That's the biggest part of the problem. The city has not had a decent candidate for Mayor since Greg Lashutka, and that was back in the 90's. I find it very hard to believe that the R's could not find a decent (at least moderate) candidate to run, and I'd certainly like to know why they abandoned at least the city proper after Lashutka stepped down, and Coleman was elected. I'd love to know why they can't cultivate a decent candidate slate, and are unwilling to dedicate resources into rebuilding the infrastructure that they abandoned about 30 years ago to regain the capital city in a largely red state.
It's a regular poo panini. Dolan espouses how he can protect the border. He couldn't even protect Chief Wahoo. Also, the endorsement from "Gubner Goober" was also the kiss of death for me. LaRose is about as two faced as it gets. That leaves car salesman Bernie Moreno. We went with Trump's and JD's recommendation on this issue. Hesitantly.
His best play (if it comes up) is to place it all on Fauci, et al. and the NIH. They are the ones that declared it "Safe and effective." He followed medical advice and got played, just as much of the human race has. Cleanest way to deal with it.
The Ohio GOP needs a gasoline enema.