vagrantloser 0 points ago +2 / -2

I don't think its that bad at all. That'd be glowie level faggotry. I think C5 is just trying to keep the energy up following the departure of another mod -- and it's great that he stepped up to do it -- but he needs to finish stretching his wings and remember the mission here is high IQ, high effort, Q related research. Q related is ambiguous these days, bit high IQ, high effort is not.

vagrantloser 1 point ago +3 / -2

I'm not razzing him just for shits bro. I like C5, he's a good dude. The frenzy of stickied shitposting is fucking up the information flow.

Its bad enough we have Ivermectin and Joe Rogan sliding the whole board with a dozen threads.

vagrantloser 1 point ago +9 / -8

Sticky better shit dude. This can stand on its own feet among the other low energy copypasta in NEW.

vagrantloser 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bro, you sticky all your threads, then unsticky -- but the updoots they get from being stickied are forcing them to them to stay at the top. Every day you do this shit you are fucking up the flow of this information space.

Your threads are not bad, but these are all shitposts C5. Do you want to make GAW a shitpost information space? The researchers will migrate away from here.

by Quelle
vagrantloser -1 points ago +2 / -3

Yeah more Ivermectin threads?

A couple months ago, it was 1 big Ivermectin thread per week. A couple weeks ago it was 1 top Ivermectin thread a day, maybe, and now half the threads at the top of the forum are fucking Ivermectin threads. Even got a celebrity endorsement from Joe Rogan. And the sheep go back to bleating like a herd again. Look at you GAW.

Tell us more about how it cures the covid -- nevermind that covid doesn't fucking exist. We are a fucking ivermectin advert board. What's a shill again?

GAW is shit form. u/catsfive needs to stop stickying his own posts. There was a thread not too long ago...


A lot of us stuck up for you in that thread man but you need to read it and take those criticisms from those users there seriously.

vagrantloser 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right, when globobillionaire assets do it, its "progressive reform", because muh narrative virtue. When the people do it its insidious infiltration by domestic terrorists.

Its beyond stupid at this point. How the fuck do people still fall for their bullshit? You'd have to be a total retard. The apathetic lukewarms, I understand, they're too busy or distracted, but what the fuck is wrong with the proactive progs? They aren't apathetic -- they can't be this stupid. Can they be?

vagrantloser 4 points ago +4 / -0

These people really think they are the cat's ass. Keep the devil grass illegal too. Don't legalize it. That's another dealbreaker for them.

vagrantloser 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the world will move towards holistic medicine in a big way. Individual responsibility to learn how to take care of one's self. Beyond that, witchy women, chinese herb wizards, indian gurus and based localist surgeon/general practitioners are going to supplant the big pharma, big hospital, western medicine construct for a few generations till the stigma of having perpetrated genocide fades from recent memory.

The "scientific" establishment and academics will be going into a dark age. Many of them will be getting the noose. At this point, they have all chosen their positions. Ignorance and negligence as a defense is dissapearing fast.

vagrantloser 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's interesting. Dubs for the chans, 17 could be a sigil for Q team, and patriots in general. 33 a sigil for freemasonry.

Its not their magic. Keep in mind though, God's sigil, is the scriptures. People call it the living word for exactly thie same phenomenon of coincidences communicating improbably coherent and relavent messages. Its something that is mocked and dismissed in atheistic society. I'd be wary of the sources or entities latching on to other sigils though. This falls within the realm of 'engraven images'.

vagrantloser 2 points ago +2 / -0

Saved. This is brilliant memecraft. It's not meant to be credible. Its redpill via humor. Its using the horse's mouth to say the truth.

Do Biden next. This meme has high impact.

vagrantloser 4 points ago +4 / -0

Liberals talk down to everyone. A life spent virtue signalling makes a person grow taller than they are.

vagrantloser 17 points ago +21 / -4

There's nothing nefarious about storms in the North East. Sometimes they are really bad. Looks like James took a small disaster and used it to rally and inspire, rather than shrink snd grumble.

Good on Veritas. Patriots. Outstanding.

vagrantloser 3 points ago +3 / -0

If everyone does what they can, and pushes themselves to do more, that's what will win this thing. Make no mistake,THE fight for the soul of humanity is NOW. There's nothing bigger than this, and there will be nothing bigger than this in our lifetimes, nor has there been anything this big in previous generations -- future generations will need to protect what we fight for today, but they will not have to struggle with this evil like we have, are, and will. The benefit of every human in the fight next to us, is an exponential expansion of our sector-of-fire. Our strength is in WWG1WGA. If this was something a handful of heroes could win alone, we would be weaker as a whole despite the substantial might of that small few. A drop of water seems inconsequential, but consider those drops at the scale of a large storm.

vagrantloser 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its one of the ways they corrupt society. The weakest gear in the machine is the potential for a booming economy -- and massive job growth. Texans need to dismantle and supplant the corporations. If its publically traded, it is the cabal.

vagrantloser 3 points ago +3 / -0

Between this and thefts under $900 in value not being considered criminal enough for the law to act, emptying out the prisons and insane asylums onto their own streets, calling themselves a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, all with no available housing, turning their parks and streets into an undefined minefield of human excrement and murder -- SF is quite the virtuous egalitarian utopia.

Way to go Dems.

vagrantloser 21 points ago +22 / -1

100% of the real military of the United States has this kind of integrity. They just don't know it yet.

vagrantloser 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its not intelligence. The basis of every con is an attachment to one of the 7 deadly sins. People in todays society are plagued by all of them. Intelligent people aren't more pro-vaxx, they just aren't any more immune to the 7 deadly sins than any one else and can be fooled and conned like everyone else. Infact its easier to con intelligent people. Its pride. Its always pride.

vagrantloser 6 points ago +6 / -0

Holy shit that is Louisiana as fuck.


vagrantloser 2 points ago +2 / -0

The vaxx is basically super aids.

vagrantloser 6 points ago +7 / -1

basically none, that was just when the OP took the screenshot.. cause muh all 3 price iz kool.

Now the, remember this day, and the anonomoly on jan 19 is interesting. That was the day the hedges were caught with their hand in the cookie jar really (spike 1). Just afterwards, WSB caught it (spike 2) and got the word out, then the apes started reporting to the launchpad (spikes 3 through current), and the drop on spike 3 was when the Fed did a software update and had to turn off the short ladders for a moment.

vagrantloser 7 points ago +7 / -0

Its a good life. Simple. But I didn't downsize to this. Mileage may vary. Literally.

If you do it, I recommend picking up empty rural land, cheap acreage. An acre somewhere peaceful for winters, and acre somewhere peaceful for summers.

vagrantloser 4 points ago +4 / -0

True. But I did hit rock bottom at a point, and this is just the progress back up, so far. For me, my thinking on this is not from the outside looking in. There is definitely a difference between, "hipster vacation", retirees, "houseless functional", people having a tough run of luck and needing help -- and then the fully "derelict". I consider it all related based on my experience with tbe homeless. Even hipster vacationers are running on fumes if they think #vanlife is going to save them from a broken system and dysfunctional society. It aint. Eventually the regurgitations of #vanlifers sounds a lot like "you will own nothing, and you will be happy."

Infact, it all leads back to that global vision. Like so many other problems today.

I will buy land, as much as I can in my lifetime. But no houses.

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