you're glamorizing a past you never lived. you cant fathom the average life of someone in the 1800s or the terrible conditions where the life expectancy was below 35.
When did we ever have that america. America was always about consumption and tv watching
they kept us out, the intelligent, critical thinkers out of top colleges and top ranks of schools. And now the schools produce retards
Why the tf is our military allowing this infiltration to sit on the Supreme Court, presumably for decades
Who are the Phoenicias in modern times
Jesus didn't want followers to only talk to 1 other person. Jesus would want more than people staying in their house all day on the internet as opposed to spreading joy and love in communities with many Christian brothers and sisters
So hes still an authoritarian and far anti freedom than even dems
You sound illiterate. Stick to memes
Either the military was in on it, or they are so incompetent, or they are playing the long game .
Plenty of white degenerates push those things you describe. American values goes beyond skin color or trying to take credit for something generations ago did.
What company is this so i can boycott
Damn you just owned them with some logic
Oh wait you just sound like dumb liberals during trump screaming not my president
Why did Q stop posting? What's the patriot explanation
What happens to globohomo after they are executed? You can be cucked by Zuck if you want
I mean they. can secretly be white hats in private, but I am only commentating on their public life. DiCpario regularly promotes climate change liberal bs.
It's funny OP quotes cognitive dissonance, when they are clearly and not so subtly making fun of Patriots, Trump, MAGA, the OP claims it's actually secretly based and making fun of liberals instead
But the film is made by blatant lefties and Dicaprio who is making fun of us for not seeing so called evidence of climate change
Yes you can interpret the film with our redpilled lens in a different manner but these are clearly liberal circlejerk with liberal actors making fun of patriots and maga crowd.
They even have a scene where Jonah Hill tells maga crowd there's 3 groups: evil elites, us cool elites that fight for you, and the working people
Of course but justice must be restored. Globohomo has stolen trillions of dollars over the pandemic. They must be held accountable
this statement is repeated so often here but it can be used for any situation just like the statement disinformation is necessary.
the deep state is vaccinating children, banning all conservatives from platforms, importing endless migrants into the country? the white hats must be winning! when you are strong, appear weak - sun tzu
How do we know military is in right in myanmar? There's proof that fraud happened here, did myanmar also use dominion?
This is stupid. Americans need to take some responsibility. It's not just China or Big Pharma fault that there's opiate addicts. YOU have strayed from God and abused drugs. Not every drug addict is a powerless victim of China.
If that's the case we've lost. The media and globohomo have waged war against us good guys portraying us as crazies and racists ostracized from dominant culture and the mainstream. Just look at the youth and the future of this country.
we had slavery and even plenty whites lived in indentured servitude. anyways you are just idealizing the past not about the actual lives people lived back then.