

Darktrace was founded in 2013 as a leading cyber AI company and were set-up to prevent data loss and data theft by “insider threats.” They were created as a response to Bradley Manning’s leaks to Wikileaks and founded just days after the first of Edward Snowden’s revelations was published by The Guardian. They were particularly concerned with stopping Wikileaks-style leaks of information.

They were seed-funded by Invoke Capital, a specialist technology investment fund headed by Lynch.

“Darktrace is the world’s leading cyber AI company and the creator of Autonomous Response technology.

Its self-learning AI is modeled on the human immune system and used by over 3,500 organizations to protect against threats to the cloud, email, IoT, networks and industrial systems. This includes insider threat, industrial espionage, IoT compromises, zero-day malware, data loss, supply chain risk and long-term infrastructure vulnerabilities.”

Darktrace is known for extensively hiring former spies and was founded when Lynch brokered a meeting between GCHQ officers and Cambridge mathematicians. The company boasts that it has former members of MI5, MI6, CCHQ, the CIA, the NSA, and the FBI on staff.

One of the co-founders was Stephen Huxter, a senior figure in MI5’s “cyber defence team” who became Darktrace’s managing director. Darktrace later appointed Dave Palmer, who had worked at MI5 and GCHQ, as its director of technology, while John Richardson OBE, director of security, had a long career in “UK government security and intelligence” working on “cyber defence”. - Source, declassifieduk.org

Sir Jonathan Evans, former director general of MI5 joined Darktrace’s board in an advisory role in 2013. Former foreign secretary Amber Rudd did so in 2020.

Interestingly, as a side note, one of the major investors in Darktrace is Vitruvian Partners. The vice-president and cyber-security adviser of Vitruvian Partners is Alexander Arbuthnot. His mother is Lady Emma Arbuthnot, the Westminster chief magistrate who oversaw the extradition proceedings against Julian Assange.

But such is Darktrace’s profile that CEO Nicole Eagan accompanied Prime Minister David Cameron on an official visit to Washington D.C. to discuss cyber security policy with then U.S. President Barack Obama.

It’s been quite a few months for Darktrace in 2024.

In April, it was announced that Darktrace is to be bought by US private equity firm Thoma Bravo in a deal worth 5.32 billion dollars (£4.25 billion).

In June, Lynch and his co-defendant Stephen Chamberlain were found not guilty at their fraud and conspiracy trial. Chamberlain worked with Lynch at Autonomy as Vice President of Finance and later became COO of Darktrace. They both left in 2018 when charges were filed.

Chamberlain was killed after being hit by a car on Saturday. 48 hours later Lynch’s yacht was sunk off Sicily.

special1ntere5t 8 points ago +8 / -0

Indeed - because if they join in with the persecution maybe then they won’t be targetted. Sickening.

special1ntere5t 4 points ago +4 / -0

She is going to be parachuted in at the last minute. They’re probably going to stage some sort of disaster which will take out the kiddy sniffer and Kumala and will play to media driven public sympathy. Hence the “security” issues with pantifa outside. They’ll spin the disaster and blame Trump for it for the “dangerous rhetoric””” yada yada and it will be wall to wall sympathy campaigning in the media til November with a “devastated” Hildabeest “forced” to step into the breach to continue the campaign to stop such a dangerous demagogue getting reelected. There is no way in hell that creature would let any other alleged female be named president instead of her. She owns the dens. She bought the dem party debt in 2016 iirc so she basically calls the shots.

special1ntere5t 4 points ago +4 / -0

The clip I saw the voice sounded higher pitched and more “girly” than the Hildabeest Her voice has always had a kinda gravelly tone to it and this new Hildabeests voice sounded clearer?

special1ntere5t 1 point ago +1 / -0

So the software could monitor content from emails and phone calls for specific phrases and “suggest” responses for Enquiries. It could also monitor video streams to pick up content. Nothing shady there that could be misused for nefarious purposes eh?

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