Why hasn't this dude shown any evidence? He says he identified devices .. how? What type? I'm assuming cell phones, but how is he getting that data? Show it to us, put it on the table.
I fully believe him, but just saying something doesn't mean shit anymore.
From what I saw on the news this morning, it's already cleaned up.
Also, the democrats I talk to aren't liking Hamas, but they don't like Israel either.
You assume I support anyone? I'm 66 years old and have three daughters who are in their late 20s and work full time and have their own homes and families. My wife works full time and we make excellent money, but I'm not turning down any supplies on people.
If your only argument is that they're going to raise taxes, you've already lost people. One of my daughters is very liberal, teaches at a small college, etc etc. She is actively hoping taxes get raised and most of her friends feel the same way. They want to pay more in taxes so they can get 'free' health care and better support for whatever. She told me with a straight face that if she could get free health care and there were programs for the homeless and veterans, she'd gladly give up half her paycheck - she's in upstate New York, so she already gives up close to half anyways.
There has to be a better approach to turning people away from Kamala, this whole she had sex with people and she's black isn't scaring anyone at all and in fact I've heard her and her friends cheer on those things. They want her to come in and wreck everything the same way we wanted Trump to come in back in 2016 and wreck everything.
This election got 100X harder when she stepped in. I do a lot of work in the inner city and it was like a switch flipped. I saw Harris signs suddenly pop up everywhere and people wearing shirts. I saw a few Trump signs here and there before, but this was a literal wave of signs.
I honestly think talking down to Harris because she's a woman or ethnic or whatever is going to be a huge mistake. Trump needs to treat her like any other dude and go after policy and all of that.
The entire dem base is prepared to scream racist and all of that and a lot of people listen to that these days which is crazy.
I was at Charlotte last night and didn't see anything like that. I was part of a vip group and we saw Trump arrive and it looked like standard SS.
Jones isn't really a good source for anything.
Yeah I saw that, I have done work at the treasury, it's shocking how often that bell gets fucked with. They just spray wash it clean and move on since it's a replica from the 60s.
His company just effed half the globe for the whole weekend, I'd be choking and freaking out too.
What if congress makes a bill to hurt me?
Yeah, and let's be real. Do you think one of the top people at the FBI would be sitting right behind Trump on camera doing anything? That's retarded.
Pop the entire quote into any search engine and have a read.
Do your own research, as we say.
So, the first picture, I pulled up other images of them. I don't think the one of the right in that is supposed to be a different person, it's just wrong and showing the same person twice.
Here are the two people it is talking about: https://s.abcnews.com/images/US/abc_james_foly_siblings_kb_140822_16x9_992.jpg
When what you post is as blatantly wrong as that, I'm not even going to engage in the rest because that is a really bad dropping of the ball on just basic facts.
Also, just google James Foley's Sister and you will find both pictures in the one you linked labeled as her.
No, you're not getting it.
The first part is Garfield, and he said that about 18 months before he died.
The second part is taken from a Kissinger speech many, many years later.
It's a mish mash.
Dude, people were in line because it was a parade and they were all standing there. These photos and the whole thing is so silly. Have you ever been in any major tragedy? People run around like idiots and some just stand there in shock and don't move.
I would take a hard look at the photos you're linking of the kids. Actually look at the faces and the photos. They are not the same people.
Except that whole second half of the quote is from Kissinger.
Do you not understand how police investigation works? They can't just throw security footage online once the cops take it.
Those photos are ridiculous, they're taking women with brown hair and similar features and saying they are all the same. Look closely at those pictures on the first image, all four of those women have different shaped faces and heads. It's using far off blurry photos to make them seem similar.
The next photo just circles a super blurry blonde woman wearing glasses and swears it's another girl.
Also for Charlottesville, you can't imagine that? My wife was a photographer for 25 years with different papers and did weddings. She carried two cameras at all times, a short lens and a long one - especially back when she was still shooting film. But with that photo, the car passes and she bends down and takes the picture, well takes like 150 pictures and chooses the best one.
Oh, I didn't see the social work board part, I've only seen all the screenshots of his linkedIN that were all over the place yesterday.
Yeah, people were posting his linkedIN which was still up. He is some sort of financial counselor/advisor at PNC for the sales team. Before that he ran sales at Heinz.
I dunno man, I have a hard time with the whole crisis actor thing. My kids all went to Marjory Stoneman Douglas in Parkland, FL. Two of them were in the school during the shooting there and one was interviewed by the news afterwards and she sounded pretty dumb, she stammered through how the guy was a loner and it sounded crazy scripted, but I know who my daughter is.
I went to the funerals because a lot of those kids were my kids friends. My wife is friends with the social worker who went to the shooter's house to talk to him before the shooting.
There are too many real world events to make that all faked. I totally understand the whole false flag being someone sent in a shooter and covered it up, but I don't buy into the whole thing about the entire town around Sandy Hook being fake and full of actors. They said the same about our whole neighborhood.
Hell, Alex Jones called out two of my neighbors as crisis actors and I've known them for 30 years and I know one of their kids died because I drove the wife to the police station to ID the body.
But now you'll just call me a shill or whatever and write this off.
It says Counselors, not therapists. One of my daughters is a counselor at a hospital, she counsels people on quitting smoking. My brother's son is a counselor, he helps CEOs manage investments - pretty sure that is what his dad does according to his linkedin.
Where does it say the brand in that article? I have a full fiberglass and aluminum ladder that size and it weighs about 25 lbs, my daughter moves it around with ease. I paid $150 for the ladder 20 years ago and I brought it home in my 1993 Mustang GT, I fed it through the laid down seats, and just tied it down and tied down the trunk, like 5 feet hung out.
I've been getting emails from his campaign saying Saturday night was going to be the biggest night of the campaign and he had a huge announcement, I think they thought it was the VP announcement
That above picture turned out to be fake
His dad is some sort of salesman for PNC
When I was in the academy we had this gritty instructor who was a marine forever, he was around 65 years old. I was 21 at the time. But we were doing baton training - this was 45 years ago so it was actually nightstick training. But one of the guys had the leather tether tied around his wrist and the instructor, no shit his name was Doc Pain because he was a field doctor and was a sniper, but he engaged that dude and twisted the baton away from him and broke his wrist in the process.