Well over 40 here, since the early 80's or earlier. My dad was former MI and was influential in me questioning everything. GHWB picked for VP was when I knew it was all rigged.
I met him a few times and went to school one year with his son Robbie!
Same here, grew up in late 60s and 70s, can't remember ever having a key to the house and it wasn't until the late 70s and 80s that the house was locked when we left. I am lucky enough now to live outside of a small rural community in a rural state and do not lock my doors unless I am leaving for overnight. While at home my keys are all in my vehicles, but I live on a private road with great neighbors, with 3 of 8 properties on the road being Marine Corps vets, we are very aware of who comes and goes.
The feds destroyed, jailed, filed bogus charges and demonized all of the militias in the 90's and most disbanded went into hiding. I am not sure if trying to start or join one would be a good idea or just make you a target. Form neighborhood/ community alliances behind the scenes and keep a low profile. I am in one of the Wild West states and my neighborhood had 8 homes in a valley about 800 acres or so and we are all close and got each others backs. 3 of us are Marine vets, and a couple Army vets and Navy and Air Force as well. I know if anything goes down here we are all ready to defend and keep the peace in our neck of the woods. That is the safest way as far as I am concerned, the feds seem to have such a surveillance apparatus that any attempts to organize are infiltrated and stopped.
optics, feeble ol Joe has been an act and diversion all along. I don't think they think the dems will win this time and damage control from any investigations in the next administration can be done with the stroke of the pardon pen. That and the ability to pardon himself is questionable.
he has to resign so Kamala can give him and the other family members and dems a pardon. Part of the plan all along I think.
hahahahahaha, can't quit laughing at these virtue signaling losers. They really have NO clue!