Wow! Their final dialogue was about his recent hole in one, but that wasn't the best part. Pres Trump said it was his 7th hole in one! 7th!!!
Haha!! I actually thought of that after I hit save.
Thank you! Everyone should refresh their memories by rewatching this video.
To refresh your memories about vaccines ...
As if her story wasn't horrible enough, she has no regret other than it should be easier next time. I am pretty sure her baby's face will be looking back at her for the rest of her lifetime. RIP innocent little angel. 'For they know not what they do.'
Heck ... Milwaukee has a huge billboard 'Do you suffer from Erectile Dysfunction?
I would support a billboard saying 'START Paying for your kids', and 'START Parenting your kids!'
I often wonder if they think we alll look alike too? Ha!
Ever notice how the homlier they are, the more liberal?
Is she related to Rachel Levine? LOL
Photoshopped. This is the translation of her post ... Earth has been colonized incredibly many times throughout its history by different alien races, and earthlings are the product of numerous crosses. Cruel wars have destroyed entire worlds in this solar system. On Earth, the continents have sunk, the lands have been washed away for life by floods, and all the biodiversity we know today is only about four percent of what we once were. The winners rewrite history, and even the Smithsonian Institute recently admitted to destroying thousands of giant skeletons in the early 1900s. The tales of the giants of childhood will prove to be real traditions. It's time to get our story back. It's time to take back the world. All we have to do is wake up and realize we have the power. Joe Kanteny
She is an embarassment to women! The hate emanates from her like Charlie Brown's friend Linus, and the cloud of dirt!
Another thing to consider... If you are on MyChart with your doctor's office, you might wish to remove some personal 'unecessary intrusive' information. You can provide 'as needed' or 'if needed'.
Contempt of Court, that's what! Robin Vos needs to do his job, reading the article he obviously is in over his head, for example 'his words, 'he doesn't read emails with requests for records go unanswered' etc. There was massive fraud, no doubt.
'Dane County Circuit Judge Valerie Bailey-Rihn scheduled a Tuesday hearing on American Oversight’s request for additional information. She is expected to rule on the overriding contempt of court request after March 16, the deadline for both sides to submit their final arguments.'
Hey there Mooseuamarch, this is your opportunity to pray for your dad. God knows what is in your heart and He hears your prayers and sees your tears. Call out to Him and ask for a miracle and healing for your dad. And thank Him for the work He is about to do. In Jesus name, Amen.
Also here is a great video by Dr Bartlett and the use of Budesonide. Might help your dad's situation.
Do not use Albuterol, use Budesonide as it has a steroid in it, Dr. Bartletts recommendation. Albuterol only opens the airways but does not treat the inflammation.
Curious why anyone would use gofundme? There are many crowd sourcing choices that do not charge a fee ever.
Try this one, christian based, 0% fee
Hey kids, pull that fire alarm! After all it is an emergency!
Feb 7, 2022
Dont use FB but Marketplace is still a great place to buy and sell. Not brain dead.