Verily, He sends angels across our path. A true friend is a treasure. I've been greatly blessed over the years; found a good church (stayed open during the lockdown) and am getting to know some great people. God is good.
She is due to return in a couple of weeks. It will be wonderful, but sad for her American dream to end so tragically. With all the crazy goings on, I wondered if I'd ever see her again. Praying for a new beginning and for her to return to the Lord.
Oops, just had my morning tea and realised you meant my friend - I'm all excited and preoccupied with my girl's return.
Wikileaks : Made by the N.S.A.
Hmm. Richard Dawkins is embracing traditional Anlicanism (only the pantomime, not the theology); Russell Brand gets saved (we are led to believe) and now this. As Bilko's Col. Hall would say: What are they up to?