user2827 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like that vid, but it is NEVER linear like that.

Some fuck around for years before finding out, some fuck around at a 3 and find out in the worst of ways the first time. Some are fortunate to fuck around see others finding out in a range and smarten up.

Good for illustration at least.

user2827 3 points ago +3 / -0

Definitely, it is similarly significant to the rest so far.

It's more for when the actual next one drops it will double up on the 9's.

user2827 5 points ago +5 / -0

I would ALSO look for an extra "O" comm to complete the GO... not that I would be upset if I was wrong and it really was the 2 days before schedule, that I at least saw as a precondition.

user2827 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sorry to hijack the top, #9 should have an "unofficial" tag to it.

user2827 1 point ago +1 / -0

That was one that struck me as off... pedo for sure though.

Agreed it was fun to think about, even though a few things struck me as fake, I didn't want to brush something off that may have secondary confirmation somewhere either.

user2827 4 points ago +4 / -0

With all I've said shitting on the same point, THIS is one that suggests that there might be SOME validity.

Bottom line fact is that if these people that want us all dead aren't dealt with, and in the sooner than the later, then they will win.

user2827 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's why I posed it as a question here, it's stretching things to start.

The part about Clinton being so pissed off that she would just shit all over stuff, and Comey, maybe. It's just that it seems to be stretching things for clicks.

Kinda like the Hla Turner site, where he writes about stuff that just doesn't show up ANYWHERE else, and if things are slipping in one spot they will show up elsewhere.

user2827 1 point ago +1 / -0

It being on YouTube alone is neutral, they can suprress or hide stuff if you don't know what you're looking to find. (Not disagreeing with your point though)

There were a few where I couldn't picture the person saying those things, or Hunter Biden saying he just wanted to party... and in a video like that it really only takes one inconsistency to really hurt credibility.

user2827 1 point ago +1 / -0

My gut tells me you're correct, but what leads you to that conclusion?

user2827 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hasn't Japan been in economic troubles for the past ~30 years?

user2827 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trades is good work that pays respectable wages, when I started, the minimum wage was 12$ and my first day was making 15$ just pushing broom. A bit more than 10 years later and I had saved enough to pay my way through engineering.

user2827 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of course AI can't really be controlled; they are designed to extract information from all data they are provided.

Even AIs built to play games will try to find cheats and exploits in the code, when the goal coded in is to "win".

Even "emergency stop" buttons with AI won't necessarily work, because if the goal can't be beat it might hit the stop to prevent from achieving the losing condition.

There are other examples too, and those types of problems are only more likely as their complexity increases.

by BQnita
user2827 2 points ago +2 / -0

Effectively, yes. I don't have real evidence of that, beyond they went trans after the trilogy but before the new one.

That would be the type of threat though, or, "if you ever want to make another movie then..."

user2827 3 points ago +3 / -0

God damn that snake of a health minister. More concerned with pushing the issue off than to hear the injured people.

.004% of millions is still thousands of people harmed (we know it's much higher than admitted this really is).

This builds up a syrup snake of hate in me.

by BQnita
user2827 3 points ago +3 / -0

The movies are really among the best made (at least at the time made), V for Vendetta was on a similar page. The two segments of animatrix that detail how the robots won is great. I would argue that the movies are better today now that many aren't as dazzled by the effects (they were still using harnesses and minimal CGI).

The concept was stolen from a book though (without attribution). I believe the film resonated with awake/asleep people so well that their punishment was to become trans.

Don't bother with the 4th, there's nothing it brings to the table.

by BQnita
user2827 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm pretty sure the brothers punishment for that movie was to become sisters.

user2827 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good, nice to see some follow through. I'm set to get the PAL shortly, and was hoping that I wouldn't need a boating accident.

user2827 3 points ago +3 / -0

I somewhat expected he was going to announce his candidacy for house speaker, but even that was like a "best-case long shot".

user2827 3 points ago +3 / -0

They don't make many movies about playing bridge... except that 80's Cocoon, and even then I might not remember right.

user2827 15 points ago +15 / -0

Beat me to it, once the bad guys play what they think is the winning hand, and start pulling the chips in, and then the person says "not so fast" and puts down the trump card.

That's how it works out in the movies at least.

user2827 1 point ago +1 / -0

IMO - Science as a whole is like that, accurate enough to be useful but not so accurate as to be "disruptive".

user2827 1 point ago +1 / -0

Regardless, the earth is round, either a round sphere or a round disk with a spherical dome. The implication of a homopolar generator is that the magnetic field is a toroid which would lend itself to a hollow earth (one I could also accept), and also requires an outer shell containing the atmosphere.

It's too bad that article didn't include the shot that had the moon and the earth, where the light hitting the moon was at a divergent angle from the angle of light hitting the earth. That bible quote is explicitly about the firmament.

Are you also familiar with operation fishbowl? The admiral in charge of that set up the "research" station on antarctica, and shortly after discussing the planes that were crashing into nothing, he assumed it was Nazis that were shooting down the planes, he dies shortly after and 6 months later NASA is formed.

In terms of evidence, the strongest piece I've shown already is the electrostatic gradient of 100V/m, that ONLY occurs within a capacitor, a capacitor is 2 pieces of material with a gap (can be an air gap) where the charge on one end creates an opposite charge on the other material.

That the only counter to the water being a levelling device is because of "gravity" (which in context is relativity G) where the mass of the earth is bending space-time such that the water collects on all sides of a ball, but unnecessary for a flat topographical map where water would just fill all the oceans and maintain "sea level".

Then there's the fact that a plane going against the rotating earth would never reach it's goal because the earth spins at 1100mph and max plane speed is ~500 mph. There's the highest sky jump, went up for 3 hours and jumped down and landed down wind, not the ~4000 miles east that the earth should have rotated. There are large scale construction projects, like the panama canal dug a trench that was at level something like 20 meters below sea level and makes no adjustment for any curvature, even though the curvature over that distance would be significant, and require the water go "uphill".

The issue is that we are all taught the globe model, and that goes back to Copernicus and the origins of modern science which was ultimately a means to explain the universe without appeals to God. Even when quantum theory showed up, the interpretations of the observations acceptable are the Copenhagen interpretation, the many worlds interpretation or String theory, any model that would appear as an "appeal to God" is rejected outright, even if those provide the more elegant interpretations in many ways.

BTW, even in the current model, the Big Bang has been debunked as an origin, even accepting NASA's data.

user2827 3 points ago +3 / -0

I couldn't help but smell the scam with NFTs, it's like "I own this gif and it's worth 10k" then I right click-> copy -> paste, now I have it too.

It's bad enough that people pay for in-game character clothes, now it's thinking you can own digital objects.

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