by BQnita
talon24 1 point ago +1 / -0

Out of the ordinary for America, we’re a nation of excess.

by BQnita
talon24 0 points ago +3 / -3

Teenagers get gifted money, cars, and hand-me-downs way more than just guns and a vehicle these days.

Also, most gun shows don’t require background checks if he wanted to purchase items himself.

The Parkland Shooter had way more gear. None of this stuff is out of the ordinary.

talon24 -1 points ago +1 / -2

It’s from Elden Ring

talon24 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Have you seen the Rist peninsula in that game? What does that look like to you? Because if you knew the truth you would stop playing.

I’m just kidding.

But my point is that sometimes games are just games, and any sort of symbolism is just overreaching. Our minds are built to be pattern-recognizers, even if a pattern is not intentional.

Anyway, enjoy! It’s a great game.

talon24 0 points ago +2 / -2

Plato is required reading in any Philosophy 101 course, so yes.

As for Reddit politics, I haven’t looked at that page since probably 2004.

As I said before, create whatever fantasy about me that makes you feel good about yourself. You’re going to do it no matter what opinion I have.

talon24 0 points ago +2 / -2

Ah yes, the old “anyone that disagrees with me is in a brainwashed cult” mindset.

That doesn’t really sound like you’re allowing people to have their own opinions, as you just claimed.

And here comes the ban, probably.

talon24 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I know more liberals who are obsessed with Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.

Are they ‘obsessed with’ or are they ‘poking fun at’ Alex Jones / Tucker Carlson?

I’ve never met a lib or leftist that watches Jones/Tucker unironically, it’s always in jest and mocking them.

talon24 0 points ago +1 / -1

When it becomes clear to people that the plan of the cabal was to murder and enslave them, keeping just 1 in 16 people.

I don’t imagine people will care about social media if this comes to fruition, do you?

I mean, if everything you stated is exposed, why would someone need social media to tell them?

talon24 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yes, I know what you mean, and it’s also kind of my point.

Gab, Gettr, and Rumble have all had a similar ethos: social media without censorship.

And yet the general public have not migrated from Twitter or Youtube, because they were innovative at their inception and “first to market”.

talon24 -1 points ago +1 / -2

the most important media site in history

This is your opinion, and perhaps the opinion of those who surround you, but it is not a universal absolute.

There’s a book about new tech companies called, “The Dip”. Basically, over 90% of tech companies fail, and it has nothing to do with funding. It has to do with innovation, and the developer’s assumption that “we have the next brilliant idea, so surely it will do well.”

However, if an idea is not innovative. For example, Trump trying to make a “better” Twitter-clone, then it’s dead in the water.

talon24 6 points ago +10 / -4

I’m glad someone said it. I was just looking at this thinking, “no, normies do not care about any of this actually.”

talon24 -5 points ago +3 / -8

It’s just poor planning and execution. In 2022, launching a social media site does not need to be throttled, unless you launch prematurely.

deleted -1 points ago +1 / -2
talon24 0 points ago +2 / -2

Well, technically everyone shares an opinion with someone else. People on this board share opinions too, that doesn’t mean they are repeating what they are being told.

talon24 0 points ago +2 / -2

Judging by this conversation, it’s obvious that his definition of normies is the same as the general consensus definition he just gave.