yPree 2 points ago +2 / -0

My girlfriend and I got very sick. We researched 12mg of ivm twice a day for 4 days and were perfectly well by the 5th.

I also recommend the product: FluFix (Amazon) As an addition to everything already that should be taken.

yPree 2 points ago +2 / -0

I appreciate that from JD Vance but talk is cheap. Only time will tell.

yPree 2 points ago +2 / -0

That can most definitely play a role then but it still boggles my mind a bit. Did they say why they were administering a benzo? I had no idea this was going on in the UK. There has to be some bogus reason that they made by now I assume? I’ll have to do some research of my own now.

yPree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Moderation is key and don’t take shit that isn’t yours. Seems like an easy concept but many may fall victim to it. However, the wd is more worrying than taking any benzo imo. I don’t come across deaths while they are actively being researched. However, if not taken properly, wd will definitely be waiting for you. Not so much like painkillers where you can simply stop breathing in your sleep from taking too much or even mixing it with something by-accident but in terms of wd, painkillers won’t kill you. Which is what I was trying to explain-ish? Benzo is relatively safe, and that comes with tons of caution Ofcourse. Very similar to alch use but still doesn’t make sense to me why these people were essentially being given something like midazolam for covid? What came after? Is it so the patients didn’t fight back? But yes they are not safe, nothing is. However many people need them and use them in moderation as prescribed. It can most definitely get dangerous fast. Too much of anything can take you. Never touch benz unless strictly under your doctors orders. Anxiety isn’t fun and neither is benzo wd.

yPree 5 points ago +5 / -0

Precisely. It’s a benzo. Also used for anxiety disorder, panic and sleep.. however. Midazolam alone is safe, unless given extremely high amounts? They were essentially given Xanax for those not too familiar with midazolam, but I don’t see how a benzo could aid at all in treating COVID? Unless they did things to those patients once they were heavily sedated? I don’t think midazolam is to blame here. The real question is what happened after? What was their excuse for using it? I study a lot of these chemicals and this makes absolutely no sense.

yPree 32 points ago +34 / -2

I’ve been saying this. I honestly don’t believe Putin would have waited until he was over Russian land to make moves. This is Putin we’re talking about. I feel this could either be a ploy to fake his death or the US definitely played a role here. Putin has been in power for as long as he has because he’s a very intelligent man. There’s more to this story. The liberals want to believe this aircraft was shot down by Russia. I’m not buying it.

by Cuzzo
yPree 8 points ago +9 / -1

Kanye album cover “COMMS” 😂

Just a funny tweet folks.

yPree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just saw this, can’t believe they made a movie about it. It comes off so fake.

yPree 5 points ago +5 / -0

AI still has a long way to go. With how new truthgpt is, I’m willing to see where it ends up in 6 months to a year.

yPree 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe they have always had these bans in place, however.. very rare. You must have had to say something?

yPree 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is true, however.. I can’t help but think Joe was somehow behind this. Also, I believe Hunter was with them at the time but survived the crash.

His previous wife, died in 1972.. he then re-married in 1977. 🤷🏽‍♂️

yPree 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel blessed just reading this. That’s got to feel like a miracle. I’m sure your family can finally get some rest knowing he’s fine. God bless y’all foreal man. That’s amazing.

yPree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Surprised more people aren’t talking about this. I have invested thousands into crypto, however.. I can’t help but feel like something seems completely off lately. Does anyone know how much Btc the US government is currently holding?

I’m sure they would be able to manipulate the markets.

Here’s what really confuses me. They continue to destroy the dollar. It seems as if they really don’t care. Which is driving a lot of new people to buy bitcoin at a very high price… I just feel like we’re going to be blind-sided. I refuse to sell my bitcoin, but I’m also not buying anymore, been awhile now.

Worst case scenario, if I lose my bitcoin.. I’m still fine but I don’t see cbdc and bitcoin working in harmony. (They can, Ofcourse but I don’t see our government allowing that to happen)

yPree 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t think you fully read what I said. I know it has nothing to do with them being sick. What I want to know, is why now and what are they saying to justify these actions?

yPree 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don’t understand, how are they able to push this vaccine on live stock? I’m legit confused. What is their reasoning for it? Animals aren’t getting sick. They definitely aren’t getting sick with “COVID”. It’s super random and I know democrats get away with anything but how do they justify this?

yPree 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love hearing other sides. However, I’m going to side with Robert Malone here.. I got a lot of information watching that and also reading the comment after.. however. One comment that really jumped out was:

“ This video makes a lot of claims that experts (at least that I respect, such as Dr. Judy Mikovitz) refute. In her case, she attacks the notion that viruses don't exist as a molecular biologist - Dr. Andrew Kaufman is well read but apparently has no professional experience there. I'd like to hear the two of them duke it out one day.

Another claim this video makes is that THE mechanism for Ivermectin attacking a parasite is by focusing on a living cell's functions, not a dead (virus) that has no functions. RFK Jr in his book "The Real Anthony Fauci" mentions there are twenty known mechanisms of action for Ivermectin against parasites, not one.

This video makes a false evaluation about acute toxicity. 50mg/kg is the acute toxicity level (meaning suddenly toxic, easier to draw conclusions with than chronic toxicity, which takes a long time to develop.) In fact if you look up acute toxicity for just about anything (water, air, iodine, sodium) because it's well established you need the right amount of anything, too much of anything is toxic. Based on acute toxicity, further research dials back that number a LOT to evaluate potential benefit or harm of the drug (hence therapeutic dose of Ivermectin is 0.2mg/kg or 250x less than acute toxicity dose.)

Looking at the PubChem is somewhat cherry picking. Not wrong, but also not in context. The purpose of Ivermectin is a temporary system cleaner. Like fasting, a colon irrigation, or antibiotics, you don't see a lot of long-term or high-dose studies for the obviously bad things that happen.

Yet another example, referring to parasites consuming toxic metals in your body - those parasites linger until they die. Assuming dead parasites simply leave behind a bunch of toxic metals in your body kinda neglects to recognize the purpose of the liver, which detoxes you with sufficient bile (if you are not deficient in Iodine, among other things.) Without killing the parasite, the liver can't get rid of them or metals.

Germ theory is no less valid than Terrain theory - but neither are the whole story. You need to explain illness with the presence of an infectious disease and the weakened neurological system. The fact that some adhere only to one or the other is the idiocy (or arrogance). How relevant one or the other is to explain an illness is a case-by-case evaluation, but in general our immune systems are probably worse than our grandfathers, nor can that be instantly restored, so we should have a look at those parasites, too”

And to add, I have a full blown family, no one was vaccinated and whenever we felt anything coming on, it did wonders. I don’t remember going this long without being sick? I have a mother who relied solely on ivm and she has chronic Lyme, fully paralyzed and had no issues. Obviously, some people may experience different effects? I’m sure but overall, I’m team ivm. Too much leaning on the positive for now. We have a ton of shit from hcq, ivm, fenbendazole, CD/MMS, etc. ivm has been our goto.

yPree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keep us updated! Bless you and your family. I hope your brother returns home safely. If only there was something I could assist with. Try not to think the absolute worst. Dig through any possible info you could find. There must have been someone he communicated with? He had to get an idea from someone or somewhere I assume?

God is with you fren!

yPree 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only people claiming to abandon trump never supported him the in first place. I’ve never seen such a huge spike in support from what should be a negative event. Trump 2024

yPree 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Make it believable”

You sound like a fed and based your karma history, I’m good. Bother somebody else. I have nothing to prove to you.

yPree 9 points ago +9 / -0

They have no chance. They think they saw us angry during January 6th. I’ve seen liberals comparing January 6th to 9/11. They are delusional. Do they honestly believe J6’ers forgot to arm themselves? 😂 That was never the intention. In regards to those protesting, it was very peaceful. The left has never seen us angry en mass. Not yet…

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