usernametaken4 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wish he just would have said "Oh! The infamous earrings? Let's put this to rest once and for all!!! Take one off and give it to me."

usernametaken4 8 points ago +9 / -1

As a woman, I agree with you. Women are too emotional and take too many visual cues that are false. Their decisions in this race are "Not Trump!!!" and "Nice to have a woman in the white house!" without thinking that the world isn't ready for it. Other countries aren't ready for it. They vote for who they would date or marry, rather than who they think will do the best job, and be the person walking into the room with Putin or whoever they have demonized.

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see signs for them and I think "that's a house that is admitting they only watch the main stream media." It's not a sign for a "political" vote, it's a vote for showing you have been properly brainwashed.

usernametaken4 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not seeing any yard signs... I assume anyone without a "Kamalama" sign is a Trump supporter. These signs are better than a yard sign!!!

usernametaken4 3 points ago +3 / -0

My heart is just broken by what is happening (and has happened) to Ashville as well as surrounding communities. I am not hearing enough about them. People aren't talking enough about this. I am across the country, however I am afraid to send money because I know what happens to money sent... it goes in pockets and never makes it to who needs it.
It's true, if this were another country, the US would have sent a big fat check and military to help. I'm just heartbroken and completely disgusted. Thank God for President Trump stepping up... as well as Elon Musk!! I heard he is going to provide (or has?) Starlink access. I am trying to convince my IT man (husband) to look into Starlink if he hasn't already.

usernametaken4 3 points ago +3 / -0

He said keyboard warriors in custom suits. I don't think he was talking about us!!!! HA!

usernametaken4 9 points ago +9 / -0

I don't know who lives in the other houses on the island, but all of them knew what was going on. All of them lived there intentionally. All of them stayed silent. All of them, I'm sure, are involved.

usernametaken4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good. I'm glad she's "stressed out". She should be. So should every f-ing Hollywood type. I hope the stress ages them and makes them put on 20 pounds.

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blank for me too. I can go to "highlights" and see maybe one tweet plus a few concert announcements, however his "posts" are gone.

usernametaken4 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember in college taking a class on things like this. They showed that you can tell the story of a President doing something bad, but show him with balloons being released and crowds cheering him as you tell the story, and people will remember what they saw not what they heard. Which is true, because I remember the balloons going off and the President smiling and waving, but I don't remember what the bad story was.
So this picture wasn't an accident. They are telling a story people will forget the words but not the images to.

usernametaken4 8 points ago +8 / -0

Since this is a Q board, I will point out that at one point Q posted a picture of a crap ton of iPhones. I wonder now if there is a connection... .exploding pagers, exploding phones? Who did they go to?

usernametaken4 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm surprised the SS let a reporter get this close to her. That was too close!!

usernametaken4 1 point ago +1 / -0

Praying for her! Glad to hear she got a clean bill of health, hopefully it's a one off and the worst that happens to her and that precious cargo!!

usernametaken4 5 points ago +5 / -0

What a sleezebag. Sadly they will make him the fall guy and everyone else will get away with the disgusting behavior. Did anyone else notice his dead wife is buried in Evergreen Memorial Park in Georgia?

usernametaken4 8 points ago +8 / -0

The collapsing WHITE birth rate. They are very happy with other ethnicities having babies and replacing white people.

usernametaken4 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am spitballing here, but maybe because once the "person" votes, they can get the voter also. Also, perhaps just having their names registered isn't illegal... seems like if they went after them now, they would say "oh, this person died and we didn't know. This person registered and we didn't realize! " or whatever excuse they give. Until the person votes, it probably isn't illegal.

usernametaken4 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do agree with Kamalama that her supporters should all attend a Trump rally. They would see the truth, not only do people stick around to the very end, but also they are slow to leave!! Plus they would get to know that when you are in Trump territory, people aren't as mean and spiteful as they are in Kamalama territory.

usernametaken4 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am sorry for your loss, however it's not too late for my prayers. Praying for your families peace and for your Uncle as he reunites with loved ones and Jesus in heaven!!! I hear it's wonderful! Praying for all of us left behind.

usernametaken4 20 points ago +20 / -0

Congratulations!!! Girls are amazing!!! I was so afraid when I had a girl, but she has turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm sure you are already in love! Having a baby is the hardest thing I have EVER done... not giving birth, but actually having a baby... and a toddler. At 4 something clicks and it gets easier. At 5 it's wonderful!!! Keep her at home, and enjoy every single second with her. Hold her until your arms fall asleep. I am jealous... I would love to have a new baby girl! So much fun. So many snuggles. The smell, the warm soft little baby body! Sigh. Enjoy it all for me!!! Congratulations, from the bottom of my heart!!! Congratulations on the best journey of your life!!!

usernametaken4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those so-whores stick together. I'm sure Trump knew.

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I remember when Trump was president, he added a crap ton to the debt. I don't remember exactly how much, but it was a crazy amount. I remember thinking "he must have a reason. I don't have to know, but it will come to light." Turns out, like 6 years or so later, I still don't know, and we still have crushing debt. Even more so now with inflation. I'm sure he still has a plan, hopefully it's taking on the Fed and IRS!!

usernametaken4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well you know, the secret service is the authority on keeping people safe. <sarcasm>

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always know it's Sunday when I see this. Thank you for posting them every week!

usernametaken4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Welcome to our party!!!! We have cookies.

I appreciate people like you, because coming from the other side of the political isle we sure need people who have been there and understand what it takes. You know things we don't... like how best to get through to people to wake them up. Keep up with what you are doing and thank you for being here!

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