tool 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mike "The Coleman" Obummer. Let's get ready to rumble, bitch.

tool 2 points ago +3 / -1

This thing has the facial expression of a wax puppet. I doubt it is human. Look up pictures of "her" and tell me what you think.

tool 3 points ago +3 / -0

I only drink raw milk, my gut and my stomach get upset by drinking the pasteurized, homogenized shit the industry calls "milk". We have a farm 10 minutes from where I live that sells raw milk. They have to put a sign on the dispenser which says "you have to heat the milk up to 80°C before consumption", I asked the farmer if he follows this advice, he laughed at me and shook his head. He's 70ys old, he never drinks any other milk but his own produced raw milk. This stuff is liquid gold.

tool 2 points ago +3 / -1

Banned here in Germany because it "Contains National Socialist Symbology". That's where I live, in a country full of lies and they don't want us to find the truth. Have to get some VPN running...

tool 12 points ago +15 / -3

Simply the same nonsense as pretending it happened. Where's the evidence for happened/didn't happen? The whole point of Mrs. Haverbeck is: they can't provide evidence it happened. It would be easy to shut her argument down, but they can't, so they have to punish her. The playbook is long known and always the same. These people are stupid.

tool 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fuck. That's how you serve hopium. Excellent. Btw: I suspect Q has it's fingers deep in the music and film industrie for a long time, and this song was written for times like these.

And now: go fuck'em all. Excuse me, Jesus, I'm more excited than I'm supposed to be, but it's your game and I can see the beauty of it playing out in real time.


by lsdQ
tool 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kek. It's no longer clown world, it's bullshit world. Wake me up when it's all over. See ya.

tool 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very good, thanks for sharing, fren.

This spontaneous synchronicity is, I believe, a manifestation of the collective spirit overriding individual subjectivity at a moment of great crisis or danger, allowing the people to rise together at one time with one voice.

The Great Awakening. Our spirits connect, no matter what. It spreads, it's unstoppable.

I believe the vax was used to interrupt some of these connections, but I also believe there is an override mechanism, a critical mass of awakened humans will have a huge impact to even the most resistant, except for 4-6%. The beauty of Q is in play, enjoy what's habbening, we are truly blessed to experience a time like this.

Hang in there, frens.

tool 1 point ago +1 / -0

Enemy of the people. This video could be extended to infinity, disgusting.

tool 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am prepared, and I read a lot of shit about each and everything we should be afraid of, and I don't care. Yesterday it was the magnetic pole shift, today it's 5G, tomorrow it's something else. So may it be. I don't care, because I have faith in God and Jesus, I trust the plan and I wholeheartly believe: ncswic. Whatever it is.

tool 8 points ago +8 / -0

I don't participate in fear porn, makes my life much easier. God told us "fear not" over and over. Have faith.

tool 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hard to believe for me, it's imo just another layer of fear porn. Something big is coming, but it's not the extinction event caused by a magnetic pole shift. Nah.

tool 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe Q is magnitudes deeper than just "destroying the cabal", but that may be just me.

tool 3 points ago +3 / -0

"What does the good times and bad times have in common? They both don't last forever."

This. Be able to grow trough the bad times and transfer your growth to the good times. Don't take both for granted, both are a challenge.

tool 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's refreshing reading such reasonable content compared to the narratrive the western fake news and fake governments try to push to our minds.

Also, I wonder, what's really going on in Ukraine:

"We are currently conducting a special military operation. Naturally, the most pressing and immediate issues are related to this. Primarily, this involves the provision of the most advanced military and specialized equipment, artillery ammunition, missiles, personal protection gear for soldiers, communication devices, drones, electronic warfare tools, and so forth. The scope of these issues is vast. Each direction has monthly plans, but their execution demands daily, and often hourly, attention. This is the first thing.

Secondly, the enemy adapts quickly. The landscape of new technology usage is changing on a weekly basis. In this context, we must not only learn and keep up but also anticipate the enemy’s moves. This effort, coordinated with the General Staff, is ongoing but also requires daily involvement – we must analyze the application of new technologies and develop new combat methods."

What? Did anybody watch Blackout, a russian tv show?


tool 13 points ago +13 / -0

He has a point, but by the love of God: I hate democracy. It's the tyranny of the 51%. Government needs to be by the people, for the people, if the government fucks up, fire the assholes, not at voting day, but immediately. A society is always work in process, not a static being for 4 years and then the opposition gets a chance for another 4 years. That's bullshit.

tool 6 points ago +6 / -0

I believe something like this is going to happen, but it won't be easy. There's no "flipping the switch and everything is fine" scenario, imo. Change is hard, not easy. We, and moreso the normies, will have to adapt, we will have to put effort into a spiritual evolution, it won't come by itself. Easy doesn't work, but that doesn't mean that hard work can't be done. It must be done, so it will be done. Not by everyone, but that's another story. Let's see, what habbens.


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