Our goal in this movement is to END Nazism and Communism. Our enemy is the Church of Satan - the house in which men like Weinstein, Schumer, Weiner, Dershowitz, Epstein etc. who claim to BE Jews (Though they are not) go to worship.
An enemy of “the Jews” is an enemy to me, to Trump, to this movement, and an affront to God’s Will.
So I say this again. Nobody wants to hear bullshit peddled by neo-Nazis. Anyone who tries to sell “Zyklon” here is a liability and NOT part of this movement. The Israeli people must be FREED from the dominion of evil that subjugated them, along with everyone else in the world - and barbaric heathens that hate Jews will not accomplish a damn thing except the scapegoating of a culture, faith and heritage against the wishes of God.
“Jew hate” is a worthless, steaming pile of shit. It is not meant for this place. Period.
How long must we suffer gaslighting? The same people that put Hitler in power, are the ones who have been corrupting our country and Europe.
The children of Israel are those who believe on Jesus Christ. Many, many scriptures confirm this Truth. The edomite Jews, propagated by Esau, are those who say they are jews but are not. They converted to Judaism so that they could fool people into believing that they are God's chosen. See how it worked on you? The people that live Israel today, but not the whole majority of them, will be tasting the full cup of God's wrath. Go try to worship Christ in Israel, if you don't believe me. Or just read the Bible.
Are Edomites the same or separate from Khazars? Interesting to think that there are fake Jews that have been deceiving about their identity ever since Esau.
If you believe in the Talmud I will always struggle to trust you. Talmudic Judaism was born in Babylon and reflects their gods and customs including human sacrifice/cannibalism. It's the most inherently racist, elitist, and evil doctrine ever created. It is not the religion of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, or any of the Old Testament prophets. And certainly not of Christ. This was the religion of the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin whom Jesus said were "children of (their) father the devil" and were "filled with dead men's bones."
The Talmud teaches that non-Jews are worth less than dung in the eyes of its god, who many from that sect have admitted is Satan/Baal/Moloch. It's a system of loopholes whereby one can continue to claim innocence and piety while still committing the most heinous of atrocities. Wanna rape a child? That's fine. As long as it's not a Jew child. Or if it's under 2 (then it doesn't matter either way). Want to commit adultery? Sure, we can make that happen. Want to enslave entire nations with usury? Non-Jews are fair game.
Why do Talmudic Jews argue they didn't kill Jesus? Had Jesus not been a Jew they would have admitted it outright. And they would have killed him outright--not viewing that as a sin at all. But since technically they got the Romans to do it for them, they claim innocence, as the Talmud affords them that loophole.
Now with that said, I find it both unwise and inaccurate to label our enemy as "the Jews." They've managed to brainwash the entire world into calling anyone who questions them an anti-semite, and if we want to win people to our side and finally vanquish this ancient foe (which is not a people--racism is not Christian--but a belief system and an organization), it would do us well to be specific and to choose our words carefully.
In other words, OP is right; our enemy is the church of Satan. The cabal. The Illuminati. And all its subsidiaries and minions. The child fuckers and vampires of old. Are they Jews? Kind of. Does that matter? Not really. Because only THOSE ones matter, and we have plenty of other non anti-semitic sounding names for them and there's no point in making this any harder for us than it already is.
Talmud is not legit.
Neither is evolution, yet look at what the world’s religion is.
I would agree, but it doesn't matter what we think. Some people believe it.
Who were the Bolsheviks?
Baalsheviks.....change the spelling it gives clues
Just want to blatantly abuse my mod power for a second and sticky a clarification on where we stand regarding "The Jews" on this .win.
We don't want to stifle genuine honest discussion. If "The Jews" are relevant to a topic then it's fine to bring them up in the same manner that it's fine to broach any controversial topic. We just ask that you do so in a fact-based and respectful way that recognises the reality that anti-Semitism has been historically used by our true enemies as a tool to stifle The Great Awakening.
If you disagree with this point of view then perhaps it's best to see this as a strategic move. We want to be an "outward facing" representative for Q, and that does mean sanding off some of the rougher edges for the normies. This movement and the internet as a whole is a big place, and there is room for all forms of discussion in different places. That is how we want to do it here and we are getting great feedback.
I don't have hard and fast rules for you. "I've noticed a lot of these people are Jewish" is obviously fine, and "Fuck off Kike" is obviously not but there is a grey area in between that we are willing to walk to an extent. We know it when we see it, and when we see it we remove it. If you're unsure just hit that deport button.
As always we are willing to answer questions and clarify further.
Absolutely agree. I am of the opinion that anyone who truly holds these beliefs should be able to recognise both the division in the movement they create and the way they are used as a shield by the enemy to deflect blame and conversation. With that in mind they should be able to see the strategic value of pursuing other avenues of exposure in service of our ultimate goal: victory.
Save Israel for last ?
Is this a Mossad sponsored post?
Some notes from someone who has endured the Nazis for years over at Voat.
They're democrats. They're leftists. They pretend, through concern trolling, that they're part of the Q movement, but they hate Trump and they hate Q and anons. To them we're "Qultists" and "Qtards".
All their minority hatred is EXACTLY the democrat platform. Their talking points are the KKK. The KKK is a democrat institution. They're the same mindset who wanted to keep the institution of slavery, to rebel against the 1964 civil rights act. They're the fools who required military intervention to allow minorities to attend schools.
Voat touted itself as a free speech platform, but it wasn't. When a billionaire throws spare pocket change at a flock of paid consensus crackers who hound your every comment, gaslighting you (along with DARPA AI bots) ... that isn't free speech, it's the farthest thing from it.
United we stand. Divided we fall.
Hate Jews. Hate Christians. Hate Muslims. Hate blacks. Hate whites. Hate browns. Hate men. Hate women. Hate straights. Hate gays. Hate bis. Hate Republicans. Hate Democrats. Hate conservatives. Hate liberals. Hate everyone.
Who benefits from all the hate?
If a person's actions earn hate, then hate they shall have. Be careful with your tar brush, though, for it can slather the innocent as well. And then you are no better than the ones you profess to be wrong.
United we stand. Divided we fall.
Punish men for their own crimes, not for the crimes of others.
The cabal gains from it. It is an old game. Even the MSM uses it.
I disagree. Not all members of those groups think the same. There are many maga pedes among them, just as there are many dissenters.
Once we start writing off entire groups of people simply based on their 'identity', we lose valuable support for our country and our constitution. When someone loves freedom, dignity, and liberty but are turned away because of their label, we make it much more likely they will look for a more welcoming home - one the deep state is happy to give them.
I am, however, willing to separate and judge based on actions and beliefs. If someone - of any group - supports the CCP, the deep state, pedophilia, giving away our freedoms, etc., then I will gladly work to defeat them.
Pedes of all stripes must be united in our cause! This is a big fight and strong warriors are a necessity. If a person is true to the cause of freedom, of our constitution, then they should be welcomed. They deserve to be welcomed!
Oh, come on.
Based on what I just wrote, racism - REAL racism - is definitely not what I'm saying. It's not desirable. It's not wanted.
What is wanted is freedom loving people. People who defend our constitution. People who defend our God-given rights. People who judge others based on their actions, not their 'identities'. People who wish to live a life of self-determination free from deep state oppression or exploitation.
Doesn't matter what color they are. Doesn't matter what religion they are. Doesn't matter what orientation they are. If they are patriots, then they are welcome. If they are traitors, then they are not.
Access to white people isn't a right, if those people don't want spices in their food, that's on them, but you don't have a right to take away their lives, voice, rights etc.
I mean unless of course you were jewish, we can't let anti semitism fly.
This is truth. Political correctness is a club used to beat down dissent and encourage group think and discourage independent thought and expression. It's a blunt weapon wielded by the left and a damned effective one.
But we have to be careful not to fall into the same trap! We can't fight against their group think mandates if we are telling everyone they have to condemn all Jews/gays/blacks/whites/Christians/men/women/whatever, essentially creating group think of our own. Then we are no better, we're just tooting a different horn.
I am a HUGE proponent of research and questioning! And I love that Q says to go figure things out, to find proof, to look beyond the (often misleading) surface to dig out the truth! I don't think we should take anything as gospel, even that given to us by Q. Looking at the issues through an active, reasoned eye is the only way to find the truth. Being knee-jerk reactionists blindly following our own dogma makes us much too easy to lead & deceive.
If there are members of any group, Jews or otherwise, who are undermining our society, they absolutely deserve to be called out - ALWAYS! That's the only way we can fight the deep state, through directly confronting and disproving their lies. And anyone who uses false claims of 'racism' or any other -ism to shut us down cannot stand in our way.
But we have to be better than the deep state! Should we call out traitors? Yes! Always. No matter who they are. Should we tar every person who shares a particular label with the same brush? Absolutely not! Then we are no better than the evil we claim to fight.
Here's a thought lets just rid the world of all evil people. Don't make exceptions for race, creed, color, or ethnicity, and if one group suddenly isn't around any longer then who gives a shit that they are suddenly gone? They were after all mostly the evil ones.
It is illegal to notice, oy vey.
The puppet masters always have to have a boogy man that fits into some already preconceived mind set. Thank you. We can have discussion, but leave the hate at someone else's doorstep. You are right, it serves no purpose. By blaming an entire group of people for the misdeeds of the few in positions of power is ignorant and only causes distrust and hatred among those enslaved that need to unite to rid themselves of those who's only wish is to destroy us. That evil has no alligence other than to itself. When are people going to stop feeding into this arrogant hatred and realize they are being played?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.415 ? Nov 6 2018 01:09:41 (EST)
"There was a time when our children stood at attention, put their hand on their heart, and in one UNITED voice, recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. There was a time when STRENGTH and HONOR meant something. There was a time when standing for our FLAG meant something. There was a time when our history (heritage) was taught with PRIDE and RESPECT. There was a time when respect was given to those who serve(d), bled, and died to protect and defend our GOD GIVEN FREEDOM. There was a time when we were GRATEFUL. There was a time when these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, was UNITED. There was a time when these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, was UNITED UNDER ONE FLAG. There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, decided our future. There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, had a voice. There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, were UNITED and STRONG. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
"You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." "There is a point beyond which they must not advance." "We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness." -Ronald Reagan It is time, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim what is rightfully ours. Will you answer the call? Your Country needs you. Your VOTE matters! WE STAND TOGETHER. "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." – 1 Corinthians 16:13" Q
This Anti-Semitism reminder has a lot of anti-Semite comments
Because it's a faggy roundabout way to stifle free speech and the questioning of jewish supremacists.
Yup, that’s another one
Not only does one eat their propaganda but shove it down everyone's throat too?
I'm out.
Wait, do you mean the jews or "the jews"?
(((STAJBAN))) = Say They Are Jews But Are Not
Alexa, what is a Sabbatean?
As long as you know that we know that the board is censored, no one has an issue I think.
Thanks because I got tired of the focus on the zionist shit. More deepstate theater and missed the real mark
There must be limits. Evildoers, who thrive in rebellion, will always push the limits.
Will the same sentiments hold for any "anti-Christianity" and "anti-Muslim and "anti-Chinese"? Otherwise it will be "Jewish Privilege" to throw out the anti-Semitism label on anything that anyone disagrees with as a form of Censorship.
The truth of everything is about to be learned. Q followers know what is coming. Be very wary of those you're not allowed to criticize.
So will the guy who posts "Israel is a child smuggling country!" still be able to post everyday?
Q- be prepared ( some ) followers- roger, getting prepared Q- do your own research ( some ) followers- ok doing my own research Q- patriots have no skin color ( some) followers- ok, I’m just gonna ignore that part and continue being a bigot because it makes me feel better about never accomplishing anything with my life.
Zionism is one tool in the deepstate toolbox. Zionism isn't the central source of the human evil. To focus on them is to leave the rest unmolested which is what they want.
You mean like how TDW love using the term "RIGGER"?
I prefer more:
*Free Speech
*Variety of opinions
and Less:
*Gatekeepers (with albeit good intentions)
If someone says they don't like Jewish people, maybe we should try to understand why, or try to convince them otherwise.
Or live and let live.
That argument could be made for ANY group designated as the offender. This is Good vs. Evil and you can be damned sure 99.999995% of Jews have no hand in or the awareness of the destruction caused under their banner. But are you sure you understand what they have been through? Do you understand growing up with that? What about the children growing up within the Cabal? Do they even know Love? Be weary of becoming what you are fighting against.
How many Christian's call themselves that but kill, murder and live dishonest lives? It's not what people call themselves, it's what they do with their lives.
really?? how many Christians are murdering people around the world?
In fact, it's Christians that are being targeted, even in this country.
Did you know over the last 15 years, 500+ Churches have closed in the UK and over 600+ Mosques have opened.
It's happening. Christians are being target and REPLACED. They are under attack. Not Muslims. Not Jews
It's called a false equivalence.
I was on Voat for years talking to these idiots. at some point you have to realize that they are playing a sick game and nothing you say or do can change them because they are activist that are enthralled by hatred. A lot of theses neo jerks will be coming here because Voat is gone. be very wary about getting into any sort of racial discussion with them. they will actively seek to change this forums purpose.
I am an idiot I had to put ADL in a google search to understand what you said...you could be right about the neonazi shit actually being ADL operatives.
I would agree with that also. It will be a thing used to shut boards down. "Hey look at what this guy wrote on greatawakening, they are obvious nazis." They are heavy at poal. Worse than voat. They attack right off the bat aggressively. Could be antifa themselves.