Starseed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only reason they "pulled it off" was because bidens camp diddnt have a record, all they had was "what if"s, and they framed Trump very poorly in the covid scamdemic. Playbook expended. They cant pull the same stuff

Starseed 5 points ago +5 / -0

4 years makes a big difference. Before biden could skate by on "what ifs" and the whole covid thing was happening too, the public was in a trance of obedience due to fear. Now he has an actual record of fucking things up. Hes also 4 years older and likely less "there" mentally. Trump is still going strong and doesnt require meds to speak coherently to the public.

Starseed 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is there a source for this that isnt just a twitter post? I dont have an account i cant see any of the comments

Edit: i realize it says "according to Greg Stenstrom" at the end but an actual link to his report would be nice.

Starseed 4 points ago +4 / -0

I dont believe itll happen. Theres no way that biden could handle a 1 on 1 debate with Trump. And if it does happen theres no way biden will be sober, hes going to need a mighty strong drug cocktail to keep the alertness required. That or itll be essentially Trump vs the moderator while biden occasionally gets asked soft or mundane questions.

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol we dont agree. Im saying i dont just want you to say youre wrong. Im encouraging you to defend your position instead of abandoning the conversation, you dont win people over like that

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thats not what im lookin for man. I want you to be right. Im just fleshing out the conversation. Trump is the guy. We got this shit. I just want it all on the table yknow

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im not talking about past appearances, the topic is if he gets jailed. Youre claiming secret service and military will stop it, or that the presence of secret service proves hes president. But thats just not true. The only way the presence of secret service proves anything is if it goes beyond the scope of what the ruling i quoted describes. Youd have to prove that it goes beyond that or else youre just hyping yourself up for disappointment. You can exit the conversation if you want but im not the kind of person who stops a conversation when no resolution is found.

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

And he would have his secret service detail as do all presidents past and current as per the rule i quoted. In order to prove that theory true then you would need to explain how his protection goes beyond what is detailed in that quoted ruling.

The main point i think youre ignoring. We can look at past anomolies all day but the topic here was secret service coverage and Trump being jailed.

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Youre ignoring the vast majority of what i said and asked. Chill with the all caps brother.

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

The military is not the secret service. If he was jailed they would likely isolate him from other inmates like they do with other high profile people. And he would have his secret service detail as do all presidents past and current as per the rule i quoted. In order to prove that theory true then you would need to explain how his protection goes beyond what is detailed in that quoted ruling. I really dont see a scenario where any secret service or military stops him from being jailed. That would fuel their accusations that he is above the law and the average person doesnt even know the theory exists, they would need a detailed breakdown of it and in this hyper politicized climate i dont see how any fence sitters would buy it. As i see it, him being jailed would set the precedent that all past presidents are not immune and can be tried for any alleged crimes. I really dont know if hes still president or not but i do know if hes prevented from being imprisoned after a judges ruling then it would be very very bad optics.

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

All im saying is people will point to what i quoted to refute what youre saying. The next step for you would be to define "critical level of secret service" and prove Trump has it. Because as it stands the simple presence of secret service doesnt prove anything other than he elected president in the past.

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

"the Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012. All living former presidents and their spouses after Dwight D. Eisenhower are now entitled to receive lifetime Secret Service protection. Their children are entitled to protection "until they become 16 years of age".

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok i see how that would happen if the cat was out of the bag. But im not understanding how him going to jail would expose that

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know about the theories but im wondering why you say him going to jail would let the cat out the bag.

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not a chance they would sell it at a public auction if that was the case. The whole point of blackmail is to keep the info secret not publicly announce to the world what you have. The second that announcement went out you now have thousands of would be burglars targeting your residence. Any attempts at blackmailing anyone in that book would be met with laughter and hundreds of shills to discredit you. If you wanted to blackmail you would show the person their names in the book keeping yourself anonymous and then threatening to publicly release the names yourself worldwide, not selling it to someone who MIGHT release the info.

Starseed 5 points ago +5 / -0

They dont understand because they probably have never actually read the constitution.

Starseed 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like how all the reporters are shouting questions at him as if he even knows what tf state hes in

Starseed 6 points ago +6 / -0

O i felt the cringe big time. Its like theyre actually trying to make us uncomfortable

Starseed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well its really easy. Just type archive.is in the web browser and there will be detailed info there. But basically you just copy paste a URL into the first text box and click save. It will take a minute to do so and will redirect you to the archived page it made. Then you just copy that URL to share with people. Sometimes these news sites have that "click to continue reading" button which might prevent the archived page from loading the whole article, maybe clicking that button before copying the URL to archive might work. But they put that click to continue feature in to get more traffic on their site basically ensuring they get double the numbers if you want to read the whole thing. But if the story is from a biased outlet that is clearly writing hit jobs then to be honest its not worth reading in its entirety in the first place.

Starseed 12 points ago +12 / -0

I thought that statement was supposed to make Trump sound bad. Sounds like an excellent agenda. But they used some buzzwords and left out certain words. Like throwing shit on gold and trying to convince people they dont want it

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