w4terfall 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, the GOP made him pick Mike Pence, because they had leverage over him back then. Now Trump owns the party, so they can't hold anything over him or make him bend to any demands.

w4terfall 6 points ago +10 / -4

Because there will be no mass die off event. The suddenlies have already happened. If everyone who got the shot is supposed to die, then the cabal has already won, and the Great Awakening serves no purpose, because those who need to be awakened will have already died.

What is strange to me is that a lot of us here are proponents of natural healthcare, and believe in the body given to us and designed by God. Is it outside of the realm of possibility that our bodies are able to fight off the toxins that were put into these vaccines?

This is not to say that people didn't die from the jab, because they most certainly did. However, not in the numbers that were theorized here or elsewhere. If the vaccine was going to kill you, it already has.

w4terfall 9 points ago +11 / -2

He wasn't going to answer any questions regardless. It's better to use your 5 seconds to mock him and make it go viral.

w4terfall 2 points ago +2 / -0

You need years and years of college for those jobs. Many people don't want liberal cat women and homosexual male teachers shouting at them while they're trying to earn a degree - only to do work that requires absolutely no education whatsoever.

w4terfall 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are two major things at play that answer your question.

  1. Lots of the workforce found out how easy it is to get government benefits during covid, and now exploit that currently.
  2. During Covid, delivery services like Doordash, Uber Eats, etc exploded. A good chunk of the workforce now works those "jobs", as they can build their own schedule and be their own boss.

Add in the fact that most jobs haven't done anything wage wise to counter this, and therein lies the problem.

w4terfall 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, he's an infamous billionaire that half the world hates. He'd be retarded not to have buff bodyguards near him at all times.

Not defending the bastard, but FFS. We want our cause to be taken seriously, and we're publishing articles like this?

w4terfall 2 points ago +2 / -0

“I said months ago that I wondered if Soros wanted an endless stream of African migration into Europe and America, just so that he could have an unrelenting supply of humongous BBC in his backside… This picture really lends credence to my theory.”

And we want to be taken seriously...

w4terfall 2 points ago +2 / -0

How did they get past the radiation belt?

w4terfall 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, they will have no Republican option on the ballot? Yeah that's full blown voters suppression, this won't stick

w4terfall 3 points ago +3 / -0

Probably not a lot, officially speaking. But, if it's confirmed to the normies, that will what finally justifies the already hesitant on voting for Biden. If it's confirmed to have been fraudulent, it'll be a 50 state blowout for Trump next year.

w4terfall 4 points ago +4 / -0

Perhaps stop going to the doctor, unless it's the ER or you just broke your arm or something. Their only job is to poison you, addict you, and ultimately kill you.

w4terfall 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wherever you go, you can't summon 12 random jurors and all of them have the same political beliefs. Even in DC. Every trial will end up as a hung jury.

w4terfall 2 points ago +2 / -0

So what exactly are you thinking? That he's a DS plant? I don't think a DS'er would go on national television and tell the world that J6 was a fed psyop.

w4terfall 39 points ago +39 / -0

It seems more and more that the Trump trial is basically just the pre-screening/test run for the real deal, which isn't the prosecution of Trump. Once SCOTUS rules that presidential immunity is null and void, that opens a can of worms that cannot be shut. Will it be used against Trump? Sure, but for what essentially amounts to minor traffic violations. Obama and Billy boy better start stocking up on Depends.

w4terfall 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eh, listen to his words. He didn't have an interest in politics until very recently, like a lot of us in this movement. 7 years ago I hated Trump too - half of this movement probably did. Eventually the wool leaves the eyes, which is kinda sorta the entire point of a place like this. It's called the Great Awakening after all.

As for plagiarizing Obama? Eh, it wasn't even plagiarism. As bad as Obama is, we can't argue that he's one of the greatest speaker in American history. If you're new to politics and are studying the craft of public speech, he's probably someone you'd spend a lot of time trying to mimick.

Not voting for the guy in 24, but he's definitely on the top of the list for 28.

w4terfall 4 points ago +5 / -1

You're missing his point. He's saying they inflate the price to prevent someone from buying it, because it is out of stock. They want to keep the listing up, so they do this.

w4terfall 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, RFK Jr is popular amongst the hippie side of the liberal left. I haven't seen any Trumpers or conservatives backing RFK, but I've seen quite a few hippies/spiritualist types say they're voting for him.

We have to keep in mind that the only people who actually like Biden are boomer Dems who are out of touch with the reality of their own party. The left doesn't actually like Biden, he's just a useful idiot for their cause. Those on the left who aren't full-blown wingnuts may gravitate to a third party candidate.

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