vcoolheh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Note than in France every big party are pro Europe, Immigration, Vax mandate :) So really it doesn't change anything, people voting far right shows that they don't believe in Europe anymore but they still voting for a pro Europe party because of err... msms!

vcoolheh 3 points ago +3 / -0

the covid scam definitely unifies the whole world in ways we've never seen before tbh.

also the damages on the children, of course

debunking the climate scam too in a lot of ways (mostly economics)

vcoolheh 1 point ago +1 / -0

they are the biggest parasites to ever live on earth, period

vcoolheh 3 points ago +3 / -0

every true military patriot in France knows they don't stand a chance. Still, the MSMs gives speech only to corrupted militaries. baffling, one might say

vcoolheh 2 points ago +2 / -0

sounds like a good plan to wake up people but then they're dying so why even bother? I was too freaking dumb and a sleeping sheep and was not able to protect myself (I can live with this reality) and my loved ones (this has been destroying me for a year or two, unbearable). this part makes every day such a nightmare for me (culpability), and I believe that's the same for everyone that has "failed" in this aspect

the only thing that makes me able to still hang in here is Jesus Christ, and Q to some degree.

what will the aftermath look like? Seems impossible to predict. Prayers is the only option for me 🙏

vcoolheh 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think it's a cure, just helps reversing adverse events

vcoolheh 2 points ago +3 / -1

fearporn. we still unfortunately don't know the difference between the highly toxic vials and the mild toxic ones. also the multiboosted people should've already been all dead by now.

could be controlled opposition to make "anti vaxxers" look foolish. The sheeples defending the vax always have this argument of "oh I thought we should all be dead by now🤡🤡"

vcoolheh 3 points ago +3 / -0

just realized you can actually also count up to 24 (or even 28 I guess) with two hands using finger joints. several civilizations used this method such as the Egyptians.

just a random thought but it could technically mean a couple dozens instead of 10

vcoolheh 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think they're both controlling legitimate potential protests and cooking stuff up for a civil war

that's what they do best, right?

vcoolheh 1 point ago +1 / -0

meaning if a person has never had vaccines injuries or adverse events, they just have to detox the toxin from the body? that seems way too easy to my knowledge

vcoolheh 16 points ago +16 / -0

could be one of the many reasons they want people to stop eating meat then

vcoolheh 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think no matter what we still need people at the very top fighting for we the people.

there is way too much difference in term of power and money to overthrow the puppet masters just from local changes let's be honest. however these local changes are still vital to the plan

if they couldn't control any revolts from within, that would be a different story.

vcoolheh 4 points ago +4 / -0

rfk jr is pulling votes from Biden.

Trump is falsely attacking rfk jr so people with tds, and semi awake people will get along rfk jr

but wait until rfk jr quits the race and joins Trump 😍

vcoolheh 1 point ago +1 / -0

well, personally I was in exactly the same situation as your son (travel). did this awful mistake and I've never been more awake since then.

personality wise please don't forget this whole covid scam situation absolutely destroyed the youth mentally in so many aspects (along with other scams, mainly climate scam). there has been a huge up in suicide rates in the youth even before the vax mandates...

vcoolheh 2 points ago +2 / -0

wow, potentially so yuge. this needs to be pushed and looked upon further by specialists. frustrating there is so much controlled opposition in this field too

I wish there are many awesome persons working on this kind of stuff behind the scenes. 🙏

vcoolheh 1 point ago +1 / -0

it's not that easy... we don't have any true cure to the covax (unlike other vaccines), I think otherwise we would have massive wh people communicating on it. currently imo the doctors pushing remedies look like grifters. However there are good stuff like water fasting (3 days at least), nattokinasse, bromelain, nac, zinc, zeolithe, etc.

everything is so blurry... some specialists are absolute doomers, others say there were no mrna in most batches and it's just graphene so detoxing should be easy, and so on. it's so frustrating because it's hard to believe anyone now especially on this topic...

vcoolheh 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean the US military did know especially the ones who are behind Q. they're supposedly in control right? so why did they let destroy the US military who they say are the saviors of mankind? I'm confused but we for sure don't know everything...

vcoolheh 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel you op. Almost everything saddens me currently. Extremely concerned about the future of everyone. But still, you can't judge a movie until after the credits.

hope! 🙏🙏

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