Get your hands off my Russian queen. Lol
This is an old headline. Take this post down.
Not sure how to message. Still new to .win
Also. Took some time to think on it.
I'm sorry for being an asshole over this.
You made your case, and I'm trying to make mine like a dog in a corner.
Deep down, I wake up thankful but cautious wondering if today's the day. I try to just get through it, but it crosses my mind constantly.
So, where should I begin to gather tests/the aforementioned processes you brought up?
Also, as soon as I return to the US, will follow up on your recommendations for remedies/vitamins.
Thank you for at least trying to help, and again I sincerely apologize for the victim shit and coming off as entitle.
In a lot ways you're right:
I'm scared, deep down, because I want to live long for my family. I want to give them the satisfaction of seeing me mature into the man I'm supposed to be.
At some point, they need to be cared for down the road.
And in the midst of my own insecurity over this choice, here I am bickering and acting, like you said, like a frail faggot.
I don't want to die. I fucked up, and I know I did.
I'm just scared man. I don't want to lose my parents from this.
Please send the tests bro.
Entitled how? You mentioned these tests. I, having no knowledge about any of them, would genuinely like to know more about them.
You brought them up. So show me what you know. Or don't.
God first. Money is for financial obligations and to build up and help others less fortunate and in need.
Clear, now?
Once again, I had no choice.
Either continue in my home, or start over financially in ruins.
Why so much emphasis on money?
The deeper you fall, the longer the financial recovery. In this world, I have an obligation to pay back my family in action and direction by living a life that is calculated well and better than how they toiled all their lives.
Christ Almighty, how's your finances in this shit hole time?
Tell you what,
We're both going to die. I am aware I can die earlier. I am aware I'm fucked.
You rubbing it into the face of a brother who want's to see the world restored from the Cabal doesn't help.
How about you offer me links for testing? Make yourself useful so I can actually help myself and my family.
Until I'm dead, I still have bills and responsibilities to financially cover. So in that regard, either pay up or shut up.
Remember, we are all going to die one day. It doesn't mean I want to die early because of this shit.
Put yourself in my shoes: No way out to live on your own in a manner that can work to cover your need for schooling and financial stability during a critical time (Cabalian FeuxDemic and Inflation), mixed together with needing to make a financial future sustainable to help family across the globe suffering under economic hardships.
I didn't choose the vax of death because the science is true.
In fact, I was choosing to avoid it all for my own good.
But if I indeed had it my way, my parents made it clear: Leave.
Some say, "fuck em' then!" I say, "fuck you."
Family is family. They're brainwashed. They've been demoralized. But they're the same family who brought me out of State control over my childhood, sexual childhood abuse by other family, mental damages through brainwashing by former members who abused me as a kid, and made me into who I am now.
So yeah, I hate their choice to be vexed. Fuck Fauci, and Let's Go Brandon. But I love my Mom and Dad. By God's Grace, He saved my life and used them to make whole again.
I know that this is not the way it should be. But what choice do I have considering the life I live?
Sorry to say this: You're entitled to live your lifestyle based upon your circumstances. But not everyone can freely avoid this fucking poison, no matter how hard we push back.
Had I been on my own, of course I wouldn't take it. Welcome to the war we fight.
Except when both scenarios are the best, financially speaking.
Cost of living on my own with current job and in my region = Big Debt
Cost of going to college elsewhere, same token = Delayed Time Spent AND Potential higher costs (due to current Tuition rate set out of negotiations between myself and the President over Administrative Abuse Complaints I filed against several department heads.)
It had to be this way (not the vax, but the living circumstances.)
I self fund my education, my car insurance, and am currently set to graduate with an MBA in net positive income with no loans or even scholarships. In addition to that, living with my folks is currently projecting for me to earn and save enough to be worth $250k+ by age 30.
College and (Misguided) Parents. They fear the Coof so much so that trying to argue for my Vax Exemption would lead to me leaving them. Since they saved my life in nearly every aspect, I caved due to no other financial option available to just avoid the vax. I begged them not to take it, tried to avoid it for over 9 months. Still pissed I had to take it. But I am very curious if we all got placebos? Parents took Pfizer, yet they barely had ANY side effects. Moderna side effects took place on me, but I still feel good.
Here's hoping it was all placebos. Or that Christ returns sooner than later.
Hey all, Mr. Forced to take Moderna Man here.
Age 22, and working out (lifting weights, walking, 100 pushups a day,) eating healthy, taking Zinc, C, D3, and a Cognitive Health Vitamin everyday.
So far, 3 months in, I am ok. I pray that by God's Grace I live to 23 and beyond, but I am doing ok I spite of my Forced Shots.
Always remember, God is in Control. Even if, (God forbid it, but still,) I die by these shots, God remains bigger than the world's Caballian ways. And remember, GOD WINS IN THE END.
Seeing the thumbnail scares me into suicide.
I don't want to see this go down anymore. All I want is Jesus and the Afterlife, now.
I haven't felt this scared since I was a child and now I just don't want to go on watching the plan of Elitist World Manipulation.
Please God, have mercy on us and save us before this happens.
January 7, 2021? Read the date guys. We look like autists when we don't read carefully...
Currently heavily into Zinc on the daily along with working out, walking, eating healthy, and being covered by His Grace day by day.
Thankfully, no noticeable side effects since July/August, but I am still on edge in case it all comes down at once.
Plus plus side: No heart attack!!
Took Moderna after losing my no vax pressure war against my brainwashed but very loving and caring parents were scared into forcing it on me. Take away media influence and political bullshit, they would have never pressured me by force.
Let's remember one thing: A lot of the "Sheep" are regular, loving, caring, but brainwashed people whom otherwise wouldn't be acting in such a Dick-sucking measure over the vax had the main source of hypnosis remain outside of their realm of perception.
Let's keep praying. But if I do perish while at the age of 22 or even before a ripe and older age, at least I can rest in the arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His loving Grace and Presence in the Eternal Age free from Sin and Evil.
Keep the Faith. Even if we all die to Deep State Shills, nothing can stop God's Retribution Against Evil.
I just wish we could all get along...
That said, can anybody provide help with getting the fuck out of the Selective Service program due to FAFSA Aid enrollment? Trying to not die in WW3 over PedoRez and JewBankers so I can one day raise a family or at least live past this shit.
K thx...
P.S. #BidenFuckedUp
1 shot and injured, Female and seems very likely to recover. Suspected gunman at large. No other injuries or any deaths. Sitrep under control, Praise God!
"...preliminary information is that this is not an active shooter or mass shooting type incident..."
Another point for bad aim and random shots versus mass shootings. I hope.
OG Post;
Aw fuck, I was just there yesterday too.
I love that Mall, please be a victimless false flag.
Few days ago, we had another guy shoot up a town square, no hits or victims, and he was detained to a mental asylum/hospital with no ID.
My fellow Pedes, remember to fight for your right to live.
Don't give in to the Feds, or family (like I did for the sake of unity between myself and my folks. At least if we die, we die together).
Choose Christ. Choose Life. Keep Up The Fight.
Currently taking multiple vitamins since 2020, and have heavily indulged in Zinc on the daily. Also, workouts, healthy diets, and becoming the "healthiest person" in my family as they view me has led them to be concerned if I have any side effects.
The redpilling against their Pro-Vax views is working.
Please pray I was forcibly jabbed with Placebo. Otherwise, it's been an honor to serve and witness with you, my fellow pedes.
May God Save the Lost Souls unto Him, and May He Have Mercy on me, a powerless Ewe Lamb caught in the crossfires.
Currently fighting off the effects through vitamins on the daily, working out/exercise, reading the Word of God, sermons from Biblical preachers, changing my diet, and taking my life one day at a time.
I'm scared about dying to this vaccine, but I am also ready to reunite with Christ.
Context: Forced by disillusioned family who are deathly afraid of the virus. Spent months fighting tooth and nail to reject it. Lost my fight, and potentially soon, my life as well.
Please pray I won't die to this. I want to raise a family, glorify God in whatever He calls me to do, and at 22 I fear that I may have signed my own death sentence. I have no qualms with my parents, they got played harder than me.
I knew this shit doesn't work. I had no choice due to forced pressure. I never wanted it, and I had no other option out of it.
I got the Vax of death by force. Family essentially threatened to lock me down due to Delta, so I caved with a twist. Yes, I am jabbed, but it's a mission for the ultimate red pill. If I die from it, they will wake up. Currently in pain, with heavy perplexion on their brainwashed faces due to my healthy lifestyle.
Please pray I will survive or return to Christ and that they (my parents whom I deeply love and cherish) will wake up.
16? Welp, I kindly revoke my previous statements.