yudsfpbc 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's the problem.

If you can't trust your neighbors, you can't trust the government, and you can't have a society.

It used to be we understood this. A vote represented a man's willingness to posse up.

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our political ancestors had a solution for people who don't pay taxes: Don't charge taxes!

The Jeffersonian model is to only tax imports. This provides the funds to secure the border, because you can only tax imports if you secure the border!

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't care whether my neighbor is really Bill Smith or not

I only care that he stays off my lawn

If we enter into a business transaction, all I care about is that he holds up his end and I hold up my end.

Identity is overrated. We proved a long time ago that we can have a functioning society on the internet with anonymity.

yudsfpbc 3 points ago +5 / -2

If you think someone is voting who should not be -- then point at them and accuse them of a crime.

It used to be we have polling stations in precincts small enough that everyone knew each other. We should go back to that. No anonymous voting. If you don't live in the area, and people don't know you, you don't get to vote.

yudsfpbc 33 points ago +36 / -3
  • SS was never meant to be used for ID
  • We should NEVER have ID in the United States. No, it's the other way around: The government needs to prove to US who THEY are.

There is only one reason and ever one reason for the government to try and identify someone, and that's when they have evidence that a crime has been committed, and they suspect someone of committing it. THAT'S IT.

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Welfare is DEFINITELY the role of the church, NOT government.

People complain about the separation of church and state being violated, but are more than happy to have the state take on the role of moral advocate and social welfare.

yudsfpbc 3 points ago +3 / -0

How to balance the budget:

Step 1: Read Article 1 Section 8.

Step 2: If a dollar spent does not line up with Article 1 Section 8, then don't spend it.

Step 3: Profit wildly.

In reality, we should have ZERO taxes except tariffs.

There should be NO federal "safety net". That is communism.

We should cash out Social Security and Medicare. Just write a check to everyone based on how much the program is worth them, and be done with it forever.

yudsfpbc 10 points ago +10 / -0

Whatever happened to Article 1 Section 8 which lists the FEW ENUMERATED things that the federal government can do, with the obvious implication that EVERYTHING ELSE is forbidden?

yudsfpbc 5 points ago +5 / -0

They were all disarmed

What do you think is going to happen when a man with a gun walks into a crowd of unarmed people?

yudsfpbc 4 points ago +5 / -1

The deep state is being controlled by someone or some group of people

If only there was a way to find out who was in control of the world

Maybe Jesus warned us about them?

I need to check what he said in the Bible again...

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +1 / -0

R = RINO, and it's been that way for a while.

Any R who actually advocates for America are considered far-right extremist lunatics.

yudsfpbc -1 points ago +4 / -5

You can't. You really can't.

If Trump ran on Americanism, he wouldn't be allowed on TV at all.

Instead, Trump has to further "the cause" if he wants to get any air time at all.

Trump is not going to save America. Anyone who thinks he can is retarded and ignorant of history. There is only one Person who can save America, and we have to put our trust (faith) in Him alone.

So don't defend Trump. Especially to strong Christians. Just tell them to put their faith in Christ and cast their ballot according to their best conscience.

yudsfpbc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now the Rs are advocating communist policies too.

They've been doing this for a long, long time now.

yudsfpbc -1 points ago +3 / -4

Your friend is not wrong.

It's long past time to ditch the republican party and start a true American nationalist movement, based on American values. Something like the Whig party but not so naive.

The fact that a certain group of people fear for their lives should Americans ever control their government again gives you all the information you need.

yudsfpbc 4 points ago +4 / -0

If Trump is killed, even more people will begin singing "The Federal Government is null and void because they violated the constitution." When this hits a critical mass, then the majority of the people will understand that the federal government is not OUR government, but an occupational force of foreign interests.

People will start mustering the militia across the country to preserve order in their areas. The militias will elect officers. Those officers may or may not decide to implement martial law in their area. Then we get a reenactment of the English Civil War as the federal government tries to convince the military to fight militias who are literally standing around doing nothing except preserving order during this period of chaos.

After the first major battle between the militia and the "military", then all hell breaks loose as the militias are ordered to raid and strike military targets and capture government offices and targets. If the government tries to use their air superiority or nuclear weapons, then the militias start reaching out to Russia and others for help to counteract that threat. We invited thousands of Frenchmen to fight with us in the Revolution. We can invite whoever we want, and so far only Russia seems to be uncompromised.

It's going to be a war where the people refuse to do what the government says anymore, and takes measures to make federal laws unenforceable. They rely on us bowing at their altar and worshiping them. We're done with that.

Imagine Afghanistan x 1000, except this time there is nowhere for soldiers to go home to after they get injured or killed, and no one is signing up to fight. Or do you think the military is going to show up in Redneck, TX and convince a bunch of young men to get on the truck to go to boot camp to learn how to fight militias in Redneck TX?

In reality, the Supreme Court is doing more to ensure the union stays together by severely hampering the government's ability to regulate and enforce regulations. If they keep it up, we might not need a civil war at all, as we can just tell the feds to "go home" because they have no power (and never did.)

We just want to be left alone. As long as they keep poking the hornet's nest and nothing comes out, they think they are safe. One day something will come out.

yudsfpbc 3 points ago +3 / -0

During the Wall Street riots back near the 2000s, the cops would protect the communists from the people.

The purpose of the police has never been to protect the people. It's to protect criminals from the people.

We used to enforce our own laws. The police were not even a concept at the beginning of this country's history. Watch old westerns (the black and white ones) and you'll see that we had ways of dealing with cartels and criminals that didn't involve courts or judges.

yudsfpbc 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am a strong proponent of not allowing democrats to own arms or defend themselves. Traitors don't get to carry guns.

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude, we have an actual historian reporting what happened to the Britons, and why the Angles, Saxons and Jutes suddenly took over the island that Rome couldn't even conquer.

You're citing a BBC promo for a TV show as a source.

yudsfpbc 20 points ago +20 / -0

The Anglo-Saxon people are completely ungovernable. "They" don't want them, or their political ideas, to survive, because it is the antidote to what they are pitching.

Once the Anglo-Saxon people realize this, a switch flips in their brain. All of a sudden, they don't care about words like "Racist" or "Anti-semite". All of a sudden, they start noticing skin colors and ethnicities. And all of a sudden, they start calling for deportation.

We built western civilization. We ARE Western civilization. We brought Europe out of the Middle Ages into the Information Age.

We were sold a bill of goods and we want a refund now.

Read Kipling's "When the Saxon began to hate". Also, ask a historian whatever happened to the Britons. Where was William the Conqueror buried? Who was Cromwell and why is he important to people like George Washington?

There is a reason why the rest of Europe HATES the Anglo-Saxons. There is a reason why we had to deforest our tiny island to build a fleet to conquer the world. There is a reason why they know better than to trust us.

There is only one thing we are willing to kill for.

It's way past time for people to wake up to their Anglo-Saxon heritage and history, and remember the genetic memories that have been passed down for 1500 years. WE KNOW WHAT MUST BE DONE, AND WE ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE ABLE TO DO IT. God save us all.

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